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AuthorOMG ^^ What a sequence :(

Shebali, why you did not delete this message?you work badly))
---> https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1855130&page=2 <---
[Player banned by moderator Shebali until 2009-06-05 10:20:19 // Right... >_>]
_-=Theory Made By me=-_

In think that the roulette is like the stars in the night, example

May 1st 2008 00:10 - 29
May 1st 2009 00:10 - 29

Im not sure this happens because it's just a _-=Theory=-_ and because of my curiousity, i looked at the roulette archives. I saw some of the archives are deleted and more and more i look i found that the last roulette results are not shown.

roulette is getting weaker, winnings atm are really big if u look history
and now comes again ... after "0", 3 red, 2 blacks and then .. Many players lost much money .. coz of wrong guessings .. :(
Anyone knows when the latest number "34" came out ?? I was waiting for it .. :) but had not come out yet .. :)
and what about 23 ??? to be honest , i've never seen 23 on roulette history
yepzz 23 .. :) and now .. 36 often came since yesterday .. :)
See and now many players waiting for number 22 .. and not comes out yet .. :)
people are betting straight up 22 for 3 hours now and still nothing haha. Average bet more than 20k, I lost almost 10k on it too
good luck to those betting on 22
still no 22 :'(

1,000 hiddenshadow Split 22, 23 18,000
6,000 hiddenshadow 2nd Dozen 18,000
7,000 Total 36,000

still made like 3k profit on 22 :D
lol man i have special number for roulette now :)
stupid roulette no 2nd dozen in 12 spins!! Lost 49k in 7 spins =((
just look at the roulette... 4, 6, 8, 26, 27, 28, 29, 4, 6, 8, 26, 27 same numbers over and over....
for MyDoom: what is ur special number ??
what is ur special number ??

my special numbers are:
7, 12, 17, 32, 34
stupid roulette no 2nd dozen in 12 spins!! Lost 49k in 7 spins =(( Its not the roulette stupid, it is just players wrong theory, "if dozen didnt fell 10 times, it should have a higher probability now"..its simple "toss the coin paradox" or how it is called.
_-=Theory Made By me=-_
Roulette is random. If u want to win - bet red or black))
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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