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AuthorNo more fun :(
Problem is not about donate or not. (I always happy donate, not only for worth of the game also help to support for crisis time of any game)

But, the game suppose to be run donation as donation. Not trick players to donate.
for TheKnightsss:

Be realistic, friend. Donation as donation? This game would't even last for a year
One more point,

*Just 3 days before, Halloween event done. Now started another event.

*It seems to be not many of us spend good amount of gold in Halloween. So the next event occurred, without give good time gap for players to earn more gold.

*Think about, Is that anyway consider about player's fun and adoptable or pressurizing(Tricking) players to spend more and more in short period??.
(Such ideas only benefit for game side not for players side)

So sad, this game moving in such a wrong directions.
*It seems to be not many of us spend good amount of gold in Halloween. So the next event occurred, without give good time gap for players to earn more gold.

Nobody is forcing you to play every event. Nobody is forcing you to donate.

People will always whine. When there are no events they will scream from the top of their longs that theyd wish admins made events. That the game is dying because of lack acticity from admins. If there are to many events, people will whine aswell.
YES, 123# Completely agree dude.

- WG Missions
- Guild Defences
- Halloween
- This Portals thing
- Survivals
- Any PvP or Ambush you do

How are we supposed to keep up!!! Lol

As I said a hundred times, they just wanna suck money from the players who wanna donate now, instead of building a higher player base, by doing major changes.
[Post deleted by moderator Arcanide // Relapse 8, keeps offending forum moderators]
Player banned by moderator Arcanide until 2015-11-04 23:52:30 // 4.5. Foul language with regard to an administrator, moderator or any other project staff can be punished by banning for 1 month up to blocking the vio
How are we supposed to keep up!!! Lol

Just play the type of battles you can afford and like to play. So easy.
for TheKnightsss:
PoT event has most likely been planned earlier by admins and definitely not in the 3 day gap. Halloween event is not a gold spending event, heck it's not even a real thing! It only lasts 1 day and you don't need any gold to get an achievement (unless that player is foolish as well as desperate).

Before the so called halloween "event", it's has been a long time since we had another event excluding of course the castle seige one which was an utter waste of time.

Whether Arcanide is a mod or not, it does not limit whatever messages he wish to post of course with the condition it abides rules laid down which applies to ALL players. There's no 1 set of rules for players and the other for mods. But what he said is true, no one is forcing anyone to play all events. If you can't keep up, then either you need better gold management or just sit them out. Period.
I still believe that they could have kept battles easier and with no AP requirement, Those who want to spend can spend .... Currently they make every one spend for everything... you see? either its compulsary Ap or so dificult that you need AP
Easier? Yes I agree. The difficulty should be reduced but for this event I think it's still generally fine, but previous ones have insane difficulty when it comes to day 2 onwards.

No AP? That I'm against, personally I'm a fan of using AP for events and proper battle. Imagine if there was no AP, most creatures which you on rely a lot would be useless i.e lizards and boars (reduce defence), etc.. And everyone will be taking shrew since in the first turn, with enough numbers, you can dominate the entire battle already.

Events are meant as a luxury and not a way of compulsion to force you to spend gold though of course at the end it does give some good rewards :)
I still believe that they could have kept battles easier and with no AP requirement, Those who want to spend can spend .... Currently they make every one spend for everything... you see? either its compulsary Ap or so dificult that you need AP

The admins has to pay monthly the host server to keep the game online, they've to dedicate themself into programming new features for the game or fixing/balancing old updates, which means they mostly likely don't have time for a 'real' job, which means they probably rely entirely on donations for living and feed the game existence.

Also there's workers hired to do specific tasks, for instance the artists which make UCI models, new unit models, the game icons, the images from the events such the one for PoT, it's required someone to draw and put everything in place, it doesn't drop from the air. Obviously hired workers would require to be paid, which would require to the admins acquire money.

Except from the fact they must earn money to keep party up, there's absolutely nothing wrong about wanting to make profit, after all, it's their work, and when someone work to anybody he/she will want to get paid for it. So the problem isn't the donators, nor the fact that this game has some curve that highly incentive people to donate in order to keep leveling up faster, because as anything in our planet, there's a price for it. The problem is the lack of updates and new features that are comming, not that this game doesn't have... But after a while, it requires new and fresh stuff.

becides all donating does is speed things up really, it doesnt give them a huge advantage over other people.

