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Author[News] Hunting Season
for randomr1:
0 hunt records are comparable to fsp-farming only at low levels of PoT, or having 5-6k army strength at dungeon when top scorer was 30k. Obviously all events are not easy. And there's always option to skip, no one forces anyone.

Talking bout reward, I still have no idea why its being called low-rewarding.
You get gold, HG points, 25k worth ABC, its far from low.
And anyways who got records, will get obviously better reward.
'And anyways who got records, will get obviously better reward.'
No, not better, they are the only ones getting a reward. Like I said, this event type is the only one that gives nothing to the majority when awards get dispensed, but do keep on drinking admins koolaid.
0 hunt records does not mean that person farmed, from the looks of it in this event lots of people are waiting untill the last day when almost all people are done so they have a higher chance they'll keep the record by beating it with the 0.2 option.
Also the people that farmed on POT or dungeon event still got a lower durability artifact when awards got dispensed, this one gave absolutely nothing to the majority. But do keep on mentioning how it gave stuff during the event on the battles, which lots of events did as well but those did not skip out on the award, this hunt event is the only one that does this. But do keep on ignoring that fact.
Also the number one position is ofcourse a low level account created just two weeks ago. And from the looks of it created to play the dungeon event. Instead of playing with their high level account, people turn to creating new accounts to be able to compete in an event. But hey, we welcome those 'new' players while the online count remains the same.
Total combats: 72
Victories: 67

Quests completed: 20
Active records: 25

Gold: 132,631
HG points: : 121.90
HR artefacts: 16
Abu-Bakir's Charm
Parts of "Imperial helmet": 30

HR artefacts [+10/+10]: 2
Forest dagger

strictly no a single 0.2 played, (for lawton's accuse)therefore no "last time 0.2 steal". and I seldom see a player participating the event who get 0 record(at least among these forum guys), can not understand where does lawton's "majority" that get no reward comes, maybe he is counting afk characters?
and what's more, you can not accuse this event for "heavily relied on character strength" or "faction balance". I'm not using main faction during the whole event, and most players are doing this too. for factions that been accused mostly(elf and de), at last day I still find so many easy records (can be easily 0.7) as alt elf and alt de, I can see no point to cry at.
finally, for players who are not good skilled at hunting, admin gives you a very controversial function: watch the record battle and copy it as 0.2, you may need several try for a little luck, but everyone should admit that this time it is the easiest to steal a record as an unskilled player, this is why there are seldom somebody who get no record at all.
@RevolutionRebel, the last 0.2 steal tactic is a common thing according to the russian forum. The first darkelf on the list is level 22 player Noldor and even he waited and played all his battles on the last day, go check it for yourself or remain keeping your eyes blinded to it since you confront a fact as an 'accuse'.
You boast that for alt elf and alt de at last day you saw so many easy records, and yet you played as battle wizard or classical wizard. Now why is that? Is that because as a battlewizard or classical wizard you can have the pick of records? Why else would you not pick up those 'easy' elf de records as alt elf and alt de you boast about? At least don't lie, it's pathetic.
According to the server: https://www.lordswm.com/plstats.php
around 40% play as elf and darkelf, thats almost half the server. It is clearly you are either delusional or blind when confronted with facts.
This event only works for those that have multiple castles that is not elf or darkelf. The more castles you have the more you can have the pick of it all, count the alt factions up as well and you can have your pick.
I'm sure that if RevolutionRebel choose dark elf to play, he could also get similar number of records.
And in the future when someone reachs level 18, he will complain "the admins must be wrong because nobody can win these WG hunt battles with de"
No, not better, they are the only ones getting a reward

what do they get?? 100*cl per record + a forest art?
is that forest art with your name on it worth so much to you?

But do keep on mentioning how it gave stuff during the event on the battles, which lots of events did as well but those did not skip out on the award, this hunt event is the only one that does this.

please name me another event which gives out 100+k during battles... (60k from quests + 25k abc + 18k from wins) this is assuming 60 wins/72 battles...
@Erathia, and that's why there is not a single dark elf of lvl 18 on the list? But keep fluffing RevolutionRebel like that you do a wonderful job at it.

@cyberclops, name one other event type that doesn't give any reward when awards are dispensed. This hunt one is the only one doing that, it's best you accept that fact instead of twisting around it.
for Lawton:
the hunts gave you gold for winning, and the quests did too.
In the previous cave event which i did not play, maybe the gold was given in the end because you did not get gold immediately for winning individual battles. Its also like that in PoT.
name one other event type that doesn't give any reward when awards are dispensed. This hunt one is the only one doing that, it's best you accept that fact instead of twisting around it.

Name other event which gave free ABC?
You have to understand... you can't receive both things. And not all events, hence their rewards, is'nt and will not be similar.
Oh and for the fact,
ABC didnt require hunt record. Not even 40 wins, just 40 'battles'.
Every event or tour is terrible, because none of them is 'Lawton style', none of them has been desined that Lawton has the possibility to be in top 1000, or beat some opponents, or earn much money easily, or get good bonus.
So admins, why can't you develop some stupid games that satisfy someone's special needs?
for ProZyk:
0 recs is not comparable to 5-6k army at dungeon. If I for example didn't have time to play battles at the last hour then I would have had 5 recs at most (honestly not too far off from 0) and I used best arts throughout the event and played pretty well for my level and faction. That would be equivalent to 20k army.

