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They most certainly should be blokced. is this the reason why a few days ago it was impossible to enroll in the lab at yellow lake ? always they would show the facility deviod of money

No. The lab in yellow lake does not buy any resources so scripters would have no impact on get a place here.
+ on ru many was a bloked for this skripts
Some facilities should be renamed "Steal works".
Some facilities should be renamed "Steal works".

looooool :)

Your help

Unfortunately, the game Administration is not able to constantly patrol the game. Therefore, whenever you:

have noticed a cheater whose transfer logs aren't clean - please leave a stated application in the Complaints and applications forum branch;

have discovered any unfair way to improve one’s financial position in the game - please send a private message to the Secretary;

If the mistake you have uncovered really is a mistake and the cheater proved to have played unfairly, you might receive a prize for your observation powers. And sometimes a very considerable prize, indeed.

have observed that something is out of order or doesn’t function properly, you can also write about it in the Technical support forum branch.

Please, feel free to leave your ideas and suggestions concerning the changes and further development of the game in the Ideas and suggestions branch.

Besides, artists and designers, web-programmers and scripters can directly take part in developing the project. Please contact the administration.
and again...
today all morning it is almost not possible to even enroll after buying some steel in great capital
once, ok, twice, ok, someone is quick
but all the time...?

again someone is using script to sell ressources

is there any way to find out who could it be?
does facilities have some log in which is recorded who is selling?
if there is such log maybe making it public could help us find who is the scum who cheats us all
The same sh*t in East Bay nickel works ....
[Player banned by moderator Queen_Amanda until 2012-07-03 18:29:59 // profanity]
yes there is some cheter sellin stell at reprisal sword with spcript i guess too
This is happening in Silent Hill steelworks too.

East Bay still active.

I am 95% sure i know who is using the script at Silent hill but what is the point reporting them?
i hate fk script useres so unfair....
[Player banned by moderator Queen_Amanda until 2012-07-03 18:31:51 // masked profanity]

There's one script on silent hill. On nickel to be more exactly.
Opps I confused maps xD

There's one on Nickel from East Bay.
but what is the point reporting them?

at least, we know who.
A script user has always been there (in East Bay) ready to sell lumber/ore, from as far back as I can remember. The reason is the large profits. You can get ore for 184 gold and here you can sell for 188 gold. Thats a profit of 4 gold per ore. Similarly with lumber, the profit is 5 gold per lumber. So imagine the profits he is making.

I don't mind him/her making the profit as long as it is not done via unfair means.

There's also a certain person who has averaged 22 enrols a day for about 2 years, but yet denies giving his password to anyone else. It's one of the big positives if and when the merge happens. Our cheaters will get brought down.
hahhahaha yes im selling that ore and lumber and no i don,t use script i just refresh fast and when someone enroll fast sell it im rly fast..... sometimes i travel to restock or something and sometimes other ppl sell it faster maybe script maybe not.
Im at misty coast btw. sry for double post
There's also a certain person who has averaged 22 enrols a day for about 2 years, but yet denies giving his password to anyone else. It's one of the big positives if and when the merge happens. Our cheaters will get brought down.

Nice joke, I'm starting play on .ru (amazing server), but in like 5 minutes I already seen more than 50 accounts with illegal transfer log.
today some one was selling resources @ nickel
all day
i don't think the facility had gold even for 5 seconds
i am so sure someone was using illegal scripts
but what can be done against him/her? nothin?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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