Not necessarily... Duels and GBs can be pay to win, as long the player donates enough. Not that I care, though.
Now some events are hard, like the castle thing we've just done.

However for most events, especially the ones that you can choose level such as this POT, it sounds silly to complain about difficulty. You can win all 96 battles and grind over your enemy if you choose to finish all low level battle. Same logic for pirate events. If your target is to get good artifacts, then I am sorry, you need to play better than others. Still it has nothing to do with money. If you can't even afford full art, then it's your problem.

Also you can have pretty decent winning rate in many other events. Those that complain about event being too hard and money racing thing, I doubt if you guys have ever played any event from two years ago. Admins has already started to create more events that favors skilled players, how come you guys still crying about "pay to win"?
Duels and GBs can be pay to win

Here we go again...

As an experienced player, I don't think playing too many duel and GB is good for your character building. If rich players love to do that, thank goodness, let it be, I would be more than happy to see that they spend real money to create a bad character.
Here we go again...

As an experienced player, I don't think playing too many duel and GB is good for your character building. If rich players love to do that, thank goodness, let it be, I would be more than happy to see that they spend real money to create a bad character.

I could say the same, Mr. intervention of parallel talk.

So bad character that would be, that would always win any 1v1 against anybody who doesn't wear as much AP as him/her.

You know... There isn't any sign that says "you must play CG in order to have fun," nor "you have to raise as much fsp and attributes by doing boring PvE combats, in order to be awesome," some people just want to level up fast in order to acquire high tier units, or simply destroy anybody on adversary side without giving a chance, because why not? It's so hard to belive, that some people are more concern into having fun instead of doing tasks that they won't find enjoyable?

The word rich is relative... This game is very expensive in comparison to other games, true, but let's be honest... I guess almost anyone here could buy 4k + diamonds at any time without giving a sheat. I'm not saying that nobody should purchase 4k+ diamonds, I'm saying that it's affortable for anyone who desires to become a demi god.
The admins has to pay monthly the host server to keep the game online, they've to dedicate themself into programming new features for the game or fixing/balancing old updates, which means they mostly likely don't have time for a 'real' job, which means they probably rely entirely on donations for living and feed the game existence.


Running a game this size is a fulltime job. They can't take a week off or go on a vacation? They have to check if the server runs smoothy, fix problems, innovate new things.. I'm pretty sure they are bussy 14 hours + day running this game.
for Angel of Death:

Sure people have different ways to have fun. But you are trying to prove that this game is "pay to win" and all example that you have is a type of combat which most players don't even care. And you keep mentioning it over and over. How could you expect anyone to be convinced?

Even if GB/duel is really "pay to win", how often do you see someone really play it with heavy enchants? Rich people are rich, and they are not idiot.
Sure people have different ways to have fun. But you are trying to prove that this game is "pay to win" and all example that you have is a type of combat which most players don't even care. And you keep mentioning it over and over. How could you expect anyone to be convinced?

Even if GB/duel is really "pay to win", how often do you see someone really play it with heavy enchants? Rich people are rich, and they are not idiot.

The concept was "this game doesn't has pay to win in any kind or degree," which is a misleading information.
Surely it's not common to find anybody who is willing to spend thousands of dollars on the same game, however the concept wasn't about how often a 3rd person is going to do so, the concept was if it's possible of not.

I'll put emphasis that I'm talking about duel/gb only, not CG.

Again, the word 'rich' is subjetive. Almost anybody in here could purchase 4k+ diamonds at least once per year, if he/she is willing to do so.
people demand a lot developement from games nowadays.

there is so much in this game, that a few people do not appreciate. maybe they are too blind to see.

i skipped for 3 years, and im back now and there are many improvements.

events and changes are still going

but i would enjoy the game even without all these changes and updates - why do we always need something new? i doubt it.
After reading the arguments so many people have posted i feel i have slightly changed my opinion the term could be called pay to stay in the race :) now now
How are we supposed to keep up!!! Lol

Easy, skip the event if it costs you much..No one 'forces' you to play everything ;)
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