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AuthorPeople who post in American instead of English
I am annoyed with the people who post in American instead of English, like armor instead of armour, and what is more annoying is that the actual game is written in American and not English as the game using the American spelling of armor instead of the English spelling of armour, I know this as I am English so I come from England. I am sick of all the gaming websites which get American and the english language mixed up, they are almost identical, but not exactly such as the spelling of certain words like armour and colour, plus meaning of words, please will you in future make sure that you either say the official language is American as that is the language the website is in or make sure that the game is actually in English as if you don't believe me check out the internet fot the differences between the English and American language. I am bringing this up to your attention as I am annoyed by it and want it changed. I'm not insulting anybody including all the admins and game maker, but just bringing this to your attention as its a common mistake to mix up the American and English language.
"website" and "internet" are definitely not originally English words, go kill yourself now.
Even for me (for me English is a second language) you are making to many grammar mistakes in your text, so go kill your self the second time, philologist :)
Firstly there very few origionally English Words, as English is mainly a combination of the French language and Latin language, secondly I'm not complaining about grammer, but rather the spellings and meaning of some words like armor instead of armour that is a spelling one, not a meaning one.
I didn't get it man
now your are talking about English is not really a language but it's a combination of languages, so what's your complaining about? Guys like you are really pissing me off, talking like snobs about languages but kind of "not-smart" or "not-educated enough" to speak/write correctly
I have a question for you "armour" is Latin, French or English?
Which language do you speak, huh?
English is a language, just that its origins are mainly from French and Latin because the Latin part comes from the Romans, ie many english words have prefixes and suffixes, like sub, tele and photo which are from latin meaning under, far and light, and suffixes like gress, ject and pel, meaning to walk, to throw and to drive.
"Although many think of armour as coming into use with the age of the knights, hence "shining armour" of the Romanticism, the word only makes an appearance in English as a borrowing from the French in the Middle Ages dated from 1297, as a "mail, defensive covering worn in combat" from Old French armeure, itself derived from the Latin armatura "arms and/or equipment" with the root arma "arms or gear". The word was reintroduced into the English language with the introduction of metal-clad warship in the mid 19th century"
quote from Wikepedia
so then we should call it armeure i guess, english remade the word to armour, so why cant americans call it armor?

Whats your point, do you not understand the english in this game?
No we shouldn't because that is French, I have nothing against borrowing words from languages and changing them to put in a language, the problem I have is a language almost identical to one which it is based on and people getting mixed up and using the other languages version of it just because that language is named the same as the one it is based on even though it is slightly different and thus not the same language.
WarandMoney , I do not see why you are so bothered by this . This is a game , and it is not important which language we speak , as long as we understand each other . After all , even though it is American English , the main thing is that you understand it , yes ? If you understand it , that is the main important thing . This is again , a game , not some English lesson class or whatever , so just enjoy yourself . If you do not understand the lingo of a certain language/dialect/accent , you could always refer to other players .
Oh, your spoilt French word. French guys should be mad at you about that ugly re-made "armour" which you using instead of precious "armeure" :)
BTW why you think it's American English? Maybe it's Australian or you know Zimbabwe speaks English officially, maybe it Zimbabwe dialect :)
Australian is almost the same as British as far as I know:) Since the 1st inhabitants were originaly British prisoners.
to dommer: not taking sids or anything but could u not sat " go kill yourself" i understand how strongly u feel about it but thats not very nice
lol sorry that i spelt ur name wrong
yes, discuss is good. but dont get into flame, offend or insult any other party :) IMO, such topic was easy fall into those traps. make sure you can be cold when reply

so, those mods are watching. be a nice boy :)
u need a lil amount of tolerance when it comes to dealing with the various english dialects. It is for this reason, english has thrived so long (being versatile and accepting new dialects). Had english developed the same mindset (being offensive and highheaded) as u do, it wud have gone down the drain around 2 centuries ago... Even in its place of origin, England, it is spoken with different dialects over various counties. Hence, variety is the one thing which keeps English as the mostly spoken lang on the planet....... so stop being snobbish and get on with the game. only moan when someone speaks in a non-english lang to u (only).

and as azlyhasik put it, its a GAME not an ENGLISH grammar class...
Interesting thought
How you think American English has been brought alive? :)
You think it was some kind of magic :)
There were English colonisers too

That probably makes me not a nice person. I can deal with it :)
I know how it was brought by:) Kinda Americans where mostly Germanic tribes settled in and English language prevailed :)
The OP is just being picky. The reason that "English" is the official language of this game is so that everyone can understand one another. "American" is not actually a language, it's referred to as "American English" by almost everyone in the world (excluding you apparently). If you're going to be a purist about your languages, do it somewhere else, not here. In any case, if you have a decent understanding of English, you should be able to interpret any form of it, be it American, British, Australian, or any other country in the world that lists English as the official language.

Also, before you start getting picky about the nuances between American English and British English, you should really work on your grammar. It makes you sound like such a hypocrite.

And, if the OP was originally just trolling, congratulations on eliciting all of this response (as well as mine).
Normally I enjoy a good conversation about grammar and languages, but this is just developing more and more into trolling.

closed by Lord Agelage (2008-07-16 08:40:21)
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