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AuthorPharlarphal and finkfinks
These two project themselves as siblings.. bro and sis.. but looking at their battle and transfer logs, we can clearly say that they are multi accts.

Pharlarphal - http://www.heroeswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4344549
07-13-08 05:00: Castle modified. Construction added: Graveyard.
07-13-08 04:59: Received 1000 Gold from finkfinks :
07-12-08 00:19: Received 2000 Gold from finkfinks :
07-09-08 05:29: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter pendant' [10/10] to finkfinks
07-09-08 02:23: Received item(s): 'Steel blade' [16/30] from finkfinks
07-06-08 14:24: Received 4000 Gold from finkfinks :
07-05-08 08:26: Castle modified. Construction added: Mansion.
07-05-08 08:26: Castle modified. Construction added: Magic Guild level 1.
06-30-08 15:19: Received 500 Gold from finkfinks :
06-28-08 05:35: Castle modified. Construction added: Demolished tower.
06-28-08 04:21: Castle modified. Construction added: Ravaged tombs.
06-28-08 04:21: Faction changed: Elf to Necromancer.
06-27-08 06:07: Castle modified. Construction added: Treetop shack.
06-25-08 22:44: Castle modified. Construction added: Blooming grove.
06-25-08 00:56: Registered. Faction: Elf.
finkfinks - http://www.heroeswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4343592

07-13-08 18:22: Received 90 Gold from Homyak : thanks again
07-13-08 04:59: Transferred 1000 Gold to Pharlarphal :
07-12-08 00:19: Transferred 2000 Gold to Pharlarphal :
07-10-08 18:33: Received 224 Gold from Llandon :
07-10-08 16:02: Castle modified. Construction added: Military academy.
07-09-08 05:29: Received item(s): 'Hunter pendant' [10/10] from Pharlarphal
07-09-08 02:23: Transferred item(s): 'Steel blade' [16/30] to Pharlarphal
07-06-08 14:24: Transferred 4000 Gold to Pharlarphal :
07-05-08 03:18: Castle modified. Construction added: Dark pasture.
07-05-08 03:15: Castle modified. Construction added: Magic Guild level 1.
07-04-08 00:18: Received 150 Gold from Faramir02 : sorry for afk
07-02-08 14:13: Received 60 Gold from Ymi : for help
06-30-08 19:14: Castle modified. Construction added: Hall of Intrigue.
06-30-08 18:55: Castle modified. Construction added: Warehouse.
06-30-08 15:19: Transferred 500 Gold to Pharlarphal :
06-26-08 21:46: Castle modified. Construction added: Marketplace.
06-26-08 17:07: Castle modified. Construction added: Labyrinth.
06-23-08 23:16: Registered. Faction: Dark elf.


battle logs in which they played together.. all in the last 3 days.. didnt bother to check their entire battle log.

We are sisters! thats what sisters do! they share! and u should check your facts! If you cant work out that we are both girls, what makes u think you've got anything else right?
you need to check your facts properly. we are real sisters....not brother and sister and we made the application and paid the gold in the game because we are not afraid for it to be known. Also we play games together and we also play games where we are on opposite teams and we have never had any complaints and we DO NOT favour each other in our fights we play for the team that we are on! We also play games at different times with different people due to the fact that we live in different countries and there is a time difference!! Before you post things such as this online you need to check all your facts. What right do you have to accuse us when we are following the rules and playing fairly? What right do you have to let people start doubting how we play the game and making things difficult for us? None! You emailed me and accused me of cheating and multi accounting and now you are posting in the forum. Please check your facts properly and stop making unfair accusations about people! And i dont recall any rules that say that as sisters we can not enjoy playing this game together without having people think they have the right to acccuse us of cheating!
oh plz....

