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for Lord Syrian:
"survival of the fittest" gosh that's laughable. So much intelligence it takes to stay away from roulette... well said, snob.
Roulette addiction drove many a player away from LWM.
That said, I meant my comment as a joke, as I do take yours.
But we digress, so I'll close this topic in conformity with LR10.2 (me or any other sage) unless someone has more useful tips for JadesyBabesy.
I have a question about loaning money, is this a good thing to do?
Yes, I'd say a good plan for you to do would be loan as much as you can, use it on roulette to win big, then pay the player(s) back and keep your massive profits.
Don't loan money to someone for the use of roulette. Statistically speaking they are likely to lose it and not be able to pay you back.
Well looking at your statistics meshy, you have a 28.5714285714% higher winnings than bets so roulette seems to be working for you, does it not?
for JadesyBabesy:
Pretty bad thing to do. The only situation where it makes sense to me is to loan if you lack money to finish an event, then you can easily expect that the end reward will be enough to pay back the loan (when an event does not give gold for winning the "tradition" is that you will get a lump sum of gold when the event is over).

But don't loan if you have nothing before playing the event because then you might not break even.
Well looking at your statistics meshy, you have a 28.5714285714% higher winnings than bets so roulette seems to be working for you, does it not?

I don't think you understand the meaning of "statistically speaking"
Roulette is a devil..
36 numbers total, sum of 36 numbers - n(n+1)/2

36*37/2 = 666

*credits to selfist :P
Roulette addiction drove many a player away from LWM.
That said, I meant my comment as a joke, as I do take yours.
But we digress, so I'll close this topic in conformity with LR10.2 (me or any other sage) unless someone has more useful tips for JadesyBabesy.

Yes, you call it a joke now but its the second time i have read the very same lines, perhaps from you although i am not sure. There can be different motives to someone betting on roulette. For some its good because its risky, for others they may be desperate for extra gold. Still, joke or not, calling it a darwinistic tool for weeding out non-"intelligent" players is a comment that comes from a place of a very limited viewpoint.

Also, to you or any other person in same regard, do close this thread if you feel obligated especially if you believe its in the OP's best interests.
calling it a darwinistic tool for weeding out non-"intelligent" players is a comment that comes from a place of a very limited viewpoint.

I agree, it's a limited viewpoint. Now either tell JadesyBabesy you're willing to finance her betting, or please let's stop here.
Roulette is coded such that there are more probabilities to lose than win, so it is a quick way to get poor (same applies to real life games, otherwise they would have gone bankrupt long time ago). If that was a reliable money-making mean, we would all be rich by now.

As for the fittest, the Darwinistic approach says that virtual_mate is more fit than is Lord Syrian given the presented data from a cold scientific point of view.
As for the fittest, the Darwinistic approach says that virtual_mate is more fit than is Lord Syrian given the presented data from a cold scientific point of view.

Touche :p
Player banned by moderator Lord Syrian until 2017-08-15 00:22:21 // Flood in Q&H
Roulette is coded such that there are more probabilities to lose than win, so it is a quick way to get poor (same applies to real life games, otherwise they would have gone bankrupt long time ago). If that was a reliable money-making mean, we would all be rich by now.

and that's the fun of it )
Don't bring roulette as a disaster to new players .. roulette is fun and if you're 'lucky' like me xD then you'll probably have thief guild and an alternate faction without doing LG all day long :D

happy roulette'ing
You shouldn't be loaning money as a way to "make more money" since you will have to repay it back. Borrowing someone elses' gold to play roulette is a slippery slope.

It's a sure fact that roulette has a statistically higher chance of you losing gold, than making gold.

So far in the game;

618,820,801,778 made in roulette bets.
586,272,139,616 won in roulette.

Source: http://www.guildofheroes.ru/

That means 32.5 billion in gold has been lost by players on roulette.

Don't bring roulette as a disaster to new players .. roulette is fun and if you're 'lucky' like me

I agree to some extent. If someone creates a topic how to earn gold, yes it should be mentioned as an option, but I think that it needs to be said that the possiblity of being one of the lucky ones is low. I think that if you are comfortable taking risks with roulette and potentially losing your own gold, then you should feel free to do it. However, if you are loaning other players' gold to bet on roulette, then that is a very poor decision to make.

Labourers Guild, Mercenary Quests, Resource selling are more consistant means by which to earn gold. Speculating with items on the market or selling some shop arts on the market at a higher price are not bad ways to make gold. I even think that gambling on cards in the tavern is a more fairer way to gamble your gold than in roulette.
I even think that gambling on cards in the tavern is a more fairer way to gamble your gold than in roulette.

True, some players have made millions by playing cards. It takes patience though. I wouldn't say the card game is purely gambling though, good players tend to win poor ones frequently. To make profits you just need to find worse players than you are ;)
True, cards is a good way, this guy has won close to 26 million
card game has 2 tax on it. one evident (5% from every win) and one hidden (gold card, 50 gold per game).. unless play 2 towers game really very well, you cant win from there ;)

strongly suggest play 2 towers with a friend where both sides use no gold card, needless to say, also with 0 bet.. eventually you will reach 800 wins ( 1 luck for 2 hours .. also gives 2 ap during that 2 hours, cheaper min AP)
The introduction of golden cards was pretty nasty from the admins :P Though I doubt that a lot of people use them when playing with small bets. Say if you win rate is 60% and you play with 400g bets, from 5 games you win 3 x400 = 1200*0.95=1140 minus 2 losses 1140-800 = 340, and if you use gold cards you end up with 90g gains in your pocket which is next to nothing :P

With bigger bets the golden cards get relatively cheaper, but most guys playing with large bets are also experienced and not easy to win
Another way to earn gold is trading diamonds for 2500 gold each on the donation page, can make easy money with that method trust
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