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AuthorDemon Faction Updated
no need to use arts in merc quest,
if money is ur main point for doing MQ
can i do without any art??? xD... May i know what is the lowest cost for lv7 demon...
# 258

so.. they burst after explosion :)

that's a good thing.. never happened to me though :D
Yes, inflame counts as a usual turn
Imo lower cost is always sword of might
yea but it gives less

you now have only 1 def , and Demons rly depend on their defence.... cuz they are rly low on defence & all def arts are a MUST
axe, leather armor, defender shield, medal of bravery.. it's cheaper, although you have to deal with lots of arts (sword of might gives you less problem with ur inventory, but more costy)..
Hohoh... that is what i did... but anyway, u can actually increase your inventories slot buy upgrading it right???
1 incen can deal X damage with inflame..? how much is X?

aaaw you're taking the quizz from Demons Inc.

well dunno , but it sure isnt 7
The damages aren't regular. Just like every other elemental caster creature, the more creatures you have in a stack, the less each of those creatures increase the spell power.

A few days ago, I have digged into my combat log to see how much damage inflame does with different stack size.I haven't found a formula, but i know it isn't like the heroes spell damage (SP * X + Y).

The only thing it learned me is, at lvl 9 caravans have 21% racial resistance.
wat kind of talents should i have at lvl 8??
basic attack, battle furry and basic luck

272 is right but 1 incendiary deals 18 damage with inflame

its good to know :P
Hi guys, I would like to know how to deal with Vanguard nec {0} when you dont have any incendries... Can give and examples??? Thanks^^
that one is verry hard for me too .... i rly dunno how to deal with it....

best chance you got is to get lucky and kill ghosts with 1st hit ><
Yea... i think so... but my mercenaries quest always put me into Vanguard of Necro {0} = ="... Hate them so much~ waste my reputation~
Hey, guys... since the survival tournament is comin... lets discuss or elders of demons... what kind of status will be the best to encounter the survival tournament??? from lv3-lv12 : )... Thanks for the advises^^
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