Also reward-wise speaking, it is quite low compared to other events if you used all seasonal arts but failed to have time to play on the last day and/or played elf. OBVIOUSLY this is a greatly rewarding event if you are a lev 6 playing shadow barb who finished all the battles couple of hours before end of the event, but I'm talking about those who fall in the opposite end of the spectrum.

The rewards aren't the problem, the problem is the rewarding system. It greatly under-rewards certain players. Unlike other events where getting best arts and playing well equates to high rewards.
Yes, keep making up personal nonsense instead of addressing the points I made. Keep up your good work.
In case it got missed I was addressing Erathia.
Oh and one more thing Prozyk, you keep bringing up ABC but you realize that not everyone actively uses ABC right? You can't just say "that's your problem" to that. The worth of anything is the minimum of readily available cost price (25k for 15 day ABC) and the worth depending on one's individual need of it (varies from person to person, extreme case being someone who won't use it at all, 0). Therefore the worth of the ABC reward varies from 0 to 25k.
extreme case being someone who won't use it at all, 0

0 would be someone who didn't do a single battle, travel or enrol after doing the final battle. I think this is a theoretical case rather than a real case tbh.

I will put my hand up and say I got 0 records at the end, but I felt greatly rewarded though this event in terms of gold generally and HG and a chance to use DD which I seldom use

but I'm talking about those who fall in the opposite end of the spectrum.

Isn't this the case for every event though? A player who doesn't have any / enough time and only done a handful of battles won't get very much gold or dura from art. I know temporal for example has a minimum Cot in order to get the art.
0 would be someone who didn't do a single battle, travel or enrol after doing the final battle. I think this is a theoretical case rather than a real case tbh.

It is more realistic than you might imagine, someone might just be away for 15 days. Or perhaps be very inactive (slightly more than 0 in this case). Think of say the MH license. Of course it's worth a lot to those who would use it, but worth very little to those who won't. Now I'm not saying it's worth 0, but certainly not 25k.

Isn't this the case for every event though? A player who doesn't have any / enough time and only done a handful of battles won't get very much gold or dura from art. I know temporal for example has a minimum Cot in order to get the art.

Yeah but I'm talking about people who did finish all attempts with decent arts. The event was just biased in the following things:

1) Level - Very low levels and very high levels had a clear advantage.
2) Factions/Castles - Being able to play multiple factions or at least being of a low-populated faction was a clear advantage. Again, something like elf or DE was awful in this event.
3) Being able to have a lot of free time on the last day, which btw happened to be a weekday.

None of the above factors are representative of the player's skill or how much the player spent for the event (I mean full seasonal arts for example). These three problems are not present in other events.
1) Level - Very low levels and very high levels had a clear advantage.

Present in most neutral enemy events. Even ones with heroes like PoT this exists. And I think you're being unfair here, even if high / low levels have a distinct advantage, they still need skill to come on top.

2) Factions/Castles - Being able to play multiple factions or at least being of a low-populated faction was a clear advantage. Again, something like elf or DE was awful in this event.

And I think even though elf and DE were "awful" it's still a measure of skill in this event, being able to stand above others (0.2 rise works for example here)

Some factions are bad for some events, f of example DE isn't great at 2 vs 1 pirates. and don't forget, elf has charmer and DE has TDE which you could use. I checked CE and TDE on last day and there were still some do-able ones.

Agree with 3rd point.

I am not saying this event was the best, and there are many improvements that can be made, but it was not catastrophe event with barely any rewards for anyone.

If the 0 value is more realistic than I think, find me the case of someone being away for 15 days as soon as they've done their 40th battle. :)
If the 0 value is more realistic than I think, find me the case of someone being away for 15 days as soon as they've done their 40th battle. :)

I was referring to someone who would have close to 0 benefit from it. If you really wanna put a number to it let's say closer to 2k than 25k. I'm sure you can find people who have literally 0 use of the ABC but such an extreme exception wasn't my point anyway.

Also about levels and factions, of course it still takes skill, good arts, etc. I never said it doesn't. But getting the same number of records is way easier for many people than many others.

I think a good example is my friend Usbeorn, a lev 14 DD. He is definitely a very skilled player, but he played with low AP arts and played for farming purposes and played only 61 battles, yet he still ended up with 14 records. Of course most DD's wouldn't have been able to do what he did. In comparison, I can't find a single elf in my lev with that many recs. I for example played almost all 72 battles with max arts and ended up with 10. To be fair, I saw a couple of guys with more among my lev's elves but they also had other castles.

What I'm saying is, a very strong bias is apparent on the three points I mentioned. And of course the first two appear in many events but not as strongly as they did in this one.

Anyway, I don't know what we are arguing about lol. I think you agree that this event has many flaws and I agree that this event isn't a blasphemy, so nothing really to argue about.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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