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Authorstatue to increase morale
I am a knight and build my statue, so I can increase morale for an hour every 3 hours.. Since a few days it's gone.
So when going into my castle it's not in the list of buildings anymore.

Please assist/ solve.

Thanks in advance.
they took it away and made talents instead. u should have gotten a refund. this has happened 2 every1
See news "Talents":
Also we decided to abolish the temporary effects of castle buildings. Temp effects can be partially replaced by constant effects of newly introduced talents. Besides, such notions as "temporary effect" exert unfavorable influence upon faction balance; they should not be an option. Another negative factor is that players tend to limit their combat performance by the effect duration, for one hour once in three hours.

As a result, all buildings granting temp effects will be removed. Those who have already constructed such buildings will get a full refund of gold and resources spent. ([c] HWM administration)
closed by Smoker (2008-07-06 18:21:23)
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