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Yep, SoulReaver83 refers to yet another thread about the same issue (I never bothered to count them!)

Since Kusika was "back" I think I was expected to reply to his arguments.
after post #89 that was been deleted.... yes
oh-I refer to another thread? If you think so-ok.
But for me I only wanted to say something to this thread because I didn't know something about another thread like this :( sry
Well the reason so many people found out about that rule was because it was imposed to top players (MasterTI, china_blue99 and especially Kusika for all the fuzz). Any person with an average and above knowledge of English would understand the words giveaway combats as a combat where you give away win, as the definition of the words dictate. And Kusika was obviously frustrated by this because he was playing all the time by rules and gets a penalty for a rule that doesn't exactly exist or is misspelled (no player’s responsibility). I’m not defending anyone and I think Kusika overreacted a bit, but right is on his side.

I was doing the exactly thing in some ambushes, even wrote at my profile that if I was winning I'd try to give max xp/fsp to ambushed players as a "reward" for the frustration getting ambushed unwillingly... And then one day MasterTI and china_blue99 get fined for that. I stopped then and I wouldn't have done so if it didn't drop to my attention by luck. And I don’t think we are obliged to check daily other players transfer logs or the “CaA Violations in tavern and battles” to learn about rules.
Firstly, as rules dictate: Penalty of 1 gold is considered a warning and appeals to fulfil it's description , so 1000 fine is totally wrong for a warning.
Secondly, as mods obviously saw a flaw in the rule could simply put a sticky thread and avoid this whole mess if rules can be updated due to absence of admins.
Thirdly, MasterTI probably didn’t complain as he’s a mod too (though it’d be funny a mods war,hehe).

Well, to conclude Mods should make a sticky topic explaining the rules that are not clear and don’t impose penalties for rules no one knows till he get’s fined.
Who started all this anyway? :P
Kusika started it in general forum and as Dan-Panic said its so childish
[Post deleted by moderator Zyanya // ]
[Player banned by moderator Zyanya until 2009-09-17 00:11:30 // Insult]
I would say close it(by any mod) and discuss it in pm
Kusika started it in general forum and as Dan-Panic said its so childish

He meant who started this whole thing of getting top player fishy battles to be posted in CaA for keepers to take action on. In fact, it was Modi himself who started this whole thing and that's what he refers to.

I would say close it(by any mod) and discuss it in pm

And then we just get another topic somewhere which would lead to the same discussion. I don't see why it needs to be closed as long as no flaming wars take place.
I agree with Zyanya, discussion are good. Those who are here just to flame others, either kusika or kotrin will only make matter worse.

Erekose sum it up pretty well regarding the main point of this whole incident and i believe kusika meant the same thing although he overact and frustrated a little.

In the sense of what the definition of the terms, giveaway combat, staged battle, sportsmanship. We always define
giveaway combat = as someone who intentionally lose
staged battle = where someone make a deal regarding a battle before hand
sportsmanship = people who say bad words during battle or afk.

Maybe my english is not good, but i can say it's still decent than most people here in lordswm. When a rule is not very clear according to the general knowledge of the population, it need to be stated clearly, because obviously we do battle everyday. It's true that rule are rule, but depending on the time rule change and more applicable depending on the situation. The reason that Dan-Panic situation was never brought up, because he never understand how this affect the whole community.

As a matter of fact, i only input my opinion because i'm bored, nothing much to do except training demon and i have to wait for friend to be able to train. But i see something that we can all learn from this incident, and i'm glad that kusika actually challenge it, because without his challenge, problem wouldn't arise and nothing will be learn. Keepers/mods and players should work together to make this a better place.
He meant who started this whole thing of getting top player fishy battles to be posted in CaA for keepers to take action on. In fact, it was Modi himself who started this whole thing and that's what he refers to.

Indeed and I still think that it is a totally bogus way to play the game. The rules being clearer and all that,I can understand. What I don't understand is players who still think it's OK to do. Some of us are all about being competitive while still having fun and nobody should try to gain the system be it give aways or fishy smith practices. Earn everything the right way and play a clean game.
I'm glad some people started to cool down and think a bit, and stopped the wave of blind attacks against Kotrin-the-badevilawful-Keeper.

Too bad Kusika decided to rely on personal attacks and to link the destiny of his character to this 1000-gold warning. I could have explained him the context a bit more via PM, had he not chosen to explode in anger on the forum. It will be hard for him to swallow his pride and get back. I wish him all the best in his future decisions.

Rules are not clear. I 100% agree. Even I had to seek for advice on this Kusika's case!

There's indeed something unfair to be punished for a rule one is not aware of. Unfortunately, I'm not responsible for the scattering of rules in various places. Administration is. Only Empire can post sticky threads, edit #373 clan page, and of course, the General Rules page itself.

Keepers/mods and players should work together to make this a better place, you say?

It looks like a smart idea, but try to figure out ALL the consequences of such endeavor.

Imagine for a second that some Mod summarized all game rules somewhere, giving example of violations and trying to explain borderline situations like this one. How many of you would yell that these interpretations are unofficial? That it's just some mod work and has never been approved by admins? That we badly understood it all? How many would shout "DESPOTISM!" and the like?

How many would complain they have been punished they've been fined for breaking a rule written in a mere post written by a moderator lost somewhere on the forum? Do you think Kusika would have accepted his warning then?


Think about it.

Our rules are not perfect, far from it, but at least they've been written by Empire.

Now, if you are unhappy about this situation, contact the admins via Secretary. They are the only ones able to change something. Keeping on complaining about the imperfect justice, Keepers, Mods, penalties already dealt, all is vain.
kusika is back he is a DE and had full army well i think thats him
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