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AuthorMost merc quest wins without a reward
i am 0 mercernaries guild level and i have done 23 completed quests and i got 2 rewards both toadstool
I've done 310 merc quests and get 14 elements.

Enyone questions?
Now that's rare. Were they all moonstones to compensate?)
Karsot, It`s really funny: mercenary quests in fullart. All the quests I`ve done, I complete with no arts or sword+shield...
EujinSPb-EN, it's maybe because you are level9 and me level5.

i think quests are easier with 51 wolf raiders, 37 chiefs orcs, 10 ogres and 6 rocks than with 15rogues, 7 tammed minotaurs and 6 lizard cavalry.
only your 37 chiefs orcs could do better than my entire army.

difficulty for my merc quests is bigger than for breaking hunt records :i have tried approcimatively 15 hunt records, and i managed to write 5 times my name in the best hunters list (vampires, mercenary warriors, EFK, poisoners, skeletal bowmen)
a victory for two defeats in hunts records (with full arts).
for my merc quest it's something like a victory for three defeats (full arts too).

now i have high levels in most of the easy quests: vanguard of wizard{0} is easy, but vanguard of wizards{12} isn't.
quests i have the best chances to defeat now are escorts, and invaders: quests considered by most players to be for level6-7 players.
i do them at level5 DE...but without arts it would be totally impossible.

but i like it, it's challenging and i'm very pleased when i manage to defeat a very difficult quest or to break a record.
it's my way to play at this game.
easy battles are boring, challenging ones are great.
Its probably 20% overall but it really varies by person. Ive gotten rewards in like 35-40% of mine which means my extra 15-20% is making other people lower. lol

So if you wanna know where your rewards went Merlin, I got them :)
i have 9 elements for 86 quests.
i'm very unlucky.
but it's nothing compared to Set_Sveta: 310 quests, 14 elements, ouch!
if you are not lying, you have 4.5% rewards on your merc quests instead of 20%
i'm really sorry for you, too much bad luck.

i have an excellent exemple for my precedent message (25) when i said thay my merc quests are harder than breaking hunt records.

top hunters level5 DE for Guardians:
Jeverag [5] - 67
Skuwak [5] - 67
Shaddar [5] - 67
i just defeated vanguard of knights{5}
13 griffins, 76 guardians, 9 bowmen.
obviously harder than the hunt record:
0 griffins, 67 guardians, 0 bowmen.

it was hard, one of my best battles :)
Same here, now i have a series of 27 winnings with only 1 toads.
And if i'm not wrong previous 39 ended with 1 meteorite and 3-4 toads.
I thought i was unlucky until i read this post.

But i got 48 elements out of 269 quests and thats like 18 %.
So i think i have to be happy with that.

Hope you will get some more luck Karsot.
7/25 = 28%: perhaps i am the luckiest. sorry for your bad luck, but it compensates with my hunts (i am buying the hunting arts because i haven't got any since 50 hunts ago at least).
`Karsot 2008-12-06 16:29:51
EujinSPb-EN, it's maybe because you are level9 and me level5.`

Karsot, d`U think I started merc on 9 lvl?

And we have different ambition. If U wonna have difficult combat - don`t cry that there`s small reward, be happy with your record. I`m trying to earn money, so I take the quests where I don`t need arts.
i got one toadstools in two quest,but i lost like billions of them
Yeahh Sometimes the Rewards are not match with the Task we have to finish ... Like Against Army of X (X = faction) we have to kill them in 3 attempts, and all attempts Need artifacts, then Let us say we wear FULL ARTS in all 3 attempts, then the durabilities will be reduced by 3 ... The cost to repair the arts is not balanced with the rewards we get ...

Best regards,

obviously harder than the hunt record:

Sure, but you see in vanguards they go after the protected units first not your rogue or liz...that makes a difference. So you can usually beat more units in there than a hunt record...has happened to me as well. Good battle still. :)

In that quests you only need to use arts in the last attempt, and some you dont even need those arts...
you can't say that.
it depends on what quest you are trying, and on your current level.
sometimes you can win on the 2nd attempt without arts, sometimes it's really hard with full arts at the 3 battles.
36: you are a level lower than kabesov. wait until level 6, then you will know what he means

I am having to decline certain high-level merc quests until i reach level 8. most of the others, i need full arts. the only ones where i don't need arts are the first few battles against an army. i use arts in the last battle and try to save as many enemy troops, to maximise my experience from this battle
feel srry for all of u guys but i think otherwise i got 3 toadstools and 1 meteriote shard in 14 wins agree we need lot of arts to complete the quest but then it is just like ytheives guild they say lvl 6 but if u have lvl7 + its easy n both theif and mercy guild u neeed tier 5 badly for it to have a decent win without arts
i would also like 2 add in next 2 i got 1 more meteroit shard guys dont go for tough ones and lose instead just decline if u lose u get less resources i got 3 resources after i declined but did not lose take the raids and vangaurds and armies if u r low level
For exapmle: 59 elemnts for 343 wins. Every 5,8 win.

Witch bloom: 1
Moonstone: 1
Tiger`s claw: 2
Fire crystal: 5
Viper venom: 5
Windflower: 6
Abrasive: 6
Ice crystal: 6
Meteorite shard: 8
Toadstool: 19

Mercenaries' guild: 3 (343) +257
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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