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AuthorJokes !!!
Well this topic is so big that I don't remember what's been posted so far.
I just want to keep it alive :)
Well this topic is so big that I don't remember what's been posted so far.
I just want to keep it alive :)

try administering CPR or just galvanize it
for Igles:


Teacher: I wish you would pay a little attention!

Student: I'm paying as little as I can sir!


Doctor! I have a serious problem, I can never remember what i just said.
When did you first notice this problem?
What problem?
An Inter national teacher asks"What is your opinion on scarcity of food in other countries?"
African student says"What is food?"
European student says"What is scarcity?"
American student says"What are other countries?"
Chinese student says"What is my opinion?"

...lol... thats a good one :)
on the occasion of fouth aniversay administartion promised events
466 best joke i have ever heard rofllol
How many coats can you put into an empty wardrobe?
1 cuz after that it wont be empty ;-)
A store manager overheard a clerk saying to a customer, "No, ma'am, we haven't had any for quite some time now, and it doesn't look as if we'll be getting any more."

Alarmed by what was being said, the manager rushed over to the customer who was walking out the door and said, "That isn't true, ma'am. Of course, we'll have some soon. In fact, I personally placed an order for them just a couple of days ago."

Then the manager drew the clerk aside and growled, "Never, never, never, never say we don't have something. If we don't have it, say we ordered it and it's on its way. Now, what was it she asked if we had any?"

"Poisonous spiders in the fruit department."

An astronomer is on an expedition to Darkest Africa to observe a total eclipse of the sun, which will only be observable there, when cannibals capture him. The eclipse is due the next day around noon.

To gain his freedom he plans to pose as a "GOD" and threaten to extinguish the sun if he's not released, but the timing has to be just right.

So, in the few words of the cannibals' primitive tongue that he knows, he asks his guard what time they plan to kill him.

The guard's answered, "Tradition has it that captives are to be killed when the sun reaches the highest point in the sky on the day after their capture so that they may be cooked and ready to be served for the evening meal."

"Great," the astronomer replies.

The guard continues, though, "But because everyone's so excited about it, in your case we're going to wait until after the eclipse."

An old couple were sitting in Church and the wife noticed that people were staring at her.

She leaned across to her husband and whispered, "I've just let go a silent fart. What do you think I should do?"

He said, "I think you should get fresh batteries for your hearing aid."

laugh away pals
A funny limerick

There once was a girl from Assizes
Whose boobs were two different sizes
One was small and nothing at all
but the other was big and won prizes.:)

@ Igles: Correct!! :)
My teacher used to tell me that many kids were bad

yet i was an exception

yeah exceceptionally bad
another limerick :

An exceedingly fat friend of mine,
When asked at what hour he'd dine,
Replied, "At eleven,
At three, five, and seven,
And eight and a quarter past nine.
I once went out walking with my uncle Jim
When somebody threw a tomato at him!
Now tomatoes don't hurt
Said he with a grin
But that one did
It was still in it's tin!!

A blonde and a brunette are both standing on a bridge
about to bungee jump...

Which one jumps first?

The brunette of course!! The blonde stops to ask for directions!!

i guess i will be worried sick

if ever i come across another limerick

cuz jokes and limericks are different things

jokes are laughed at and limericks binned

another limerick and i will have you skinned
have a look at my fun album if you are an indian this will be epic well not seiously indian if you know hindi the n.....
My profile pic
teacher-tom, what is the best thing to put on a fruit cake
tom-the best thing to put on fruit cake is teeth
once upon a time someone tried to sneak up on Igles Lonestrider and stab him in

the back after a lot of stabs thrusts and pokes he fell down









and igles walked away smug
when a man becomes rich he becomes naughty..
when a woman is naughty she becomes rich..
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