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Author | Unfair fights |
Hi, i'm an elv of lvl 1.
The maximum of troops i can have is 14 forest keepers and 5 faeries.
When i get to "battles" and accept a fight, i'm always in front of guys that have 20 zombies and 10 skeletons, or 20 rogues (dealing more than 50 damage!!) and other incredible things like that.
HOW IS IT POSSIBLE?! | HOW CAN A LVL 1 GUY DEAL 60 DAMAGES WITH A BOWMAN?!!! 28 WITH A FARMER?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | higher lvls | The more troops you have, the more damage you can deal. You must just make sure you attack the opponent first, then you also have hight damage and the other looses troopst ( = lower attack.)
Hope this is usefull. | [Post deleted by moderator Arctic // Offensive post, caps abuse, flood (take a calculator)] |
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