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Authorheroeswm.com & heroeswm.ru
This topic is created as the responce to the post http://www.heroeswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1832178&page=0#1534
(The idea of a reply came as soon as I saw that discussion, but didn't have the opportunity to form it into this post at that time, 11:40a.m. So, it goes only now, a little bit late maybe =)

Oh my.. don't start it all over again. Please don't turn this forum (note - a newly born one!) into the next repellent mess. Whimpering is like a plague and you know what it transformed the .ru game forum into.
I ask you - don't repeat the mistakes of the past. They (the mistakes) exist to make conclusions on them, not to repeat them over and over again =)
I address to everyone in general - this is a new server, a new game. A new Empire, at long last! (Well, I personally think that we are situated just in another province of good ol' Empire. I.e. 'Empire Capital' - is the main capital of the empire, and 'Great Capital' - is the main city of one of it's regions. Sorry for tautology. =) Yes, the main game concept is the same. It is still those Heroes of War and Money as we know them. Nonetheless, the map, the creatures, their names, characteristics and so on - all these details say that we are given a _new_ game based on the previous one, or something like that. Or, if you want smth habitual - consider it as HWM v2.0 =)
So, forget about .ru server - you are on .com! Use the opportunity to begin your adventuring life from the blank sheet, and just.. Play (exactly that - 'Play', not 'grind experience, skill, guild and what-not points' or something..) and have fun.
'Playing the game' is not the same as 'Winning the game'. The latter is just a result, while the former - is a process, and the endless one, I must admit. And when you change your approach to the Game - your gaming experience dramatically increase, either. Believe me. In a game, where 'draw' is not an option - there always will be the one who wins and the one who loses. The problem is - weird (and probably wrong) perception of 'winning/losing' concept by the majority of 'players' (at least on .ru server). They always want to win and never lose and so it leads to a conflict. But, this is subject of a separate debate, I suppose..

[quote]"The game is planned so, that Wizards will always be the strongest on almost any level... This is the fraction for players, who like to achieve their goals by investing real money to the game. With the upcoming miniartifacts they become unstoppable on higher levels."[/quote]
I bet the game is NOT planned in this way. What type of players this faction is 'dedicated' to - is described in the Factions section of game rules (http://www.heroeswm.com/help.php?section=37). I sincerely believe that all factions are equal, in general. And it all depends on the player itself - how he plays.
If I were in your shoes, ahem.. Sir Logan Merciless, the Participant of the Action "One Human Race", he who votes for the world without fascism & racism, I wouldn't even think of such sharp, intolerant expressions, not to mention posting it. =) When I saw the post above, then read your info - the first two words that sprang to my mind were 'double standarts'...
At first, I wanted to quote the citation "God give me strength to accept things I cannot change, courage to change those I can and wisdom to distinguish one from another''. But it has a slightly different meaning, not the one I wanted to lead. So, I'll just wish you patience and wisdom - to accept changes as they are _and_ not to make rashed conclusions. And, by the way, as another saying goes "If something goes wrong - start searching the reason inside yourself" =)
Good Luck to every one, and have fun!
P.S. Excuse me if I said something in a harsh way, but.. things are as they are. I've just expressed my opinion (and hopes) and, as always - open to discussion. The only thing I doubt is - whether the name of this topic was chosen correctly.
[Post deleted by moderator Merciless // ]
[Post deleted by moderator Merciless // ]
Thank you for concentrated good ideas and plain word. I agree with you in many things which you mentioned. Lets give ourselves another chance to play as it ought to be. Honour, kindness and patience!
Well said!
Much letters...About whining, what whined so and will whine, simply else all on small level turn gray, here is grow and begin..
You should reread his words carefully :)

Well said.
Also, it seems that the balance on this server differs greatly from RU. Good thing in my opinion.
for _Valeria_: But that here to reread? not this whining? I good but all rest...

And than here balance differs?
Sorry, could you PM your thought to me in Russian? I have no intention to offend you, nut your English is... well... quite hard to understand :)

And yes, the balance here is different from that of RU server.
[Post deleted by moderator Merciless // ]
"Please don't turn this forum (note - a newly born one!) into the next repellent mess. Whimpering is like a plague and you know what it transformed the .ru game forum into."(c)
Thats the main idea=)
1 gave us an exhortation I'd consider most appropriate.
There is no way to predict which faction is good at what game level, since there's some completely new balance here. Therefore, why don't we just have fun, communicate with each other and cut the **whining**.
Talking in persons is not necessary. I'm afraid, any .ru player could be a potential "whiner" - they got used to it! I hope, 1 gets read by as many .ru newcomers as possible.
[Post deleted by moderator Merciless // ]
[Post deleted by moderator Merciless // ]
[Post deleted by moderator Merciless // ]
[Post deleted by moderator Merciless // ]
[Post deleted by moderator Merciless // ]

I will be rather GLAD, if the game on THIS server gets a different development:) About "double standards" - this is nonsense. In-game fractions, such as elves, wizards and so on have absolutely NO relations with fascism and racism in REAL world. Don't ever twist one's words.

Deleted some of the replies.. I got used to blind typing in Cyrillic and tried to apply it on Latin keyboard, and still do some major letter misplacing...
closed by Lord Merciless (2008-05-04 12:12:25)
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