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Takesister acutually started giving three ban warning before the real ban!

but before was 1 warning and then banning for ever
ANNED unfairly or hastily? I have never seen such a thing. Since now, all players who were banned(with no exception at my case),were banned according to the chaos they caused or the rules they broke.

Yes i do accept that rule-breakers cause chaos but mods can give them 3 chances then ban them or atleast tell them not to do it atleast ONCE.Almost all mods do that but some mods are very hasty and ban them without giving a warning or nothing.So mods please be patient

Best Regards
Takesister acutually started giving three ban warning before the real ban!

but before was 1 warning and then banning for ever

that's her way to enforcing the rules. in fact, it isnt a MUST to give a warning before the punishment.
Mods going on strike sounds good.

IMO mods are the representative of .com and the closest to the admins. Maybe leaving their LWM moderator clans is a bit excessive but something like:

Dear adminstrator AAA,

WE, BBB, CCC and DDD are goign on strike to demonstrate our concerns: EEE.
We will voluntarily stop performing our duty from FFF date to GGG date.
Please we kindly suggest you clarify those issues on .com...

Send both an english and russian message of course.

If they dont do anything, to me and others its as if the problems we are experiencing in .com are 'accepted' by them. It does not matter what they say anymore, its what they do. (probably the time for 'doing' is not here yet but when the forum riots I hope you mods know what you can do rather than banning everyone). You mods are like our ambassadors, if you dont do anything WE are lost and your duties (beyond what is on the job description) are INVALID and pointless.

But I am sure the mods are too 'scared' or 'unwilling' to lose their position. Or too 'immature' to undestand why people in real life go on strike as a strong message for the benefit of US ALL.
[Player banned by moderator Skunder until 2009-09-23 16:14:37 // Learn to understand the difference - benefical vs defamation]
Oh btw:

When i said 'scared' im not referring to be frightened but to be worried about what will happen to your position if the admins decide to sack you becasue of ur strike.

To be worried that after investing so much time (and love) on this game you will be rewarded with a sack.

To be scared since you do NOT have the backbone to stand for something, to have the guts to display a strong message and to represent the feelings of a growing and disgrunted majority of players.

Again not scared as chicken scared...

I will definitely RESPECT them if they are willing to put their power/position/pride on the line for US ALL.
Rubberduck, 37:

I too have been here since the beginning, short by about one week. ;)

"The level 8 necromancer who was top when level 8 was the highest you could go. he got banned for 2 weeks for inapropriate language, after he came back he started insulting again and left."
- And you think this is BECAUSE of a mod? Instead I see this as the kid being punished and throwing a fit by leaving. Thus, not a mod's fault.

As for your other 2 examples, I can't say for sure without seeing what evidence was stacked against them. Names and otherwise.

Other suggestions for mods: chat and forum mods may work differently, but a chat room runs 95% as you just described. In the case of PMing some players, this doesn't always work - some players have Blacklisted mods altogether. =D

limus, post 38/39:

Probably not going to be the first option. I have a plan formulating on how to go about the next step, but as for now I am looking to see the bitter roots between players to mods, and mods to players to be pulled up.

mizzk, post 40:

Here's the situation as best I understand it. .Ru is the big brother to .com, it was born about a year before. When .com first came on the scene there was a specific person who was running the show here in .com. It was through him that the mods were chosen. He was forced to step down for a time for RL (and yet to return). Since then, the admins have tried to fill his role, but due to the language barrier and certain, let's just go ahead and call them legality issues, they have not been able to efficiently and satisfactorily do so. They do NOT wish to see .com be closed, but haven't put their full attention here because of these issues. They ARE being remedied, and in time will be sorted out.

Thank you for your suggestions about providing power to block for mods. This issue has been discussed in another post by me.

Everyone mailing a PM to Secretary would only compound the problem, I feel.

5-6 months without mods cleaning and attempting to organize LWM. Scarey. Probably ending worse off than this little lickle we are in now.

The mods currently have an ongoing thread in our private forums discussing the issues concerning updating rules. When we resolve this it will be posted. Hopefully.

And my name is SkUnder, not SkInder. ;)
The mods currently have an ongoing thread in our private forums discussing the issues concerning updating rules. When we resolve this it will be posted. Hopefully.

I was going to make a reply to Takesister, but I guess it is not required anymore.
Good luck...
I'm sorry skunder. You know I know, and can type your name properly (see PMs if you need reminded) lol I just didn't proofread it before I posted. Or if I did proofread, I didn't catch it. Tonight's one of those nights that I can't type w/out messing up a zillion times.

Mailing a PM to secretary would probably compound the problem, at least for a little bit. But it would get admins' attention.

I knew .ru was created first, but I didn't know there was one designated person to oversee .com, and was forced to step down due to RL issues. That seems to make a little bit of sense then. I knew there was a language barrier, but we do have players on .com that speak both Russian and English. Could we not recruit one of them to help? I'm not saying this person should fill the shoes of the person who stepped down, but I think he/she would be a great advocate in getting the messages across to the admins. It would at least help ease the language barrier such that admins wouldn't have to spend hours or however long trying to translate everything before they could formulate an answer and make a response, then spend however long translating the answer into English.

