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Author[Event] Great Experiment
Nope these normal elixirs doesn't work.
for IcIp:
Ithink my mirror battles lost 2 or 3, I won all of them
Yep, interesting and funny event for me too.
Changing prices make tactic much more fresh, cant stay with same setup all event.
Also the bot part, looking how the AI can even play better than you in some moments against exactly against the same opponent!! An interesting point of view
crystal now drop to 600 worst event ever if i could rate it it would be a absulute 0
good luck day4
Very nice.. just what I wanted.
300 crystals for us.

Would love to play tier 1-2 now.
Just faced opponent with exact same my build.. auto generate army sucks.
Spoils innovative army building.
Best choice for the day- tribal goblin
I also had an exact mirror build. Every troop was the exact same with the exact same amount of recruitment as an army I custom created.
ok i wouldnt say this is the worst event, the changing of CoT means its something new every day so that is not something you should complain about.

the generate army however is, in 1 click you can get some of the best builds for the day, where is the fun in that...
for death2all:
the fun is to find a build better than anyone else.
most of the builds you can find in search is not bad, which provides most players can join the event with a moderate result. but if you want to perform better, those copied builds are far from enough.
Yeah golems today could be a thing.
Full shooter, full melee, combo
Offensive, defensive, balanced stats and arts
tier 1 only, tier 2

Questions I am still not sure on....

My worst day so far and I have only played 2 battles!
I used only tier 1
12/12 with my army as well as AI.

I tried a pure tier 1 build(offensive arts and stats) and got destroyed by a shooter based army.

currently using a combo, rogues very useful for controlling enemy tribal goblins
Can use tamed wyerns and venomous wyvers.. they are extremely cheap! 4 and 3 starting stack of them respectively.
Rogues, Terma or Shrews are very effective vs tribal goblins
(unfortunately mirror AI does not know how to use them and drive tribal goblins)

In my last fight i faced exactly the same army as my setup it was very funny.
Both my mirror and me have won finally bot it was a very close fight as expected.
All 3 vampires build could be interesting today.
I am curious to know whether there is any battle where only copies won from both sides.
tribal goblins are double edged sword .. Never let them lose more than 30% of their initial health.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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