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AuthorNo more fun :(
I said that "you can't spend more than you earn, you have to find the balance and pick your battles"

I think all of those is just common sense so I don't waste time to expand on that.

I am working with pc too so I can do that much enrolls, only a sec is needed for that not big deal.
You can do it with less than that too, again you can and have to pick your battles, because they are there it doesn't mean you have to play everything at once.
Yeah I did spend some (much) time with 1/10, yes it was boring, yes I can play whatever I want whenever I want now and it sure was worth it. Balance.

The game is not only about battling but make the money for it too, if you can't then you do something wrong.

LG 10 in 2,5 years, less talk more enroll. :)
2013-03-14 19:57: Registered. Faction: Dark elf.
The game is not only about battling but make the money for it too, if you can't then you do something wrong.

This is the most important concept that non donators with financial problems must learn.
Dicipline and self control is something that must be worked out.

I am working with pc too so I can do that much enrolls, only a sec is needed for that not big deal.

Still, you sleep at least 8 hours/day right?
Plus unless you've a timer which you follow rigorously 24/7, you might lose a few seconds, minutes or even hours between each enrrol.

Do not get me wrong, I'm pretty sure that you've acquired a stable economy and can haddle yourself, however 300k purely based on enrrols is something a little above what you actually must earn.

You can do it with less than that too, again you can and have to pick your battles, because they are there it doesn't mean you have to play everything at once.
Yeah I did spend some (much) time with 1/10, yes it was boring, yes I can play whatever I want whenever I want now and it sure was worth it. Balance.

Yup, that's right into the spot. Balance.
Still, you sleep at least 8 hours/day right?

wrong many ppl sleep around 4-5 hours a day...
if you can get 8 hours everyday be thankful for that...

Plus unless you've a timer which you follow rigorously 24/7, you might lose a few seconds, minutes or even hours between each enrrol.

believe me if your job is boring enough you will be able to keep time quite well without a timer...
true that 17/day is rather hardcore but 15-16 / day is actually quite doable...

and btw i don't really know why your so obsessed with duels and gb cause to me those are the most unimportant parts of the game ...
you want pvp go do cg its more balanced more fun and more rewarding...
and don't come with me about if something is not good or not worth it gm should just remove it from the game thingy i mean why should the gm's make everything worth it?? they do not have an obligation to do so ...

and regarding pay to win argument...
it only really applies if you can pay and get some otherwise unobtainable advantage over free players...
everything you can buy with diamonds you can do so with gold as well...
the only thing that really can tip the balance is DU...
sure you can buy DU with gold too but the most you could manage would be your main faction...
i doubt anybody can enroll enough to be able to buy all 9 DU's when they are available and nobody would argue about the advantages especially the flexibility of having 9 full built castles + their respective DU's ( you could win 7 golds in every ST for example )
so this game can be a pay to win BUT i have never seen anybody do that as it is an unrealistic amount where nobody will spend on a game which has 0 resale value...
Talking about making 300k/month...

Level campers only know enroll... If you keep hunting and doing MG quest then you can make a lot money from that

I also have several enchanted arts put in clan depo, each of them bring me ~20k/month net income (if do not consider the cost then it would be 100k/month) without any effort

There are many ways to make money without donation, and I am not even talking about trading or event/tournament prize because not every players can get it

I only donated for 1 DU and got TGi, that's it. Now I have buildings for alt faction, 4 enchants with 5x10 and still a lot gold to spare. Also I never stopped buying ABC.
wrong many ppl sleep around 4-5 hours a day...

How many are 'many?'

if you can get 8 hours everyday be thankful for that...

Nope, 8 hours should be the minimum.

You know... There's no reason to dream into being a slave working more than 12 hours/day, nor living into poverty condition thus leading for extra hours of work in order to keep paying the bills nor an stressful life quality resulting into less sleep time.
You're in control of your own life as being in charge. The decision of your own career is one of the most important, since it will impact on the rest of your lifetime and any future family members. If you do not care about your own health, none else will.

and btw i don't really know why your so obsessed with duels and gb cause to me those are the most unimportant parts of the game ...

