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AuthorSomeone is buying all mercury!!!
[Post deleted by moderator Kotrin // swearing]
do you even realize what you are saying ?

in order for the player not to lose on the sale he has to resell it for atleast 372 gold.

and still, nobody makes you buy it, don't want it, don't buy it, it's not like fusei got privileges with the lab owner or something, so that he lets him take the stuff 1st.

he is just very good at getting it 1st. you do it a few times, and you'll be good at it too, it's not hard. just a bit of concentration
it wasn't so long ago to forget that a mod ambushed me :)
And lost miserably ;) Guess that's why I tried to whipe it out of my memory :P

if I'd go all the way to blooming glade and wait 'till end of the shift, and on the last 20 seconds start refreshing like a maniac, just to get 20-40 mercury at the second it's there, just so that the "innocent people" get the chance to buy it the moment they open the market page and save all the trouble, why shouldn't I get paid the lousy 9% for it ?

Well, it's like I said - innocent people no longer have an option of going through the trouble of buying stuff themselves :) Maybe I like exercises ;) And don't like paying extra 20 gold for mercury just to enroll and make some much-needed nickel? :}

That said, I've got nothing against traders, trading, and market. It's just another way to earn gold in game - so go for it! Or don't :)

That's not his point. His point was that if he could have gotten it at 369 why should he pay 370 just because someone jacks them up? it doesn't matter you lose money because of that 1%, the consumer lost 1gp per resource.
But why should anyone offer it to you for 369 (even for 373 they make 0 profit since market get 1% toll). If I go through the trouble of buying mercury for other people, this ain't charge free, I do such thing (ressources or items who cares its the same principal) to make a profit and as long as other people buy from me, they obviously find my proces not to high.
That's not his point. His point was that if he could have gotten it at 369 why should he pay 370 because someone jacks them up?

So, should we remove 2 out of 3 sawmills? After all, only one of them sells res for 183 - others charge 184 and 185 respectivly - clearly a ploy to shake money from players :>

Oh, and for that 1% on market - blame the Empire :)

Seller will suffer deficit spending if list price of mercury by 369 gold, because commission is 4.
So, should list price by 373 gold at least .
[Post deleted by moderator Kotrin // swearing (in own quoted text)]
to Shebali: Is there a better time for a martyr than christmas?
As long as there are people backing up my position, I know I'm not straying too far from common sense and will carry on trying to convince people that merchants are despite their reputation not guilty of all the bad things on this server.

I doubt anyone can get more than 20 mercuries a day just for the market - and if one can, so can others
I think this should be something everyone can understand and that's the reason why trading is fair, everyone has the same chance to get something.

Well, it's like I said - innocent people no longer have an option of going through the trouble of buying stuff themselves :) Maybe I like exercises ;) And don't like paying extra 20 gold for mercury just to enroll and make some much-needed nickel? :}

thanks for speaking about nickel, it gives me a good exemple :)
i would like to buy mercury, and sell it at nickel production site.
this way i would win 3 gold per unit and be able to engage at nickel works for higher wage.
but if i buy this mercury at 400 gold from market to sell it 372 gold at production site, i lose gold...and i can't manage to buy mercury directly at the facility (need several tries to buy some)
we can't enroll at nickel because of lack of mercury, mainly because of traders (they buy all mercury, and they rather try to sell it 400+ gold at market than 372 at production site)
That's an anomaly I have no damn explanation for -.-, but hey people can choose between the 3.


Selective reading? Come on man, I don't go about reading number 3 without first going through 1 and 2. IMO, any cooperation to fleece the public is a no-no, whether there's 'working out a deal' later or not, because you still hold them at your mercy. if you can artificially raise the prices by cooperating, consumers can bargain less too.

