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Author | {Buy} all types of elements, instant cash. |
New price:
Abrasive = 370
Toadstool = 370
Witch bloom = 700
Viper venom = 1550
Fire crystal = 3200
Meteorite shard = 3300
Ice crystal = 4800 gold
Windflower = 4800 gold
Tiger’s claw = 6000 gold
Moonstone = 9200 gold | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | New price:
Abrasive = 370
Toadstool = 370
Witch bloom = 750
Viper venom = 1600
Fire crystal = 3300
Meteorite shard = 3300
Ice crystal = 5000 gold
Windflower = 5000 gold
Tiger’s claw = 6200 gold
Moonstone = 9200 gold | + | + | /\ | + | + | + | + | + | + | + |
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