So you speak as all online players at this very moment?
I believe you know the different between an argument and personal opinion, right?
For instance, how exactly do you claim that the majority of players are CG active daily? Stuff like hunt is more common due the accessibility, and duels/gbs are the biggest reason to any PvP player keep playing this game, since CG is only unlocked at CL 9, plus duel/gb doesn't require full ap, which remain popular for broken players.
Also like I've pointed before, some people doesn't want a fair fight, they want just to win as fast and easily as possible, either because they want to level up faster or because they find it enjoyable.
Take the 3v1 combats against the same CL for instance, where's the fairness here?

You've to understand that we've talking about different people, not your own opinion here.

By the way, you're the obssesed one to prove that this game doesn't have any pay to win in any kind or degree, starting by the fact that you bring this subject to live again, when nobody was talking about it anymore.
You know very well how to disprove my point, just pick anybody with a full enchanted rare set, challenge for a duel and show us the link, simple like that.

Do I really have to mention quick tornaments, extra fsp from chests, the power of a rare artefact? Are you so naive to not understand those things?

and regarding pay to win argument...

Since you haven't the difference between basics of economy, self control and dicipline which has nothing to do with pay to win. I really don't know what to write.

it only really applies if you can pay and get some otherwise unobtainable advantage over free players...

It's unobtainable when someone has a infinity resource and can wear whatever they feel like, while others cannot.
Even campers wouldn't be abled to use rare sets for each battle, since it's not possible to make 20k in 10 enrrols, plus it could get even more expensive or cheaper.
Also being a camper isn't attractive to almost anyone, if it has so dam cool, you're going to be a camper yourself. So if you want to counter argumentate as "anybody can lease an full enchanted rare set for every battle," put this into a realistic pespective.

the only thing that really can tip the balance is DU...
sure you can buy DU with gold too but the most you could manage would be your main faction...

Give me 10 examples of anybody who bought DU with gold.

so this game can be a pay to win

That's all I am saying.

i have never seen anybody do that as it is an unrealistic amount where nobody will spend on a game which has 0 resale value...


The average wage income for U.S is 44.5k/year.

The average cost of living is about 31.5k for a single person.
(I've taken new york as example)

I highly recomemnd to save 20% of the earning to save for the future.
So that
The forum counter cut what I was saying...


I highly recomemnd to save 20% of the earning for the future.
So that would be 2600 less to apply on bank.
So, there's 10.400 dollars left for our hypothetical friend spend on whatever he/she want...
With 10k an average person could purchase up to 22k diamonds per year as maximum affortable amount, paying food, transportation, insurance, health, restaurant, rent of house and so on, for a SINGLE person, without any kid.

So again, almost anybody here could purchase at least 4k diamonds if he/she is willing to do so. 4k diamonds would offer 10 millions, plus extra fsp from chests, plus chests that would add even more gold once sold on market.
We're probably talking about 10 - 12 millions more or less, for each year.
This kind of money would take 3,4 to 4,1 years doing 10 enrrols per day, with LG 15 (good luck on that), at 210 wage facility.

Now, assuming an average american could purchase up to 22k diamonds yearly, not only 4k, and the fact that I was calculating with LG 15 at 210 wage facility, it's just insane the advantage that any heavy donator can get, but hey make your own conclusion.
for Angel of Death:

I don't want to fall into another meaningless argument with you, but your statement of average american income makes you sound like a kid with no real life experience or you are a wealthy guy without need to worry for money.

There is something called "tax" in America. That 20% income that you were talking about is supposed to be handed in to the government, not to be saved in your bank account.

Many ordinary Americans don't even have more than 10k USD total in their bank account at any given time, and you are talking about everyone being able to donate 4K for this game.
duels/gbs are the biggest reason to any PvP player keep playing this game

Wow I really have to highlight this in case anyone missed your point.

Give me 10 examples of anybody who bought DU with gold.

