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AuthorBarbarian Stats, Talents, Tactics, Strategies
hpsim thanks, that's new for me!
Which talent is good - cold blade or archery ??
I would say cold blade

Archery - +20% Ranged damage (Only Orcs and Cyclops benefit)
Cold Blade - +10% Water elemental damage (Magical Damage = Ignore defense)

So Cold blade is good against enemies with high defense.

(Correct me If Im wrong)
Cold Blade - +10% Water elemental damage (Magical Damage = Ignore defense)
So Cold blade is good against enemies with high defense.

Saying that cold blade ignores defense is very misleading, and it's definitely not any better against high defence enemies than low defence ones. What it does is multiply your damage by 1.1. (If you would do 120 without cold blade, you will now do 132 with cold blade). But in fact, attack-defence parameters have already factored in the computation of the damage "120". Cold blade doesn't ignore defense; it simply skips the step of counting attack-defence again because it has already be counted.
So friends which 1 is more damaging in PVP Cold blade or archery??I gennerally take archery in hunt though
I don't know if cold blade affect ranged attacks, but if it does, sounds a good option.

Anway, cold blade or archery both are great! :)
cold blade increase general damage (all troops and hero), while archery affect only orcs and cyclops.
Orc Chiefs are the alpha unit for Barbs. They are the must have. If you only have 1 upgraded unit, that's the one. I'd recommend them over the combat school as well.

Shrews for DE. Cerberi for Demons. EFK for elves. Some units are just so much better than the base unit they are the number 1 priority.
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