At the end of the day though, clearly I'm not a business-minded person ^_^
Signing off,
Where I stand now is that resource snatching and reselling (especially with shortages such as mercury) is a necessary evil because it's the only comfy way non-sitters like us can get our fix of mercury. But, conspiracies against the public by a circle of people irks me very much, it should not happen, period.
we can't enroll at nickel because of lack of mercury, mainly because of traders (they buy all mercury, and they rather try to sell it 400+ gold at market than 372 at production site)

Heh, well who wouldn't prefer a 20 gold profit to 3 gold?) I wish more goods made it to facilities, but I don't expect people to pass obvious profit :)

And, it didn't prevent me from enrolling - I just bought 2 mercury from market. The profit from working on production covers my expenses well enough to be preferable to work on mine :)
There is a second nickel facility, which pays 380 per mercury and it's working at top efficiency.
hum, hum.. Many thing said, but it seems a deaf speaking to another.

I would just point out the name of the game..

"Lords of war and MONEY".

Yes, it is all about that.


The aim of this game is to win battles AND get money.

Money can be obtained in the long way or in short ones... And the market is part of the second.

I myself am often annoyed when trying to get ressources, and i have to admit that i rarely have surplus to sell to the market.

Today was a lucky day, i don't know why, i got 30 ore in my stock, 20 of wich were useless (pheraps i clicked too much when buying ^^).

And sold them for 192 apiece in half an hour.

There is nothing wrong in playing the merchant.

Other, as said above, play thiefs, some play roulette (like me :) ), and some are here just for fighting.

But the point is: the game is all these things, and you can't just sit there and say "i don't care about that part of it, i only want to play this other one".

You have to play it all..

Else is like chess without some pieces on the boards.

It can be done, but is a very special way to play.

So, yes, there are rarely ressources availables, and slowly artifacts are going down too..

I saw in the past that, when needed, admins added manually pieces where they were needed.

So i think that, when things are really going down too fast, best thing to do is to ask for the raws to be added directly in the premises where people will work..

As for the rest, let the laws of economy rule the worlds, bot real and virtual.. That's the way it has to be.

And i profit of this occasion to point out for the admins that we really really need some magic powder in many factories.. if someone will be kind enough to pass the message.. :D
And, it didn't prevent me from enrolling - I just bought 2 mercury from market. The profit from working on production covers my expenses well enough to be preferable to work on mine :)

wrong :p

market: 400 gold.

2 facilities.
sold at facility at: 372 gold.
you lose 62 gold to sell them 2 mercury from market, for a wage of 190 at nickel works instead of 174 at lab.
62/14=4.4. it means that you need a productivity superior than 4.4 to earn money like this.
you need labourers guild 8 or more to do this.

at the other facility:
sold at facility at: 380 gold.
you lose 40 gold to buy 2 mercury, for a wage of 180 at nickel works instead of 174 at lab.
40/6=6.66. it means that you need a productivity superior than 6.6 to earn money like this.
max labourer's guild is not enough for it.

i proved that moderator was wrong :D
what is my price? ^^
sorry, error on precedent message.

for 1st facility:
sold at facility at: 372 gold.
you lose 56 gold to sell them 2 mercury from market, for a wage of 190 at nickel works instead of 174 at lab.
62/14=4 it means that you need a productivity superior than 4 to earn money like this.
you need labourers guild 7 or more to do this. (but you earn no money with level7, it only cover your expenses)


i mean 56/14 = 4.
sorry for triple post ^^
for Karsot:
I didn't pay 400 for it :)

Lemme try :)

I buy 2 merc for 395 instead of 369 - losing 52 gold
I enroll on nickel works (wage 190) instead of mine (wage 170) and with LG 5 get 60 gold profit.

Now, to consider those nasty 52 gold I've lost on mercury T.T But in the end I still make a profit of amazing 8 gold =D

P.S. What was that about proved that moderator was wrong again? ;)
outcome 395*2=790
income 190*3=570
total = -220

if you didn't buy 2merc and work in mind(wage 170)
outcome -
income 170*3=510
total = +510

which is better?
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