Good luck with the issues concerning updating rules. It'd be nice to give new players a basic do and don't list, even if it is accompanied by the "real" rules. And perhaps have someone or an automated script or something to send out reminders to every player every once in a while (perhaps at leveling up? or every X number of months?). A rule or two, especially ones with numbers in them are normally easily forgotten, even by higher level players, and reminders sent out as mass messages would be a good thing, even if it's just the 5 most commonly broken rules, w/concern to game play. It's not something mods/keepers should HAVE to do, but it's something nice to do. Maybe say..."These were the 5 most commonly broken rule this month. Please be sure you are not breaking these rules as well."
For all mods

alright let me explain an idea.
If you guys are having a problem reaching the admins
because of the language barrier. I might propose an idea. it's simple
there are plenty of bilingual Russians and moderators on the ru who have an account on .com

I met a bilingual moderator on the Ru. I think he would be more than happy to be
translator for you guys.

Just tell me what you guys think.
for limustudotcom:

Ok since I noticed this one question seemed to have been left unanswered:

then there is at least ONE Admin actively popping in each month to do at least that--right? Or does some mod play a dual role and have access to that account for exclusively that reason?

Yes they are indeed active in that sense. After all, someone must also be filling up Sulfur dune and all that as well. No mods, as far as I know in this matter which I'm pretty sure is enough, have access to Empire's account so they don't play a 'dual role'.
mizzk...I was just pulling your leg. Besides I erred when I typo-ed the word lickle. I meant "little pickle". =P

As for the translation thing, I would like to finally put this to rest. I truly and really don't think that translation should be a problem. In this technical age I don't see how admins would be unnable to get a hold of a viable translation software to check in their on project - their Baby. I believe instead that it is that they are simply hoping that .com will hold together long enough while they find a suitable replacement, not to mention that I've said that we already have means of communication with them. At that point it becomes a 'why'. Why aren't they responding? I can only guess, but I believe that

1) they are doing enough to keep .com afloat (refill supplies, posting new clan rules, banning cheaters - however slowly players feel, etc etc)
2) they are working on future events and the like
3) they are working on getting us a replacement '.com head'
4) they are extremely overdrawn with their .ru work as well, and instead of hurting 2 servers, they put their whole into one, and as I said, they hope that .com will just hold together a little longer during this 'rough time'
translation software is inaccurate AKA automated translation is barely used
for real communication because it is inaccurate and can be very unclear. which is why I suggested a translator.

Automatic translation is unreliable and hard to understand.
I shall not join in this kill-fest of the mods.

THey do this for the community and not personal benefits, so give them some room..
kill-fest of the mods

is it one? is saw valuable and constructive suggestions here... and various people - players and mods alike - that try to get a grip on the problem that evolved here.

THey do this for the community and not personal benefits, so give them some room..

you are probably right here. but this server has some serious problems. ignoring them will solve nothing - i guess that's why skunder started this threat. and (until two days ago) mods were the closest to officials here, at least in most peoples eyes.

but on the other side, maybe the problem is already half solved with the comming of arctic...

sometimes it can be constructive to just tell how you feel. make people understand - and understand them. clear the room between different individuals and parties. in my perception of social problems, this is one of the most important processes...
Yea, Zarebant, but i feel that this is a very demoralising thread for the mods. They work thier guts out (Even till 4 am in the morning cause i live in the same area as takesister and saw her chatting that time) and this is how we repay them?

Well, i do have some clashes with a few (More like most) of them. But since they have been given power, i am sure the admins feel that they are qualified to make decisions.

Not sure, but thats how i feel :)
So let me start my kill-fest too..

First of all, i respect all of you. Because you have been here much longer than most of us and i know that it is your job. But no one is perfect and everyone needs to improve. So here are just some things i would like to suggest.

1) Mods need to be as one! They seem to be split up in several places making it very irratating as the bans they deal out would differ and can be very unfair.

2) Some mods (not point ting out who) are very unfair annd give out punishments that are meant to be for a "serious offender" Eg. Repeated VUlgarities in the chat. But they gave it to us because of a spam of 3 vikings... Not sure, but i was one of those who got it..

Maybe I am just being bais but i have said all this not to kill you or to make ur day worse. You guys have been doing a great job.

And if we create a list of things you all did well, i am sure it would be longer than this list of improvements to make.

I thank you for all your time and decdication to this game. But problems and issues need to be solved.

because of a spam of 3 vikings... Not sure, but i was one of those who got it..

yup, spam :D so, what's the question?
Lord_Alpha, hey this thread was started (by a mod) who was looking for some resolution to the concerns and problems, as well as the many abuses, charges, and as you put it "kill-fests" - which were brought up to and against the mods. As I initially posted (#1) constructive criticism is always welcome. =)

post 56.

1) That's one of our goals presently. I don't remember which post it was, but I've said before that the mods currently have a private thread discussing updating the rules and such. This should help us out in many ways.

2) I don't know the exact case, usually higher bans come with a relapse and/or other such reasons.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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