My last theme have closed without explanations( ). The request have not satisfied. The secretary too has ignored the application. All that I can, it still time to repeat the request.
My character TiKiR (http: // id=963) Has been blocked. Without telling and without the weighty reason on that. Before infringements was not.
06-18-08 18:09: Player blocked. // foul language warid=745714 Other player SaNaNe. Which too talked on not game language (it has submitted on me the application) has not been punished, in any way.
I ask to unblock character TiKiR and to compensate monetary damage in 50000 gold for month during which could not get a job.
If the word validity of administration is not familiar. And character TiKiR will not be unblocked. I ask to transfer an opportunity of management of a clan *109 Anarchy (http: // id=109) to player TrOlL
(http: // id=269). It is impossible to leave soldiers without the chapter.
I ask to notify me on any the decision. Both negative, and positive. Thanks.
Ataman TiKiR. |