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AuthorMulty Transfers
Transfer's protokol:
07-31-08 17:14: Received 13605 Gold from Arrash : mistake

In info Aravil says, that Arrash is his mult (i hav the skrin)
If you go into Arrash's Transfer log you see he received that exact same amount of money from another play under the description " 30% gift (leaving game ". It says mistake because that player gave the money to Aravil's side account instead of his main account, which was where it was intended to go. Therefore this is not a multi transfer, just a simple misunderstanding.
3.10.2. Any transfers, (including those through the market or through a third party), combats (including those with other players involved) and "Two Towers" games between multiple characters of one person are prohibited.
for Ksenobite:
Explanation: my friend Ralick stopped playing the game and send me 30% of his money. He made a mistake and send the money to my mult. I just transfered the money to the target; the same effect would be if Arrash transfered money back to Ralick and he trnsfered them to Aravil..

It wasn't any kind of financial profiting.
i did something like that before and my character was blocked. Both of them.
sorry. I wish this forum has the edit option. i just wanna add something to my post.

No financial profiting happened.
closed by Lexa (2008-08-25 19:46:24)
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