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AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
I don't understand, lol.

It means he feels all over the place when he sees Preety things)
Advertising my stuff, to call attention... xD
It means he feels all over the place when he sees Preety things)
lol XD
Demon feels like a very very difficult Faction to play.
Idk if I regret choosing it as second Castle.

Still, I have FSL 5, its normal, I guess.
will have lot of fun when higher FSL probably, nvm.
It is very difficult to play with :D
Red demon I think is particularly tricky, there are a lot of options compared to other factions. Not only is there the aspect of build and stat distribution like all factions, but also the whole notion of not just when to gate, but also where, with then more troops to deal with.

Its potential is large, but their low base hp means it is tricky to get right. For many it is just too much hassle to worry about I guess.

Personally I donlt like red demon in practice too much, simply because of the time aspect with gating.
Best part of playing red demon is you can make the battlefield red and things can get overwhelming for enemy at least visually =)
Guys Eminems new album is real bomb :O
Sometimes I have more Fun reading random stuff on the Forum, than playing/fighting.
Someone else feels this way too?
Guys Eminems new album is real bomb :O
He still does new stuff? o_O
I remember I used to listen to him A LOT when younger. Now not at all.
Random comment Btw:
Mass Decay needs a Buff, to be "Playable" after Lv 11 or so. "+4 x SP" is Low.
Still, Im watching Replays of a Necro in my CL wreck with it, somehow, beautiful.
Necro are scary not beautiful :p
Necro are the real beauty :p
You need more castles :P
[Post deleted by moderator Meshy // Spilling darkest secrets]
Someone ever bought a PoS with Diamonds? 2 Diamonds.
Idk if I should, yet I want to.
All the time, diamonds over gold.
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