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AuthorHere comes the balance update
BW Sphynx God and Wiz Sphynx no they remove one strong ability, no retaliation... in uni case also magic ability
BW Sphynx God and Wiz Sphynx no they remove one strong ability, no retaliation... in uni case also magic ability

I would trade guardians for immortals anytime, that's not a real choice to me. But if talking about useless unit, then it's gremlin engineers that come to mind.
People take my comments to seriously
Virtual I was not looking to stop people from commenting in truthfulness it was an opinion with the important parts backed up by statistics
Yes well tribal is one of the most powerful faction is indeed a fact
The part where I said I believe DE are less powerful due to lack of ranged units is completely open for debate (not arguement) and I didnt claim this to be fact at all
Nothing I say is meant to stir peoples feelings
I welcome peoples response when in positive tones
I feel as though these people take comments as personal attacks which they are clearly far from
You say I could have stopped but almost everyone of you made it just as much of a point to prove me wrong ;)
Thank you to all the ones who can discuss the game like mature individuals
After all its a game..
I would trade guardians for immortals anytime, that's not a real choice to me. But if talking about useless unit, then it's gremlin engineers that come to mind.
Gremlin engineers ain't useless.. infact, that in alt wiz is 2nd main unit :)

Just think about sprites.. useless in both main as well as alt elf
for Night Crawler:
Those are gremlin Saboteurs, they are an alt grade and they aren't the same as Gremlin Engineers
Yes I know.. my point is, sprites are also useless.. and useless in its alt too. While in alt grems aren't useless.
So definitely grems isn;t most useless unit
sprites/drydas are good for hunting v/s slow creature. also at least they have multiple attack with no retaliation. i do not say they are useless, some hut or quest you need them.

for alt-elf high druid is useless for me..you need them only for stone like druid, not a like ancho.

Gremlin Engineers are useless since wiz need more meat, they fragile and also wiz attack is less. this is the reason they are useless. how about switching them between Wiz and BW :P then you will say they are useful for BW
anyway i like the idea of giving new ability/spell to creature (for balancing ) finally we different from Homm V :)

if i am admin i will give unruly ability to TDE's Alt-Mino, instead of that Lizard buff
finally we different from Homm V :)
Well, you can see in HoMM SharpShooters ignore FIFTY percent of Defence, and both DE Lizards have 8 speed XD
Nerfed when brought to LWM for sake of everyone I guess XD
Also Zombies in HoMM V are even weaker IIRC.

Still, I get what you mean.
i am not talking about attributes difference in LwM with Homm V but creature ability..
i like they change or add new ability to creature which make different from Homm V or 3 ...attribute change they did years ago.
I'm guessing that the updates are making a bit of imbalance at first (especially the lizzies got much nastier), but they will adjust the troop numbers after some testing (mixed tourney and maybe something more).

All in all, thumbs up for new abilities, nice to see some effort to make the game more interesting
Don't argue about useless creatures.. zombies.
Balance? Do they even know what the word means? More imbalance is added to the game is more like it.
for Lawton:
Kinda gotta agree xD
All I have to say is... good luck beating those lizzy recordsxD
i just lost a tourney game, against new alt DE, with this new changes

i do not know what to say

someone got really high i guess
it is almost imposible

invisible, no retaliation poisoners
tons of meat, with high dmg output, and morale of at least 3-minos
one hit kill lizzards, with ability to dmg all around them
and lots of casters
and a LOT of summoned nasties

this is a joke

summoner DE should have been nerfed, not made even more powerfull

ok, maybe i got some bad luck in this game, but even with that it would be extremely hard

admins want that everyone play DE or what?

oh yeah, i forgot to say, my opponent was one lvl lower then me :)
what would be if he was my lvl?

those spiders should be seriousely weakend for first
and giving lizzard charge to lizzards, with talent wheel that allows +1 speed is absolutely insane
any unit that has that misfortune to be in range first turn is dead, period
and they are not soft lizzards of normal DE, no, this is new ultra tough lizz

dont get me wrong, any of that units are ok by themself
but not all of them at once for christ sake
i just lost a tourney game, against new alt DE, with this new changes
I wouldnt say it was because of the TDE
I dont understand how they think that 16 14 v 15 15 is so unfair they felt the need to give them a level 10
So that was a hard battle no matter the factions given
I find it funny how everyone said something in russian and you reply "hi"xD
To add to this, the blind on your invokers on the first turn was also critical. Invokers hitting rune of retribution onto the enemy at the start represents a massive amount of potential damage, by neutralising this till later you lost the opportunity of enemies close together and the carnage that can ensue from that. It is the way in my opinion with dwarves, a few variables at the start (placement of troops and ini) afecting invoker attack can sometimes mean the game is effectively over if a good strike comes out, or very hard to claw your way back in should it not. That on top of the balancing aspect.

To be honest however I do think the return of the lizards charge is critical and rather a significant improvement that is perhaps rather too much. No doubt this tournie will highlight this to some degree if it is the case.
Without liz charge those lizards are worthless,people start taking normal liz

Hav u guys played as DE or TDE if not then u don't know what it like to have a slow mino,they don't have plenty of terma to kill so need some boost to compensate the No range army.many units are fast & can blok liz.and those shooter got at least 2 turn to cut them & other units.

1 may call dwarf op with hydra rune but will u want to nerf that?
Well said konan
Really I think every faction is "OP" in its release as people don't know how to counter it or what to even expect really
Resulting in often making critical mistakes
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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