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AuthorLordswm is now a russian game
Considering how privileged us native English speakers are in the world, in that nearly every country you go to, without much effort you'll find someone who can speak English if you need help, I'll accept Russian being the dominant language here.
from all-English speaking countries. Croatia, Phillipines, France, Germany, and India are the big ones

I think you forgot The Netherlands (and Belgium, also dutch). I've seen way more people that talk Dutch even though this are two of the smallest countries of europe.
I 'rarely find someone who speaks French or German (more often Dutch).

Yeah. I already learnd a 3rd one (English).
In our country we learn 4 languages(Dutch, French, German, English), you can choose to make it 6 when you reach middel school(Portuguese and Italian).
Ok, then I guess I'll be using a translator from now on ;S
I always use swedish as battle language. It works fine when battling neutral creatures at least.
from all-English speaking countries. Croatia, Phillipines, France, Germany, and India are the big ones

I think you forgot The Netherlands (and Belgium, also dutch). I've seen way more people that talk Dutch even though this are two of the smallest countries of europe.
I 'rarely find someone who speaks French or German (more often Dutch).

I was going to let it pass, come on. Two guys in arrow and no one speak about Brazil and Portugal? There's a decent amount of those folks here, not to many but they still make presence, at least I never found any Dutch, any Frenchs aren't so many... (almost equal numbers)

Oh yeah I've meet a couple of Canadians too...
lots of Dutch people :)
Quite a few Romanian players too. And we do speck English quite well ;)
Ok, it is a russian game, but I think they should be more polite. I'm not expecting people to speak Italian, but they should know at least basic English words, since it is considerated a "frank" lenguage. Often I write "english pls" and the answer is "you can use translator"! .-.
Ok, it is a russian game, but I think they should be more polite. I'm not expecting people to speak Italian, but they should know at least basic English words, since it is considerated a "frank" lenguage. Often I write "english pls" and the answer is "you can use translator"! .-.

I dont even know how to respond to this. Seems ridiculous to me. Your implying that Russians are impolite for not knowing basic english. Then using that logic you are being impolite for not knowing basic
Russian words to communicate with Russian players who are playing a game developed in and based out of Russia.
yeah you might think they are rude, even i felt so... but get this thing straight, you need to make a conversation in battle so you use a translator :)
???!!! this was always a russian game.
i am very, very happy that they made the effort to translate the entire game to english, for us!

i guess that about 90% of the players is from Russia.
from the non-russians, probably half is from india.
from the remaining 5%, far too many people are from Belgium and the Netherlands.... it is just not realistic.

In 3 years of playing this great game, i only met 1(!) person from the USA, 3 from Iran... and 0 from China.

The last time i checked, China and USA took a lot of space on the world map, did that change in the past 10 years or so?
and 0 from China.

how about making some friends with players in this clan


this clan in not intended for Chinese playes but most Chinese players in this game are in this clan
The last time i checked, China and USA took a lot of space on the world map, did that change in the past 10 years or so?

Any one knows a USA site with lots of players were I can put my registration link(LOL)?
We should get it started their, then it will spread and we will have more players.
In 3 years of playing this great game, i only met 1(!) person from the USA, 3 from Iran... and 0 from China.

<- this big noob is from the U.S. :P

i have met many people from the 3 countries that you mentioned.. i think you just arent looking hard enough :)
I think that has to do with how much popular HOMM was in some parts of the world.
In countries of former Yugoslavia HOMM was very popular actually.
And there are not very much people from Croatia here, but we also speak with people from Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia an Hercegovina, Slovenia and even Macedonia, in some form of our languages.
Our languages are very similar, so we do understand each other very well.
Like Slovakia and Cheska.
There are differences but they understand each other.

Even more, we all belong to the Slavenian group of languages, so we can usually "guess" what other people are saying even if are not speaking their language.
Like people from Cheska, Slovakia and Bulgaria.
I can understand some simple words in russian, altough i never learned it.
Serbians have cyrilic letter also, and we used to learn it when this was all one state. Not exactly the same, but i can usually guess lots of it.

Most of the players are from Russia ofc, and the countries of former USSR.
Lots of Ukrainians for example.
They all can speak Russian, from same reason as we Croatian can speak Serbian.
They also were one state not long ago.
Seems to me there are lots of Indians, Malesians, quite a lot Chinise.
From Europian countries i did noticed lots of Dutch, thats true, there are quite a lot Portugese speaking people also, nice group of people from Romania, Hungary, Cheska and Slovakia, France. Poland etc.
I met very few German actually, thats strange, Germany is quite big, and Austrians also speak german.

We also forget that in some countries internet is strictly watched, and people do not have feelings of being free actually. So no wonder there are not many users from there.

And btw i would say that accusing someone of not wanting to use translator to speak in your native language is kind of, well, arrogant :)
The popularity of English comes from the centuries old world domination of English speaking community, not from the biggest number of people who natively use the language.
And the world is changing. :)
Some of the countries that were part of "Second world" are actually economical giants now.
Like USSR, China, India and Brasil.
Our children may soon learn Chinise and Hindi in the school, who knows.
I am considering to start to learn some of their languages also :)
Topesh will teach me Hindi, lapusarik will teach me Russian, now i just need someone for Chinise... :)
I dont even know how to respond to this. Seems ridiculous to me. Your implying that Russians are impolite for not knowing basic english. Then using that logic you are being impolite for not knowing basic

They are unpolite because they way of think is: "you are not russian, it's not my problem, if you want to talk speak russian". In german games this doesn't happen, just to make an example! ^^

Anyways, russian is not considered frank lenguage.
They are unpolite because they way of think is: "you are not russian, it's not my problem, if you want to talk speak russian". In german games this doesn't happen, just to make an example! ^^

When I played Travian on the German server I was one of the only not fluently speaking germans, I could understand and speak it, but not in War Terms as that is in the game Travian.

Most people that contacted me used English, I didn't even had to ask for it, I had in my profile that I was dutch.
In war time's the leaders translated their entire tactics to English for me and some other Dutch people. While this wasn't really necessary..

I do understand players if they find Russians impolite.
When I ask someone something in English (little things) I get an answer in Russian, while they could have just answered; "no, yes, I will, I want to buy,etc.."

I guess Russians are just Sturborn.
The .com server had a peak of around 2,300 people online at any given time in the months before the .ru/.com merger. During that time, .ru had a peak around 14,000... After the merge, the numbers really played out.

And we did have one event, while they had 50.

So Russia did only have 280 people for each event. A very unimpressive number.
So Russia did only have 280 people for each event

:) And if we had no event we would be an infinity for an event :D. People per event is not speaking very much.

I think this game has so few players either because not many international people played HOMM or because this game doesn't have a good advertising. Or both.

And one other reason is how slow you gain gold. Some people want to play a lot of fights but finish having no gold at all because they are spending more than they get from enrolls. I think this game is not for tryharders unless they buy gold with real money. (Or play two towers when they have nothing else to do)
They are unpolite because they way of think is: "you are not russian, it's not my problem, if you want to talk speak russian". In german games this doesn't happen,
Im not a language expert by any means but isnt it possible that Germans learn more english in school than Russians do?? Think about it. The Germans respond because they know some english and they can respond. The Russians dont respond to English as well because they dont understand. I still dont understand simple russian so if someone types Russian to me it makes not sense. (im getting quick with copy and paste into a translator)

In 3 years of playing this great game, i only met 1(!) person from the USA, 3 from Iran... and 0 from China.

Add another person from the US to your list because you just met me (-:
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