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AuthorIs it me or we hit the worst of this game?
Nice post, ManBearPig! Thx for help.

No wonder you don't know the answer already when you cast bless on your archers which don't have arrows instead of casting bless on the swordsmen who could attack better. Well, doesn't matter, you won anyway and that matters. And it doesn't matter that you aligned your efk with the druids of other player (who had anyway very few troops). So, please, reflect about the questions you ask. Some questions can really offend people, do you know that?

for Anyone:
What is more important in this game: War or Money? At the beginning was called Heroes of War and Money, and it was based on Heroes of Might and Magic. The in-game economy was something additional. Now, the in-game economy took precedence to War. Think of what you call easiest game because if, by imposing the minimum AP rule, I have to fight 200 zombies with 8 AP, what is the meaning of easy then?

for SpecialOne:
If my words offend anyone, I apologize. I think your words are more brutal than mine and still you weren't banned by the moderators. If, dear moderators, you consider that you can achieve something by letting people who are on your side to speak freely and the others should be reduced to silence, then, what can I say?, I am totally speechless about the way you moderate this forum.
Some questions can really offend people, do you know that?

I do. But it seems that you don't. Nitpicking on my battles as a way to avoid answering a question? Good luck with that. The fact still remains that there are plenty of weapons availiable. Too bad nothing from wooden sword to Staff of Power is good enough for you. But how is it a game problem?
If, dear moderators, you consider that you can achieve something by letting people who are on your side to speak freely and the others should be reduced to silence, then, what can I say?, I am totally speechless about the way you moderate this forum.

People from Shebali's clan(#145 Warriors' Guild
) can say anything. Its easy to recognize them here, they dont use arguments, they repeat Shebali's words and explain us, we havent to play this game - no opposition, good opposition :o)
Please don't involve the Warriors' Guild into this argument, thank you.
Dun bother to post anymore, there R always Lackeys of admins that'll always be on their side,

U shld have seen thousand of time whose side they r on no matter whether right or wrong.
for barnabas_666:

How facinating. I specificaly refrained from posting anything on subject of AP - yet it seems you see my influence everywhere. Funny, really, how you ignore the fact that there are people NOT from WG who don't mind the changes - brightest example is Karsot, though there are more.

But of course, whatever I (or anyone with at least prtialy simular opinion) say is meaningless, while you know for certain what is good and right for the game. <-- sarcasm here. If you were wondering.
This is really bad the economy. I bet if you gave it to some really active player who just registered (they become the Empire), we would have better economy. Like whoever said it, the mines are sitting around counting their money. Anyone with some sense would seriously expand. The other problem there is a expanding gap between rich and poor. The middle class is falling out. The richest by out the resources and resale them insanely high, they get richer, and the unfortunates who end up buying those resources because they have to get poorer and poorer. This sinks the game further into the ditch, because as they get richer, they are STILL able to buy out increasing amounts of resources, more and more facilities are put onto the map. They are still being sold out. It's comparable to the Real World, except there are no resources period, not just no credit.
Xerfer: I think it's not such a big problem, the lighthouse is more then 1/3 finished now, and it's been open only yesterday, wasn't it, so quite soon the workers will get back to mining resources (if there comes no surprise). So I wait, will not give someone loads of money only because they succeeded in some clicking...

That really depends on admin activity. I'll bet the lighthouse and pier will finish, and the facilities will stay, as admin sleeps and doesn't realize we finish. Then it will not be solved. And it needs to be solved fast before admin are forced to take resources and money from players to fix it.
for Shebali:
You are forcing good players, who know how to use gold in good way to become bad players like Karsot, who are spending money for needless things. I'll be never consentient with this and I'm sure, that everyone using brain too.
I hope that if we need one lighthouse, then no more workers will be allowed to work on it once it's finished. If not, then this will be as good as forcing us to buy overpriced arts.
OK, Shebali, I will answer you:
1. Read post 18. If you don't understand that, please, let me know, I will translate it for you in simpler words.
2. Good weapons mean those artifacts which can make you the strongest possible in a battle. And, yes, they are available on the Artifacts Shop, but they cannot be bought due to the lack of resources (or their overestimated price). Well, I translated here post 18. No need for further explanations.
3. I am not "nitpicking" on your battles. Just in case you didn't understand my post, I will try to explain for you (even if I shouldn't do it here). Your strategy is based on your ego. You refuse to think deep enough on the general problem at hand. You see only the "surface" of the problem. There are artifacts in the shop, so, my post is invalidated. Wrong, my dear Shebali! They can be in thousands there if one cannot buy 1. E.g., I leveled up last night. I had to buy resources from the market just to build my level 7 building in the castle. That costed me extra money. Think now by extension what does it mean to buy more expensive artifacts which cost resources as well.

