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AuthorTournament Leaders
for cyberclops:
i suppose quite a few people did invest in armaments anyways.
for cyberclops:
31 groups in total, but then there were quite few bots added to make it multiple of 256.
It’s been a while since the Leaders’ Guild was founded. It has already managed to undergo several reformatory changes since then and, most importantly, to show pretty good performance. Certainly, there’s still room for improvement, but during these months due to confident leadership, small groups of troops barely familiar with each other managed to turn into compact but full-fledged armies capable to perform difficult combat missions. Without doubts, they are able to cope with superior forces of the enemy, but how about the rival, who has served under supervision of equally skilled leader? It’s time to resolve this matter within the tournament of absolutely new format.

Lords and Ladies! Fearless leaders! The Empire announces the start of the first in the history Tournament of Leaders. Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in a competition of the most faithful followers absolutely free of charge and to try your luck in the fight for the main monetary prize and achievement!

Heroes, before the start of the tournament you need to register and gather 3 armies from creatures of the Leaders’ Guild.

The tournament will be divided into groups of 256 participants. Duration – 8 rounds, combats – on elimination. Round one begins at 10:00, round two – at 11:00 etc. It’s not necessary to be in the game, creatures don’t die, Hero doesn’t take part in the fight, artifacts don’t break!

Fights will take place under auto set arrangement. After a round is finished, the winner will be able to change and rearrange troops for the following battles.

Combat format: 3 duels. The 1st army of the Hero will fight the 1st army of the opponent. the 2nd army – with the 2nd, the 3rd with the 3rd. (1x1, 2x2, 3x3). The Hero who had 2 victories passes to the next round.

For each victory Heroes will be awarded with gold, the award will increase with each round. In each combat there is a chance to receive a random part of Imperial Artifact.

The winner will be awarded with 2 parts of random Imperial Artifacts. 2nd-4th place will be awarded with 1 such part.

After the tournament is finished, all participants will receive a message on their progress and awards.

More victories!
translation too late, unfortunately.
Better late then never :)
for Edwin:
yep )
I think this is not the last tournament.
I agree there will be more of these. The format is set, as are the rewards, presumably the only remaining thing to work out is the entry cost. With the prize fund as is then it would need an entry fee of around 4-5k. However they could easily run this the same as card tournies and have ones if different sizes and rewards
But what was the idea of: Army: from 3x5,000 to 3x40,000?
You could also participate with 3 armies of 5k points?
This LeT was a great idea. Ty admins
My crude feeling for builds is as follows

Have a few troops for delay
Always have a big stack with lots of hp and rage to boss it at the end
If in doubt between 2 troops, go with hp

That's exactly the idea how I built my troops. If it was player vs AI or player, I may consider to go with full shooters built.
You could also participate with 3 armies of 5k points?

Do you have any reason to believe you couldn't?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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