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AuthorThieves guild
Is here other chance to join thieves guild except with thief invitation from anorther player, if nobody is in thief guild, please?
there are no thieves in game
there are no thieves in game

look here:
Do you can read? There is NO thieves in game. In some period of time they can appear after administration sell invitation to someone
Do you can read? , if nobody is in thief guild,

Well, Fiot already said it, I'm just making it clear: Admins will send out invitations when they see fit. :)
Ok thank you for answer.
And, apparently, we can now join the thieves-guild by donating money. :)
80€ it seems.
i think 80€ for to become a thief is a bit expensive ^^
yet the first person who invests in the invitation and receives a spare one at the ThG 2 level will become very rich in this game - simply renting this invitation or selling it at any price he likes
there is no way to buy invitation exept real money? sux...
Are you sure?
Now is only one way for join to thieves guild - 80 diamons. But i think some day we can see thieves guild invitation at the market
There were no thieves in the game when he wrote that.
Of course there is at least one now =)
What is bouns for be thief guild member, except +X% initiative?
The usual xp and skill reward for every battle, as well as a chance to earn a few gp.
It means that Thieves' guild works as Mercenaries' guild ??
but you get thieves items for levling there and thieves items are pretty good

I guess it is almost the same..

You can see some battles in the combat log of Uliss.

The thief quests are against ''faction'' caravan.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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