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AuthorLordswm is now a russian game
Complaining about language barrier in a game like ours is kind of stupid and silly.Yes,some russians are impolite when they meet an english speaker.But most are kind,and many use translator to communicate.

If you do dislike them communicating in russian and/or asking you to use translator,just play with ppl who know english or your native language.No one's forcing you to listen to them.
German and English are both Angles languages. Most native-English speakers can generally grasp the meanings (or at least intents) of a German sentence.

Yeah. I'm pretty sure that everyone would understand such an easy sentence like "Bitte greife zuerst das hässliche Wesen an, welches uns von der Vorderseite angreifen wird, während ich versuchen werde das andere Wesen mit einem Zauberspruch zu verlangsamen."

Everyone that understands English will have no problem with translating that one.
I'm going to give it a try:

Please first take on the hateful creature, which takes us on from the front site, while I want to ask you to slow the other creature with a spell.

Probably a bad translation, but I get what you mean, first attack the creature in the front, which is most dangerous, while I ask you to slow the other one ;-).

Not that I could just translate that within 30 seconds of the timer :D.

Besides, English is not my native language, I'm Belgian (Dutch speaking). Of course Dutch and German are very close, so this is why I could do this (haven't had much German at school).

Anyway, I don't think either that people who know only English will understand German that easily, they probably wouldn't even know what the words sound like.
Mutual intelligibility between speakers of German and Dutch will highly depend on the interlocutors' dialects. In some areas the dialect in Belgium looks like German, thats why we (Dutch people) can understand German.

So I guess you'll understand Dutch to(its an Angles language)? "Wedden dat je niet weet wat dit betekent? Buiten als je een vertaler gebruikt?"

Yeah, looks a lot like English :').
hmm, i seldom have problem on language since i dont talk much. i will just put the co-ordinate on battlefield to tell them for something. they will understand in most case on what i m looking to.

but, i m having problem on their tactic in most of cases: make stupid move to commit suicide, attack teammate and so on.
@ Arcanide:

Actually, look at my profile. I understand a bit of French - rudimentary, but enough to get by in Quebec, Canada and the French districts in my hometown (Pennsylvania)

I get your point, however.
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