i've provided proof on ur transfer logs upto date.. y play the Mr.Good Guy card now... ??? i have never abused anyone.. u r only trying to cover up your acts by pouring out ur emotions.. but have done NOTHING to refute the facts..
What do transfer logs show? That she sent me some gold and that I have sent her an amulet? Why is that cheating? I DO NOT need to cover up my acts at all because I have done nothing wrong. I do not appriciate people fabricating the truth and making unfair accusations, especially when you have no proper bais for your claim. If you wish to alert admin of possible cheaters then I do not believe that it should be done in such a manner that leaves the honesty of myself and my sister in doubt. That is not fair. As you say I have done nothing to refute your 'facts' because you have not presented any. Please pay attention to your own buisness and how you play the game and stop attacking innocent people who are playing the game fairly as well.
transfer logs say nothing! except that we share gold sometimes and have swapped an artifact with each other. WE are sisters and it is not cheating to send things to each other. you have abused us by telling everyone we cheat, which means people will not want to play with us. that is abuse if you are wrong! I have nothing against genuine complaints and people who voice them but I am not one of these and neither is my sister. you have not got the facts and if and when admin decides to check up on us, they will clear us because we are not 1 person but real sisters. And you will be left owing us a public apology and feeling embarrassed! Also you might note that I am online for about 12 to 16 hours and you will see my battle logs reflect this and my sister is online about the same but at opposite time and her battle log will reflect that. I must be a very amazing person to be able to be online for 24/7. And for so many days in a row! A REAL cheater would not be able to maintain the time frames which we have both have been playing. check it out, we have nothing to hide.
Since when are you allowed to share gold 0.o
Haha.. it seems that they give a confession themselves.. makes the admin job that much easier... 'sharing gold' ... rofl

and plz dont harass me (thro IGM) by asking for an apology on the forums..
YOU have been harassing my sister through personal messages and now you harass us both in the forum.
You can give resources to any one you want and that is not against the rules! I call giving, sharing, what would you call it! I guess that neither word is in your vocabulary.
we have given NO confession, and are not likely to!
admin will not punish us because we have done nothing wrong and you will be made the fool!
"We also play games at different times with different people due to the fact that we live in different countries and there is a time difference!"

- Pharlarphal (3rd post)

KingoChennai, if Parlarphal and finkfinks are telling the truth, they will be playing from different ip addresses (since they claim to be living in different countries). As far as I know, the transfer and combat logs do not show this information.

All that your evidence shows is that there are two accounts that share money and battle together. I'm sure the admins can see if they share an ip address.
@Heironymous... I can refute all her claims point for point.. than crying foul and demanding an apology....

1. Playing from a different IP/Country.. This can be easily simulated by playing one acct via a Proxy or Anonymizer (to be exact). perhaps if the admins allow it, i can demonstrate a scenario by creating N accts and claiming them to play frm N different locations.

2. She has been repeatedly saying I'm Sharing gold with loved ones/friends. If this were made legal by the game, then every MultiAcct would register an acct as their brother/sis/father/mother/blah blah blah and then claim that they gave the gold to their LOVED ones (gave/share.. whatever). where do you draw the line ???? Jus think abt it...
I would like to ask that until admin makes a ruling on this that KingoChannai kindly keeps his opinions to himself. I have re-read the the rules, and it is rule 3.14. that states 'Large transfers without cause and description are prohibited. All debts must be returned one month after receiving, or else the transaction will be regarded as violation of par. 3.6'. I am not sure what you concider a large transfer but in i do not consider the transfers that we have undertaken to be large and this rule clearly states that there is a month in which I have to transfer the gold back to my sister. Also we are not breaking rule 3.10.2 because we are not one person with multipule accounts.
There are many instances that have not been mentioned when my sister and I are both online doing our own separate battles and playing completely different games. I do not appricaite the continued harrasment from KingoChennai claiming that my sister and I are multi-accounts and breaking the rules. I find his attitude aggressive and offensive. So please, until the time that we have been proven innocent by admin of what you are accusing I would apprciate it if you kept your opinions to yourself. You have made your accusations know to admin in this forum and there is nothing else for you to gain by your continued harrasment and continued claims of our guilt. I have a right to play this game fairly and so does my sister. Please leave me alone!
i have stopped mailing u... and u (and the other acct) are the one who is hellbent on getting a public apology (else i wud be embarassed) by forcing me thro IGMs..

wat is this 'keep your opinions to himself'.. a forum is a place where i can say out my opinion.. u can oppose/defend/support my opinion but cannot ask me not to speak out. and REPORTING an incident is not HARASSMENT. plz refer the english dictionary, if need be.

quote : There are many instances that have not been mentioned when my sister and I are both online doing our own separate battles and playing completely different games.
my explanation : while using proxies, u can play two combats together.. so that you dont waste precious time.

i've already left u alone.. only responding to your allegations on the forum..
In most civilized countries around the world you are innocent until proven guilty.

