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AuthorKhan's Path
59 was indeed annoying, and 60 surprising
Fun event, but loooads of battles

Silver: 2,662
Glory: 179,047 / 179,200

Victories / Combats: 60 / 77
Total victories / combats: 196 / 219
Rating's scores: 55,328
Individual place: ~365

gold: 318,850
HG points: 60
MG points: 60
TG points: 30
WG points: 30
diamonds: 2
armaments: 72
armaments of Tribal: 26
parts of Fear lantern: 25
parts of Heaven ring: 20
stacks of LG: 12
parts of stacks of LG: 250
scrolls of calling: 11
silver: 219,000
So far what do you all think about the faction compared to the original one?
I know it's still early to talk but based on the talents is it good

Do you feel how it is different from the Tribal
All I have gathered is that if you have more attack than defense, the tribal spirit points gain by all stacks increase when you cast tribal supremacy. Mine was in between 47 and 73 spirit to each stack. Consequently I think that this new tribal sub faction will allow for more offensive build than the standard faction, which was best when prioritizing defense.
all i can think about is shout fearing a stack to prevent them from moving entire combat. 2000 total hp in a stack that can be perma feared. Seems great.
Will be nice to fear mage DE hydras, sure.
Again like normal tribal the balancing will be tricky. With the hero acting at double the time scale, if they get an advantage, then they will be hard to counter as cash either stop your stack from moving with fear, or else make a different troop move again. I know normal tribal can do that, just at half the rate.

This could be even more nasty if they can access tactics or other talents that allow almost the full army to strike first turn
for Lord MilesTeg:
they do get tactics.
There'll be many more balancing changes to come.
The best tool they have is to make the army so abysmally small, so as to leave the faction useless in PvP.

As it stands, against a max offense build like we're playing in the event, an enemy Elf or might DE will simply annihilate the faction before it gets its first turn. It's lacking in damage reduction or defense. They will (almost certainly) not give the faction any defensive talents. So you have a YOLO faction that doesn't move first.
I posit that META will still involve max defense builds, where you get to 1000 spirit first through melee attacks, and then spam spells. You'll continue to gain spirit and hence not face any of the faction penalty downsides.
Well, that was painful.

im confused i lost but won??
Silver: 2,935
Glory: 108,053 / 108,800

Victories / Combats: 60 / 80
Total victories / combats: 158 / 178
Rating's scores: 56,898
Individual place: ~195

gold: 298,900
HG points: 60
MG points: 60
TG points: 30
WG points: 30
diamonds: 2
armaments: 72
armaments of Tribal: 34
parts of Fear lantern: 25
parts of Heaven ring: 20
stacks of LG: 12
parts of stacks of LG: 250
scrolls of calling: 11
silver: 147,000

glad thats over with. these events always become a pain in the ass

im confused i lost but won??

It's a part of the plot. The Tribal hero was supposed to die to an unending horde of PoT units.
lol... thats a funny twist that will confuse a lot of people that dont read the plot line... XD
Do you win level 60 no matter what then?

Could go in with cheapo arts
I'm on 55936 with one battle left, would be nice to beat you for once
No. Admins trolling poor souls.
The way i see this faction is either its broken or non usable.
Depends on Talents And how much of cyclops, Centaurs and chieftans we get.
for Lord MilesTeg:
nicely done. ya after a certain point i get bored of trying to win with absolute minimum units/armaments and i just spam to catch up at the expense of score. this time i did like 35+ armament battles when ionly half that was necesary.

i think on 60 you have to beat both heroes and then you technically win
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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