Author | Flooders Tenthouse |
Win by 2 hp xD
Win is win :)
Speaking about topic had close one today as well |
Hades is such a lovely game! |
boop |
Bwahaha only 900 roulette winning.
Lowest I have seen! |
all new faces here :) |
Welcome back OG flooder!
Yeah too many new faces here. Cant keep up |
for DetherocEvil:
Only 11 k posts!!
what are u doing mate :P |
I can't believe I exchanged 11 diamonds for 55k
Makes me want to leave again :O |
I really thought I would leave for good!! |
I can't believe I exchanged 11 diamonds for 55k
Makes me want to leave again :O
what did you think was gonna happen when you were doing the exchange?.... |
Hey there mate! How are you?
what did you think was gonna happen when you were doing the exchange?
I thought this is it use all resources and leave the game for good :D |
AI has improved quite a bit!
the weaker large stack of creatures wait for the stronger ones to attack the shooter in the corner instead of attacking by them selves and blocking every one x_x |
how did these shares come into existence?
was there an event? |
Admins decided to give out shares for free to active people during certain time window |
for free
I picked the worst time to be inactive! :(
for Murali:
Were the people informed before hand that such a reward will be given to active players
or did it just come as a surprise? |
I picked the worst time to be inactive! :(
I feel you :'(
Joined just a few weeks after they handed it out. |
for Void_Moon:
Just saw this
Imperial amulet: 8
Imperial armour: 7
Imperial helmet: 1
Imperial arbalest: 5
and I thought I was broke :P |
crap, how do I sell it?
I forgot.. need 10 pcs? 10 would act as 1 ?
can't remember
but I guess I am broke :P |
so it's 20 .. I'd rather collect 100 :P
20 >> 1 is just madness |
iget12k |