The fact that kingochnnai has refused to go back to our logs and check them carefully says he has No regard for the accuracy of his own information. How many others have he falsely accused based on incomplete data?

We're not disputing the logs he posted, merely his conclusion that we are multi....

Unfortunately, after his post no one joined our battles, and now THE BURDEN OF PROOF IS ON US. So here is the proof!! I have posted a few days worth of our battles with names removed as that is not important. look at the times at which we have been battling.
Since you are obviously in capable reading beyond first appearances... how could we possibly remain awake to be in this many battles 24 hours a day! This kind of time frame is exactly what you would expect from 2 players on opposite sides of the globe. Even my 3 yr old knows that!

07-14-08 03:39: finkfinks 07-14-08 13:58: Pharlarphal
07-14-08 02:04: finkfinks 07-14-08 11:35: Pharlarphal
07-14-08 00:59: finkfinks 07-14-08 10:49: Pharlarphal
07-13-08 19:26: finkfinks 07-14-08 10:27: Pharlarphal
07-13-08 18:21: finkfinks 07-14-08 08:13: Pharlarphal
07-13-08 18:06: finkfinks 07-14-08 03:39: Pharlarphal
07-13-08 17:40: finkfinks 07-14-08 02:36: Pharlarphal
07-13-08 17:07: finkfinks 07-14-08 02:04: Pharlarphal
07-13-08 16:45: finkfinks 07-14-08 00:35: Pharlarphal
07-13-08 16:17: finkfinks 07-14-08 00:16: Pharlarphal
07-13-08 15:28: finkfinks 07-13-08 23:34: Pharlarphal
07-13-08 05:06: finkfinks 07-13-08 14:58: Pharlarphal
07-13-08 04:35: finkfinks 07-13-08 14:25: Pharlarphal
07-13-08 02:40: finkfinks 07-13-08 11:13: Pharlarphal
07-12-08 20:31: finkfinks 07-13-08 10:42: Pharlarphal
07-12-08 17:30: finkfinks 07-13-08 10:06: Pharlarphal
07-12-08 13:28: finkfinks 07-13-08 09:04: Pharlarphal
07-12-08 12:40: finkfinks 07-13-08 08:58: Pharlarphal
07-12-08 05:35: finkfinks 07-13-08 08:04: Pharlarphal
07-12-08 04:01: finkfinks 07-13-08 07:56: Pharlarphal
07-12-08 03:37: finkfinks 07-13-08 07:15: Pharlarphal
07-12-08 03:00: finkfinks 07-13-08 04:57: Pharlarphal
07-12-08 02:25: finkfinks 07-13-08 04:35: Pharlarphal
07-12-08 00:38: finkfinks 07-13-08 03:12: Pharlarphal
07-11-08 23:37: finkfinks 07-13-08 02:53: Pharlarphal
07-11-08 22:29: finkfinks 07-13-08 01:44: Pharlarphal
07-11-08 22:01: finkfinks 07-13-08 01:27: Pharlarphal
07-11-08 21:15: finkfinks 07-13-08 00:29: Pharlarphal
07-11-08 20:02: finkfinks 07-12-08 08:05: Pharlarphal
07-11-08 18:22: finkfinks 07-12-08 07:55: Pharlarphal
07-11-08 18:08: finkfinks 07-12-08 06:41: Pharlarphal
07-11-08 16:56: finkfinks 07-12-08 06:25: Pharlarphal
07-11-08 14:19: finkfinks 07-12-08 02:15: Pharlarphal
07-11-08 13:14: finkfinks 07-12-08 01:54: Pharlarphal
07-11-08 04:27: finkfinks 07-12-08 01:22: Pharlarphal
07-11-08 03:30: finkfinks 07-12-08 00:02: Pharlarphal
07-11-08 03:22: finkfinks 07-11-08 16:39: Pharlarphal
07-11-08 02:19: finkfinks 07-11-08 11:53: Pharlarphal
07-11-08 02:06: finkfinks 07-11-08 10:50: Pharlarphal
07-10-08 23:58: finkfinks 07-11-08 10:14: Pharlarphal
closed by Lexa (2008-07-14 20:27:02)
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