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Authorwow, this is the big multi!
master account:
he founded a clan with him sub-accounts:
look at master's transfer log:
last transfer from clan account:
07-12-08 16:12: Withdrawn 100000 gold from the #117 clan account
He bought full set of expensive arts for that money.

Admins please look at him and make a proper punishment.
Look at clan description - family.
You are angry, becouse we didn't invite you?
Or maybe becouse I pay more gold to Hands of Destination then Final Extasy?
Or maybe becouse I'm reparing my arts by myself, not sending them to Final Fantasy smith.

We made big gold transfers becouse we wanted buy first a thief invitation.
Now after introduce dotation system, we buy diamonds for me (It's forbiden?). Now I bought arts for this same reason. Im trying make as quick as possible Thieves’ Guild level 2, and give invitation to one clan member.
quick look at game rules:

3.9. Additional characters, created for any kind of support to the main one ("extrachars" later on), (e.g. resource and artifact keeping, trading, assists in combat or enrollment) are forbidden. All extrachars found will be banned, and the owner will be subject to penalty.
3.10. You may play with multiple characters, if you wish. However, abuse of this possibility is not welcome. All multiple characters must be independent; remember, that extrachars created for financial profiting of the main character are forbidden.
3.12. Additional characters are not allowed to make presents to anyone, or to pay clan entrance fees. When buying game items from other characters, the prices mustn't differ too much from the average market prices. Trying to wash the money through substitute parties is a serious violation leading to block of the additional characters and penalty to the main one.
3.13. Additional characters are not allowed to loan, lend or borrow any game valuables.

broken 4 rules. dont tell us that this is family. All signs tell that this is a big multi.
06-28-08 11:04: Received item(s): 'Hauberk' [40/40] from Gosia . Transaction price: 6000 Gold
06-27-08 12:09: Received item(s): 'Master hunter jackboots' [10/10] from Gosia . Transaction price: 1 Gold
06-27-08 11:30: Received item(s): 'Wizard cap' [35/35] from Zulu
06-27-08 11:28: Transferred 5000 Gold to Zulu : buy me wizard cap
05-25-08 23:03: Received item(s): 'Hunter shirt' [10/10] from Zulu
05-25-08 23:03: Received item(s): 'Hunter broadsword' [10/10] from Zulu
05-25-08 23:03: Received item(s): 'Hunter shirt' [10/10] from Zulu
05-25-08 23:00: Received 4011 Gold from Gosia :
05-24-08 16:53: Received 9448 Gold 1 Ore 1 Wood from Gosia :
05-24-08 16:53: Received item(s): 'Hunter broadsword' [10/10] from Gosia
05-24-08 16:52: Received item(s): 'Hunter hat' [10/10] from Gosia
05-24-08 16:49: Received 9465 Gold 1 Ore 1 Wood from Zulu :

'We made big gold transfers becouse we wanted buy first a thief invitation.'
and You started in may?
If you quote make it good.

06-28-08 11:04: Received item(s): 'Hauberk' [40/40] from Gosia . Transaction price: 6000 Gold

>mail quote: "Date: 2008-07-01 18:22:47 From: rapra
>Subject: sprzedam hauberka
>za 7600, noweczka. strasznie ciezko dorwac w sklepie, wiec kupilem dla kumpli z klanu do odsprzedazy."
>you offered me hauberk for 7600, and angry becouse I buy for 6000?

06-27-08 12:09: Received item(s): 'Master hunter jackboots' [10/10] from Gosia . Transaction price: 1 Gold
>06-27-08 12:08: Item returned: "Master hunter jackboots" [10/10] to Gosia
>06-27-08 12:07: Received item(s): 'Master hunter jackboots' [10/10] to be returned until 04-07-08 12:07 ; for 0 battles ; (repairing allowed) from .Gosia . Transaction price: 1500 Gold
>My wife mistake, I wanted buy boots not rent, so I send boots to her, and buy again, if you can count price was 1501 not 1.

06-27-08 11:30: Received item(s): 'Wizard cap' [35/35] from Zulu
06-27-08 11:28: Transferred 5000 Gold to Zulu : buy me wizard cap
>what is strange here? price?

05-25-08 23:00: Received 4011 Gold from Gosia :
05-24-08 16:53: Received 9448 Gold 1 Ore 1 Wood from Gosia :
>06-08-08 10:34: Transferred 14954 Gold to Gosia : back
> you again forgot about quote payback?

05-25-08 23:03: Received item(s): 'Hunter shirt' [10/10] from Zulu
05-25-08 23:03: Received item(s): 'Hunter broadsword' [10/10] from Zulu
05-25-08 23:03: Received item(s): 'Hunter shirt' [10/10] from Zulu
05-24-08 16:53: Received item(s): 'Hunter broadsword' [10/10] from Gosia
05-24-08 16:52: Received item(s): 'Hunter hat' [10/10] from Gosia

I alreaedy posted on forum about clan benefis.
All Clan have clan "bank" storing gold - for what?
In my opinion for help clan members i.e. buy buildings or arts, right after advance, not waiting. Better start on new level.
I also proposed about clan warehouse (depot) for keep arts, i.e hunter set.
Many Clan have full set for members to use in hard battles, but now there is no clan depot, probably there is choicen player who keep it, but he must be almost all online.
closed by Lexa (2008-07-13 22:48:38)
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