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AuthorCard Tournament brought by Arcomages Training Grounds
Try to play your quarter final games whenever you are ready and let's speed this up, all. :)

[This is actually a bump to keep the topic alive] :)
Topic moved from "Tournaments" to "Off-game forum".
Stay alive
Topic moved from "Off-game forum" to "Tournaments".
A small update for this tournament;
Naturef has approached me and is willing to take the organisation of this and future tournament on him.
So we apologize for the long delay and hope that we can still finish this card tournament.
Hello tavern fans,

As you all know our clan started a card tournament long ago which was led by arctic. Unfortunately he has left the game, as well as being the organiser of that tournament and it did never finish.
So now I will pick up that role and continue the tournament. The progress of the tournament is still visible on the excel file in the clan link. The amount of Prizes remain the same and will be distributed as soon the tournament is finished. It is also assumed that everyone who started the tournament is willing to continue until it is finished. Unless it proves unable to reac that specific player, we will then try to find a solution.

In case you have any questions left, you can send them by pm or use the designated topic on the forums;

Happy Tavern... )

I want to play
Happy to continue, although I should remind Sven I am still owed 6,600 gold for being the winner of the first sleight pot ;)
Ahh... No problems... You will get it )
yes, i am aware of that. But all prizes will be distributed at the end at once.
Hiya mates.. )
The matches for 1/8 finals will be :--

1) sareth vs ALADRIEL29
2) shubhamgoyal vs Corey

The left third match has been cancelled as Both the players Yndith and hashisfun havent replied to mails sent to them... ))

Here are the rules and all details for 1/8 Finals

) 1/8 finals. This is going to be a long one.
Location: Lizard Lowland/Bear Mountain/Ungovernable Steppe
Deck type: One deck

Conditions: The acceptable conditions to win this round are to build a huge tower or to demolish enemy tower. Players who win the game by collecting a heap of resources, lose the round even if any other condition was satisified on that turn.

Sleight pot: The player with biggest total number of sources (barracks+monastery+mine) at the moment when his or her game ends wins the pot (doesn't matter if he or she has won the game or the round, or lost).

Still if you have any queries contact me ...
I played my match )) Could someone update the spreadsheet please? :D
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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