On the other hand, Elf gets two abilities from the beginning: initiative and favourite enemy. Both of them are based on the faction level (excepting thieving which is on real money). The good administrators cut away those abilities because there is no way to increase your faction experience enough to use those ones. All an Elf needs now is quality artifacts. By imposing minimum AP rule, the Elf is forced to spend all the money on small arts and never be able to buy a good art. Well, I am surprised that you, as Elf, don't know that. Or not, considering the way your general way to think.

I don't want to offend you, but if you have problems in understanding ask in pm and don't make a thread longer with your lack of understanding. As moderator, you should know that posts which are not answering the primary question should be deleted (stick with the rules, please).
[Post deleted by moderator Shebali // //]
What is going on...??U had such potential ...I have no idea..Y u did this...Unless it is to get people to leave because ur server cannot handle the load...!!Or u want the game to yourselves for higher levels...!! I was planning on just Donating 100 bucks for the heck of it..!!I really dont even want the diamonds..I was willing to and wanting to earn my levels and weopens..!!Eitheir fear or Insanity..or greed is at play here...!!I shall play untill i run out of arts and money..witch will come soon now..Because of this new hunting rule..Then i guess either i will just stand around and work for days on end with no hunting..Until i can afford to buy 1000s of dollars worth of low level arts..Just to hunt ten times...(yawn)..Well it was a top 5 game with amazing potential..That has become almost a joke..Well thanks my friends..I was working hard to get yall into my guild even offering tp pay for u!!Im sorry..It seems i was wrong:c(!!
for barnabas_666:

1. _I_ am forcing?

2. Who are _you_ to determine who is a good payer, and who is bad?

3. Guess saying that everyone who disagrees with one's POV is a fool is what one does when one is out of arguments.


'Can't be bought' and 'I don't want to buy them because I find them expensive' are different things.
I will try to explain for you (even if I shouldn't do it here). The Why do you do it? Do you even remember that it started with _you_ saying there were 'no good weapons'?

Any concerns of yours regarding my moderating activity kindly send to Secretary.

P.S. I'm done with this conversation. Obviously I'll get no coherent discussion here. Enjoy the game. Or not. Whatever.
I don't think my words are brutal. I have read your words and it hurts people. That's why I want to remind you that you are not the boss of this game.

I have several complains to admins at the past. But after these whole new things, I stop complaining. I realize that admins have work hard to improve this game. If these new things didn't work well then be patient, express your complain in a good manner and give suggestions and give time for admins to fix it.

For me, you act like a child, a child who think he can command their parents who already work hard for him.

You are freely to speak, but please, use good words.
Shebali, SpecialOne: guys, please, if you're admins, could you tell me, why do working facilities have fixed wages and prices? or point me somewhere I could discuss it or at least read admins' opinion?
for barnabas_666:

1. _I_ am forcing?

2. Who are _you_ to determine who is a good payer, and who is bad?

3. Guess saying that everyone who disagrees with one's POV is a fool is what one does when one is out of arguments.

What do you want? You are only playing with words, because you have no arguments - You(admins, moderators, who cares). Question isnt WHO, but WHY? Do you understand and can you answer?

Who is bad and good in using gold? Whole time I'm speaking about gold. Good is that player who is not wasting gold and use it reasonably. Bad players are spending gold for everything. Dont you believe? Ask players from Top, ask players with good racial, ask wizards with good miniarts(not buying for diamonds), ask players with good stats on their combat lvl...
I have to admit that I didn't bother to read all the blocks of text. (A bit short on time here.)

Anyway, the war is currently an ongoing event.
It is held east of East Bay. You should already know about it. ;P

As stated. This is an event. A WAR-event, with a grand focus on economy as well.

As with any war, resources become scarse since every able man and woman is FIGHTING. They're fighting and using alot of resources to purchase items needed for the fights.

I don't necessarily agree with the AP-rule, but I don't think the impact from that is much to argue about. I'm used to running around with the double, even before they conjured up the rule.

So, in short, the war is the event. They made a war-event.
Economy will be back to normal (with the AP-rule as the exception) after the war-event is finished.
Who is bad and good in using gold? Whole time I'm speaking about gold. Good is that player who is not wasting gold and use it reasonably. Bad players are spending gold for everything.

So then what's the point of gold? To store it in your basement, never to be used? You have gold to use it-it's not like having more gold will give you a higher racial level. We have NO BANK, and so we can't really save money either, so how is using it bad?
Gold is MEANT to be spent.
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