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You are still missing the picture, have you seen the battle? Do you think he might have lost connection? If you move and do not attack, you wont time out. And you cannot move up and down on the map with lost connection, can you?

My dear fellow Lordswm member.

I have seen the battle, but u are just pulling a few sentence outta context, and not my post as a whole.

So in that battle, if Kusika don't move for a few turns, and MasterTi get a few kills in, and then after a few turns, Kusika finish the battle off, then it's... all right?

Like I said, I'm not here to judge if what Kusika or Kotrin did is right or wrong, that's not my place. Kusika, being maybe the 'honest' person that he is, himself admitted that he let MTI have a few free kills. But I'm saying that if any player really wants to give exp/fsp away for a battle, there are subtle ways to go about doing it that is simply almost impossible to detect, unless it's done persistently over a prolonged period.

Anyway, enough of this topic, I gave my opinion, you people can have yours. Back to eliminating the Lordswm empire of evil creatures for me. :)
You start your long post with idea that you dont want to give judgements, and then you put it the way like nothing bad was done and giving exp is totally ok. :-)
That's your impression/assumption of what you think I meant, NOT what I wrote. :-)
I consider that keepers and moders should concern decision-making more responsibly. In particular, if it concerns top players.

Even if to consider behaviour of Kusika bad sportsmanship, Kotrin has made two errors:
First, for what the Master Ti has been fined, it after all broke nothing?
Secondly - the sum of the penalty 1000 and whence such sum. According to the information in a clan of keepers the penalty for the first violation 5000. And if it was simply informational warning, administrators always fined on 1 gold.
[Post deleted by moderator Zyanya // ]
In particular, if it concerns top players.

Top players are no more important than new players, that would be inequality.

First, for what the Master Ti has been fined, it after all broke nothing?

MasterTI was fined not for the ambush Kusika and him were in but for giving away exp and fsp to china blue in other battles. MasterTI also admitted to it so I don't see where you're going with this...
Look like people think its the first offense for such giving xp/fsp battle. There was more people that have been fined for the same offense then Kusika and MasterTi before. But, since its top players being fined, people go crazy about it. Wake up, top players are normal players, the list can change over the time and they should and are treat the same way as new players and mid players.
Even if the score was 100-0, allowing the opponent to score just to make them happy is also bad sportsmanship and punishable by FIFA, right?

I didn't know you knew about football. Yay a football knowledgeable mod!

The goalie for the other side would feel so stink that he let in 100 goals that he should get a chance to put in a few goals. So the final score would be 100-4.

BUT then the goalie for the winning team would feel stink that his golden streak was broken so he would get to nail a few in.

SO final score 102-4

the 102 is manchester united
the 4 is chelsea, arsenal, liverpool or tottenham. (take your pick)
and so on and so on.
And I suppose a necromancer raising his/her troops until he/she has no mana left, even when he/she knows there is no chance of winning the battle is also giving away exp/fsp? Or will that be the newest interpretation of this rule?

Or will it be "bad sportsmanship" to NOT raise until you have no mana left, because that means you are giving up the win by not putting up a good fight? What if I have to leave and don't have time to sit there and raise 3 or 4 times, just to see my troops get killed each time?

And will it also be punishable to fight w/less than the maximum amount of troops?...and I'm not talking a full army vs 1 tier-1 troop, but in the case of necromancers, I suppose it will be punishable to NOT recruit reserve skeletons because that will be "giving away the battle". What if I, as a necromancer just didn't want to risk losing the last of my reserve skeletons, and that's why I'm in whatever battle, because I want to gain more reserve skeletons?

As someone else said, traveling with no arts equipped could be punishable, because we know thieves aren't going to be there without arts. Or joining a battle with more arts than any other person, even though there's no actual limit in the battle description, especially if you are the last to join and could look to see what others were wearing.

I'm not trying to say who is right or wrong, but I think this can be reduced to the ridiculous if someone allows it. As I showed, for anyone who has access to the raise dead spell, there's too many different ways to interpret the fighter's actions. The fighter could be punished one day because he/she did raise, therefore giving away xp/fsp, and fined the next day for giving away the win because he/she didn't raise, even though circumstances were nearly identical in both fights.

I think that stayed pretty neutral. In no way did I say giving away xp/fsp was right or wrong, I simply gave more examples and asked which will be the next to be fined for, because some of these are either common practices (such as not raising dead when you know you have no chance of winning even if you did raise) and are EXTREMELY controversial (to raise or not to raise). And I do ask this because I am a necromancer, and I feel that it is important for things like this to be clarified.

My Bottom Line.....

If mods want to fine for "giveaway battles," then I think it should be reserved for EXTREME cases, OR the rules should be MUCH more plainly stated. Perhaps even giving specific examples of what is and what isn't allowed.

PS. My answer for the raise issue, is as with everything else regarding this issue, it needs to be taken on a case by case basis.
Well, in another thread a knight complained about wizards that run their gargoyles around, even if they don't have enough mana to win (I agree, why run around, losing time and frustrating people, when you know you'll lose for sure). So if in this case I go with gargs on swordsmen or zombies or any other slow unit after emptying my mana pool, or even before, it'll be considered giveaway battle?
Anyway, why don't mods make a sticky topic where we/they present our/their examples and be told if they are legal or not before getting penalized?

