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AuthorBorder Patrol
dont think so..

Victories / Combats: 30 / 31
Points: 299
Individual place: ~335
Its still early and there are a lot of waiters atm. i expect no leas then 500 to clear 50 with perfect score

this makes me mad i never did chaos before... this is literally too easy XD
what the f is up with gold reward, it is getting lower and lower
the event is too easy, i made idiot build click in 1-10 but otherwise you can go blind build and win.

maybe that is why gold reward is reducing
easy https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=1453419883&show=Nxz6doeZ
First battle of tomorrow only going to give 1300 gold on hard, seems the admins made an error hopefully they refund

intended to be like that according to admins
i messed up the link ; not supposed to be there...
the event is too easy, i made idiot build click in 1-10 but otherwise you can go blind build and win.

The event is easy if you have epic+ creatures. Otherwise it is quite tricky to find good setup with only rare and lower ones.
Forest hobbits vs. Hobbits

Which one is the better giant killer?

Forest hobbits are 50% tougher, higher AD, and higher min damage. But the "perpetual luck" specialty for hobbits is attractive, although being in the game for too long I've learned not to bet too much on the luck thing especially when it is your luck not your enemy's.
Take in your army creatures that are favorite by AI and they will ignore your hero.

for SirM0rphius:

I finally figure out which army creatures you talk about here. Hope it is not too late.
for Lord Ragnaros:
Autoing or just dont care about event scores.
for bp99: unless you have bless for lucky hobbits dont use them. 1-3 is trash range without bless, better to use regular hobbits
Victories / Combats: 50 / 57
Points: 483
Individual place: ~152

gold: 90,780
LG points: 60
armaments: 60
diamonds: 2
parts of Fear amulet: 15
parts of Fear boots: 10
parts of Fear cloak: 10
stacks of LG: 7
parts of stacks of LG: 128
Hero at 50: https://www.lordswm.com/army_info.php?name=officer&evcrc=4359742.c6cf32
oh how i love turn 1 morale from enemies. makes me really happy i still play this game :)
What action gives the hero ignore defense?, fullmetal?
45 hard :c https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=1453748728&show=N30JLa7f
50 easy https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=1453765559&show=N275UY6F
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