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AuthorIt seems necromancers are a "dead" faction ;-)
In PVP any faction that can get concentration, nullifies the big bonus of the Hydras and the Shrews. No retal.
If you know what you are coming up against, choosing the right talents helps lots. As most top end players are DEs, when I get up to 10th level I'll PVP with concentration as my chosen talent.
for Barbarian-Fishy:

If you are able to take Concentration as Necromancer, you are very good
11 pts per Defense talent = about 66 pts for Concentration

At level 10 you have 35

Good Luck
By the way this is a good time to question a certain aspect of this abbility

In the description is written:

Hero's DEFENDING stacks always retaliate the attackers (even if those have "No retaliation" abbility), anticipating that attack. If the DEFENDING stack has "Unlimeted retaliation", it will retaliate twice: before and after the attack on itself.

Now the question arises is DEFENDING stack just a description of the attacked stack (vs the attacking stack) or does it imply that you have to defend actively to get these advantages.

I believe its actively defending

otherwise its overpowered.
but then it would be useless because if you need to defend to gain the advantage, i can simply ignore the stack.
concentration + escort + full healthy stack of guardian can obliterate any number of shrew i think
but that was not the question
for Ranor:
It is mostly used for units that are guarding another unit, usually the ranged attackers.

Also well used when the last stack in your army is one with high defence, high numbers and high hp. Like the Swordsmen/Guardians.

It's not overpowered, but it is very very useful if you plan towards it.
for jambronk:
Not sure, 10k of shrews will kill 67 guardies in 1 hit
ok but since you have to defend you are giving up your attack. I'm not sure if i get this correct but you will you get unlimmeted reataliation as well? Else you will still only defend once.
for Ranor:
Nope. you don't get unlimited retal unless you already have it. But it's useful.

It's good for the stacks that you'll normally click defend. It's allows them to survive longer and deal more damage than normal.
ok i see but then it's of no use for the big guardian stack since he only trades his chance to attack for a better chance to defend.
He still gets the attack. And his defence would be higher. Works fine.
No one is so stupid to attack a full guard stack thats has concentration...the guard wil be killed...with heroes LOL...sad thing!

If you ask me concentration works best for raids!
The only situation you would use this talent is:

Few units left (or 1 strong stack left) and if you attack (or move around to enemy), you lose.

So you defend, gain xtra defence points and hope the enemy attacks you instead for reduced damage. But thanks to this talent, you retaliate agasint all enemy stacks and kill them off (hopefully).

If enemy stack does not attack, your hero attacks and hope (a) ur hero does more damage than enemy hero and (b) your remaining units have better hp and defence than remaining enemy.

Batttle of attrition.

ANotehr situation is:

You know the enemy will target you. So you defend since you can not reach them or has nowhere better to go or has nobody else to attack.

Therefore, defending with this talent reduces the (unwanted) effect of 'wasting' a turn defending when you could be attacking.
I agree with you, griffs+this and let them defend :D
they try to attack you but because of this talent u hit them first :D
(Royal) Griffins + Concentration + Escort = 1 attack before the Shrews' attack + 2 more attacks after the Shrews' attack = A lot of dead Shrews. :)
@113 aggreed

you retaliate agasint all enemy stacks Takesister said that you don't get unlimeted retaliation, so you would only retaliate once

@117 beside the point that noone would attack with the shrews in such a case, it is only one retaliation before the attack and ONE afterwards not two.

But none the less thx for your answers.
118: i think he said 2 attacks afterwards bcuz he was counting the escort one ^^
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