RR did this at least twice. If you don't know who RR is, ask people around
RR is a living legend among us, and is the counter argument against all Angel of Death have said on this topic.
laughing so hard about people who complain that full AP is too expensive to keep up, when they have such crappy HG / MG / TG
[Post deleted by moderator Arcanide // Insulting/provoking another player]
[Post deleted by moderator Arcanide // Everyone has their own opinion, no need to insult.]
Player banned by moderator Arcanide until 2015-11-06 02:02:29 // 4.6. It is forbidden to insult other players, as well as to provoke an insult (warning).
RR is a living legend among us, and is the counter argument against all Angel of Death have said on this topic.

Because all I said can be minimized and simplify by one word, fair enough.
It's like how people are treating the imigrants in Europe, they take a matter,
simplifies, simplifies, simplifies until the point it becomes redundant and stupid without recognizion of the original matter and lost the entirely sense about the subject which was being debated of.

Anyways, if you really think "RR" countered my argument of asking for TEN different persons who bought DU with gold, which doesn't even represent 0.001% of total players amoung the serve wise, by the way...
I really appreaciante your honestly, thus endorse my judgment of leaving such glorius place of 'debate,' behind.
It just lead to be to conclude that you're a person illiterate, incapable of reading, reasoning, explaining, argumentatate... Pretty much what some might call special... However I honestly don't think that you suffer from mental illness, I think you're doing this on purpose, why however is beyond my comprehession.

Anyways, I'm out of here... You're acting really dumb and

I would call this as foul language and personal attack. I am just listing facts.
Am I wrong? Why?

The main point that you and others arise here is it is a pay to win game, but we give you an example of one guy which doesn't pay and is far better than many of other players. Some of those players even donate a lot.
If one guy can do it, what makes it impossible to you, me, Liuker and every other player around to get there too?

Sorry, I am being really honestly. I want not to depreciate you in any way, but I disagree and I really believe RevolutionRebel is a good example.

My only concern is the way you treat Liuker, it was unecessary.
Guys stick on topic without the insults. Not everyone has the same opinion! Last chance or topic will be closed.
I have finally some conclusive evidence that I am sure everyone can agree on with regard to the topic of this thread "no more fun"

"fun", has taken over a year long break, he certainly has left the fold of lords. One could conclude that he is no more, though so long as his character is available to be used, we cannot conclusively say he is "no more".


I therefore campaign to get fun blocked so we can definitevely say he is "no more" and stop arguing (At least in this thread, there will always be more.......)
To Arcanide: *This will be my last off-topic posting I promise*

I have admit that I've make a mistake: the "living cost" from the website that Angel Of Death listed does include tax. BUT if he knows what "median" means, then he would notice that the median annual income for single person is barely higher than the living cost. Both data got from his post. Which means approximately 50% American people can only cover their living expense. That does not mean they live a poor life, but only means their basic need is higher than people in many other countries.

"Pay to win": the reason why the debate has been going on and on and on, I think is more likely we have different definition of "win". I would like to define "win" as winning a more serious type of competition such as tournaments, WG, CG, and events where only certain type of arts are allowed. Before the merge happens, duel/GB might have been favorable, but nowadays these type of tournaments/events that I mentioned above have become the mainstream of the game.

A good example of "pay but not win" person IMO:


He's donated at least 100K diamonds. I couldn't name a person who donated more. He might be a winner in Angel of Death's eyes, but not mine. People would not remember him except that he's got a lot money. He's got no tournament achievement, no CG, no event result. What has he won? Did he really experienced the true fun of this game? I doubt it.

This game is supposed to be a long, long run. Winning one game or a few with your heavy enchant doesn't mean anything.
Now back to the topic:

for Lord MilesTeg:

No more fun? I would only say that the fun is different from what we had many years ago.

If I have to say a reason why players get bored, it's more likely due to lack of updates on game content such as new level (I am not sure if I really want that), new artifacts, castle, magic guild lvl 5... or maybe something even bigger. But honestly, I don't believe it has anything to do with "pay to win".
for liuker: Read my post again - you may gain a different understanding second time around.....

I am pretty sure fun is the same person - no good pointing out wild accusation about selling on of a character - you have to have some firm basis to that and after all "fun" only has one page of transfer logs - pretty hard to pin anything on him
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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