I have not seen the rules that multiple characters are not allowed.Kindly block the accounts :WEAPONMASTER and Survajeet. |
multiple characters are allowed, but transfering between them is not allowed |
07-01-08 05:07: Received 1781 Gold from WEAPONMASTER :
07-01-08 05:01: Received 1950 Gold from Survajeet :
06-26-08 10:32: Received 84 Gold from WEAPONMASTER :
06-26-08 10:32: Received 249 Gold from Survajeet :
06-26-08 06:54: Received 55 Gold from Survajeet :
06-26-08 06:51: Received 270 Gold from WEAPONMASTER :
06-26-08 06:50: Transferred 100 Gold to WEAPONMASTER :
06-26-08 06:38: Received 175 Gold from Survajeet :
06-26-08 05:57: Received 206 Gold from WEAPONMASTER :
06-26-08 05:55: Received 219 Gold from Survajeet :
06-26-08 04:32: Received 241 Gold from Survajeet :
06-26-08 04:29: Received 233 Gold from WEAPONMASTER :
06-25-08 14:27: Received 242 Gold from WEAPONMASTER :
06-25-08 14:23: Received 462 Gold from Survajeet :
06-25-08 11:27: Received 267 Gold from WEAPONMASTER :
06-25-08 11:17: Received 241 Gold from Survajeet :
06-25-08 07:03: Received 271 Gold from Survajeet :
06-25-08 07:03: Received 1225 Gold from Survajeet :
06-25-08 07:01: Received 390 Gold from WEAPONMASTER :
06-23-08 09:02: Transferred 800 Gold to Survajeet :
06-20-08 05:52: Received 170 Gold from Survajeet :
06-20-08 05:51: Received 170 Gold from WEAPONMASTER :
06-20-08 05:18: Transferred 100 Gold to Survajeet :
06-20-08 05:15: Received 200 Gold from Survajeet :
06-20-08 05:12: Received 237 Gold from WEAPONMASTER :
06-20-08 04:07: Received 226 Gold from Survajeet :
06-20-08 04:05: Received 50 Gold from WEAPONMASTER :
06-19-08 14:48: Received 22 Gold from WEAPONMASTER :
06-19-08 14:37: Received 171 Gold from WEAPONMASTER :
06-19-08 13:56: Received 51 Gold from WEAPONMASTER :
06-19-08 13:54: Received 224 Gold from Survajeet :
06-19-08 11:53: Received 150 Gold from Survajeet :
06-19-08 11:50: Received 229 Gold from WEAPONMASTER :
06-17-08 03:44: Received 250 Gold from Survajeet :
06-16-08 14:08: Received 443 Gold from Survajeet :
06-16-08 13:14: Received 60 Gold from WEAPONMASTER :
06-16-08 13:12: Received 443 Gold 2 Wood from WEAPONMASTER :
06-13-08 04:10: Transferred 2 Wood to WEAPONMASTER :
06-12-08 06:44: Received 3 Wood from WEAPONMASTER :
06-12-08 06:17: Received 2 Wood from WEAPONMASTER :
06-12-08 05:14: Received 5 Ore from WEAPONMASTER : |
Okay thats my transfer log.
I did not read the rules when I joined.
I am ready to give the money made from the accounts back to the adminstrator.
But the adminstrator is lv 1 in the game so whom Do I TRANSFER the gold
collected to ? |
The total money made from these accounts comes to 11454 gold.
The money transferred to these accounts is 1100 gold.
further there was an announcement in the game :
"Also we decided to abolish the temporary effects of castle buildings. Temp effects can be partially replaced by constant effects of newly introduced talents. Besides, such notions as "temporary effect" exert unfavorable influence upon faction balance; they should not be an option. Another negative factor is that players tend to limit their combat performance by the effect duration, for one hour once in three hours.
As a result, all buildings granting temp effects will be removed. Those who have already constructed such buildings will get a full refund of gold and resources spent."
And I did not get back the refund.
So if I add the money spent on the temporary resources to the 1100 gold,the total is 5528 gold.
So the balance to be returned to the admin => 11454-5528= 5926 gold. |
closed by Lexa (2008-07-13 15:45:27) |