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AuthorHeroes of Might and Magic
I've heard some players say they love 'Heroes of Might and Magic' game, but what is it? Is it a game like 'Heroes of War and Money' or a part of it?

Is there any web-site for 'Heroes of Might and Magic' game, or anything else?
it's the russian version of this game
Heroes of War and Money - the game based on Heroes of Might and Magic V
tis a spin-off from the might and magic series. both brilliant though imo.
i haven't played HOMM5 but i here this game was based on it. i only played HOMM 2 & 3 and i still playing 3 to this day :D
the Heroes of Might and Magic series is the gatest off-line TBS ever! there is a lot of communiti sites and so on about HoMM, here u link to one of them:
(sorry its russion, but i m to lazy to look enething else and this is one of the best)

There is a lot of games in Might and Magic world, not only HoMM but Might and Magic, Crusaders of Might and Magic and much more. Its a shame that 3DO company that made moust of that games come to bankrot =( (till now i fink there is only one game was mede not by them - HoMM 5 made by ubisoft)

I played HoMM 1,2,3(whit almoust all expansions),4 and MM 5,6,7,8,9

for navimegaman:
u are not only ho still playes HoMM 3 =)
i've registered in the website of it. i'm not sure that that site is right.

Do we need to download that game??
He is not the only one who plays homm 3:) Homm3 is the only good homm xD
plz answer my question
Heroes of Might and Magic is a game that's sold in your nearest computer store. look for it there.
actually you wqill probably only find as part of the HOMM complete edition. there are some torrents offering it's download, but i don't really know how those work so...
what's its cost?? Genadzz?
for speed_dragon:

have no idea, don't know where you are from.

Check Amazon http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000BYQJC8
and you can also check their official website:
torrents are free, just type HOMM complete torrent into google and something should come up
thnx u guys !!
Its a PC game. Those you buys from stores.
I have played Might and Magic VIII. But i play Heroes of Might and Magic V and IV
u need to play M&M VII, twas a godsend. number 8 was good but it was quite an eyesore and there wasn't really a 'good vs evil' concept. just plain old saving the world. number 7 looked so cool when you chose your side!
Howm is TOTALLY based on Homm.Im starting to think that maybe(I sincerly mean that)Howm is COPYING Homm.Try playing Homm(or those who didn't),and you'll feel as same as me.
well didn't the name kinda give you a hint?
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