PS : #4
the sum of the penalty 1000 and whence such sum. According to the information in a clan of keepers the penalty for the first violation 5000. And if it was simply informational warning, administrators always fined on 1 gold

What about that? That penalty was totally wrong.
Sorry for double post. I meant post #44
Let's look at the definition of staged combat: I would assume that staged combat mean combat that is setup before the combat even started, which mean two players meet up, setup a deal you let me ambush u, i'll give u some free fsp. If it's not intended to be that way then it needs to be clarify as to what degree we call it staged combat.

As for as sportsmanship:
Sportsmanship is conformance to the rules, spirit, and etiquette of sport. More grandly, it may be considered the ethos of sport. It is interesting that the motivation for sport is often an elusive element. Sportsmanship expresses an aspiration or ethos that the activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one's competitors. Being a "good sport" involves being a "good winner" as well as being a "good loser.

In what way does kusika action consider bad sportsmanship. He's a good winner doesn't he?

I'm not saying who's right and who's wrong.

I would put the responsibility on the vagueness of the rules itself, and using the interpretation of the rule from .ru, confirmed by admin. From a keeper perspective, i would do the same thing as Kotrin, if i don't know the interpretation of a rule i would look for an older source.

But the problem is that we all take this too seriously, and who's not taking this seriously? I understand both Kusika and Kotrin position, how about learn to sympathize each other in this server that is waiting for a slightest hope.
The person who say sorry and express a sense of sympathy doesn't mean that he/she is wrong, but he/she see the bigger picture. both kotrin and kusika emotion are being managed by their ego, once u put that ego down u'll feel relieved. If u guys don't believe me then try it. All i have to say, you both can bring the issue down so this server morale will be a little better, or let it slide that way and start losing player. I respect the person who see the bigger picture, and not just a little thing. Same concept as in GB my friend.
for gell:
If a team leading the game stops playing and lets the opponents score goals just for the fun of it as long as the opponents don't win is a direct offence to the game and the people watching.

What would you think if when Middlesbrough was leading Man Utd 10-0, then the Boro players decided to all walk to the sidelines to have a drink while the game was going on just so Ryan Giggs can slowly walk with the ball tied to his shoelaces into goal a few times, making it 10-3.

Then the Boro players decided that enough goals were given to make Fergie happy and help the goal difference Man Utd had so they would be ahead of Chelsea on the league table (of course referring to a season where Boro was in the EPL and not Championship), and returned back to play to 11-3.

Would you think the English FA would punish them? Dock points? Block transfers? Or tell them it's good sportmanship and that Boro will have a free spot in the Uefa Cup due to Fair-Play?

Giving away points blatantly like that is an offence. If the players, knowing they were leading 10-0, began to slack and not run so hard, pass the ball around loosely and aimlessly, but STILL played the game properly, they would just be scolded by their gaffer and the papers, not fined...

It's how you play and what you do... not the results..
What would you think if when Middlesbrough was leading Man Utd 10-0, then the Boro players decided to all walk to the sidelines to have a drink while the game was going on just so Ryan Giggs can slowly walk with the ball tied to his shoelaces into goal a few times, making it 10-3.

I would wager no team would want free goals anyway. They want the hardest competition. In American football, the sack record stood for years and in a set up play on the last game of the season with time running out, the QB called a play that allowed the defensive player to sack him because they were friends off the field. Now he has the record but we all know it is a fraud. He would have done better to end the season tied with the previous record holder honorably than to take his friend's offer. So now when the sack record is talked about, the story of the free sack eclipses the player's real accomplishment on the field. I want the hardest competition always, nothing free.
for MasterTI :

"giveaway" could mean what you wrote, free xp or sp, but
giveaway followed by combat, I believe should mean losing a fight intentionally.
I believe should mean losing a fight intentionally.

but kusika won didn't he?
I was joking takesister. lol

and middlesborough would never be able to lead against Man U 10 - 0

In a real war a general would not allow the enemy to slaughter one of his (or her) battalians before ending the battle so that the enemy general would feel better. (or in this case, having more experience)
I have been in hunts where I was assisting players, and me having the slow knight army that I have, usually killed very little by the time we reach the end of the battle. On some occasions, the other player in hunt just passed all his troops turns, without saying a word to me. It's pretty obvious that he appreciated my help in the hunt and wanted me to have some exp/fsp. Sometimes, we say 'thanks', sometimes we just kill the remaining few units of neutrals and finish the battle, say "gg, bye/cya' and move on without giving it a second thought.
there is a big difference between a competitive battle( ambush, player vs player) and a cooperative battle( assisting in hunts).
If i were to pass turns in an ambush i would be doing the favor of my "enemy".
If i were to pass turns in an hunt assist after i killed half of the creatures i would be doing the favor of my *ally*.
sticking to a football theme, i guess "giving away" fsp/xp in assist hunt would be like if i, the "star" player of the game, instead of going for the 14435th goal made by me, i passed the ball to a fellow player of mine *of my team* so he get the chance to show himself around a bit too :)
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