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AuthorDota 2
Rubick says Hi :p
Most versatile ult belongs to Visage, the versatility is OMG

You misspelled invoker :)

Seriously though, nothing can be more versatile.
Lost 3 ranked matches in a row...Worst ever :(
Anyone else has battle pass
I am lvl 32
I am lvl 49
Fast lvl ups :D
I get sets sell recycle buy treasure
I am so dumb :P
for Vengeful Spirit:
"I don't need to, the game does it itself :)"
I can bet u must a noob in MWW. Before u say anything let me clear some things for-
1) I am a lvl 85 ( have played it more than 400hrs so I know both the pros and cons of it. I have also played and completed Magicka 1 and 2, dlcs included so yeah I am Gandalf The Grey, lol)
2) I don't / can't sww how the game itself gives a bad image? ( answer pls)
3) can anyone tell me easy starting hero for dota2??( anyone can answer this one)
4) pls state ur MWW lvl.
5)wats ur fav dota hero??
Here are the Con's of MWW-
1) no updates as devs left.
2) broken matchmakings ( sometimes too funny)
3) and last is connecting issues to the server.
But here are the points which we should also consider-
1) no updates are a bad thing but there are literally no bugs or glitches in it , it is still fun to play.
2) the weird matchmaking can be annoying sometimes, but thanks to it , I have improved a lot by facing 1 vs 4 situations and now I can beat 4 noob-average players alone and turn the tables.
3) when EU server is down, US server can be used or vice-versa.
I didn't thought to have such a big comment, its my first one actually :)
"2) I don't / can't sww how the game itself gives a bad image? ( answer pls)"
Using phone so can't use the quote thing.
[Post deleted by moderator ElfPride // ]
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2016-02-17 08:09:41 // Flood// Please use some meaningful message (1 min warning ban)
Still waiting for a reply...
Was there a joke about weekly free heroes in Dota and weekly free heroes in LoL?
My last post was about 10 days ago, still no reply by Vengeful Spirit , I pm her a couple of times to reply but still no answer, which states that she didn't anything about MWW and only giving it a bad image.
(Magicka Wizard Wars is Love, Magicka Wizards Wars is life , so is LWM)
Well ignoring her and her actions, time to get back to the ma,in topic- which character/hero is good for starting players as I was thinking about giving dota2 another try?
Vengeful Spirit , I pm her a couple of times to reply but still no answer, which states that she doesn't know anything about MWW and only giving it a bad image as a rage quoted.
Still waiting for a reply
So guys I am lvl 67 battle pass all done :D
btw all tell how much hrs played ?
3 hrs, need help...:(
Total hours played dota ?
Mine is 2629 hrs
for B-A-R-B1997:
Or that its clear that she no longer finds it worth explaining to you.
Haha just chill.
Manila Major is coming ! :D
I hope for Na'Vi this time
Na'Vi did not qualify for it
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