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Im just going with same stuff

I hope my opponent does the same :)

I am mostly keeping the same, but tweaking as needed and changing the order of which my armies goes in.

For instance my opponent has forest hobbits and warhammers in there second army, so made sure he gets no large creature bonus by taking my trolls out of that one.
I've been spectating battles for the past hour and it's funny how many epic armies lost to common-uncommon ones.
Indeed, the person I am facing next only has common troops, I am not fielding many epics or rare at all, which to be fair is how I thought it would work out.

May not always be the same way, depends upon what they do about costs and resurrections. The reason commons are good value is that they do not see much use, as such the auto adjust does not really work to fix their price. It may be that this tourney results in some of these adjustments. Time will tell.
Yeah, looks like the idea of "cheap epics" is out of the window.
You really need to avoid builds that ai don't handle well. Gremlin engineers and lodestone golem is an interesting combination for some battles, but I would never trust ai to use the repair function at the right time.
I still trust my rares. Problem is that people are over-relying on the few epics they have.
Clearly, random epic + satyr + leprechaun is not as effective now as it is for guild battles.
Carefully crafted counter
I think that's how this tournament will be one. You predict enemy troops, and you plan accordingly.
Having more rares/epcis gives you flexibility to do this.
yay, through to the next round again, should have lost this one, the difference I think was armaments and the reduction from infected on his zombies.

Wolf raiders not used by AI very well, they were meant to reduce slow big stacks by a lot, though over committed. Still 18k up. Woohoo.

Didn;t add the link, whoops!
This is with auto combat ?
Round 5. You lose in 5 round. Try next time. »»»
gold: 24,400
LG points: 4
parts of Imperial artefact: 0
achievment: -

Forgot to settle the troops in time. Gave away one battle :(
Another one, predicted bulid wrong. I deserve that loss.

Anyway, this is free money. I'll take it and go.
gold: 21,200
LG points: 4

Well free gold.. can't complain :D
Still in, 30k free gold so far. Fingers crossed, though no time to check build this time. Glad I invested in armaments, I've win was with only 10 guards at the end. Without the extra stats I would have lost it.
for Lord MilesTeg:
Well done making it to the semi finals! Anyone else here still playing the tournament?
Shame I lost all 3 battles in the semis, no chance to review any battles or rejig properly. Would have been 25k or so just for winning one battle and I lost all 3. Still 50k better off so happy:-)
Congratulations! You’ve reached the Final and won Gold! »»»

gold: 248,400
LG points: 8
parts of Imperial artefact: 2
achievment: Gold!

Guess this format of tournament might become a regular one in the future.
didnt know its auto battle, im sure next time we will play better, but maybe need to pay gold before join next time
Nice work myevan2 of course you would get a gold.

My crude feeling for builds is as follows

Have a few troops for delay
Always have a big stack with lots of hp and rage to boss it at the end
If in doubt between 2 troops, go with hp
for Lord MilesTeg:
if stack have hp its slow so shooters can kill it. but yeah that was best build for AI cause you know
can anyone confirm how many groups of 256 players were there?
i was in group c while myevan was champion in group u...
if there were 20 over groups then lwm really flushed a substantial amount of free gold into the game today...
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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