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AuthorAbout roulette and winnings...
There is no such thing as luck in a game which is designed for casinos to make big money.

If there was such a thing, casinos would be out of work. In the end, you will end up losing for a very simple fact:

On average each unit of gold you bet gives you back 0.98. And there is no system to beat that.

Of course betting once and winning and stopping there could do the trick. But the laws of mathematics apply when one has played thousands of times. And some have done this here and yet they are winning.....
computer generated numbers are NOT random. There are reoccuring patterns that pop up every now and then. I have seen this fenomenon in other games that involve a random factor. The programmer assured me he was using the common way everyone uses random number generators. But still i could see the same 'random' pattern pop up every month. I dont play roulette in this game enough to see a pattern but i would guess there is one here as well.

And computers are very bad at pattern recognition. The human brain can break a code in a matter of seconds by eliminating impossible options where a computer would need days. I will give you 1 example: chess.
if im not mistaken a computer beat the best chess player in the world
Yes, but you have a lot of computing horse power made specially for that purpose only, try to use of that for anything else and you get a big old... nothing :P (eg.: hey computer, move that horse to the stables and feed him... :P)

There would need to be a computer trying to recognize patterns in the results coming out of the roulette... and this roulette shows you all the numbers that have come out (at the end of the month), so go ahead and try to do it.

There are simpler ways to make money here... or even win a couple of times in the roulette.

But if you check out the "last spins" you can see them, and if you add them all up, the house/casino/game is winning... that does not mean that some people can't be winning some money, but most people are not.
I believe i've already explained how some people manage to get a large amount of money on a complaint about darkdemon having made a lot of money from roulette.

It's quite simple actualy, if you actualy see what the people that manage to make a lot of money from roulette bet on, it becomes much clearer.

They simply find a number that hasn't come up in a long time and bet straight-up on that number until it hits. if it hasn't come up in a long time, the odds are in their favor that it will come up before 36 spins (36:1 being the payout of a straight-up hit). and once they get a nice amount of money, they can bet larger amounts for a longer time. Thus, if they are persistent, they can make large amounts of money.

The amount of moeny you make all depends on your betting style... and a little bit of luck.
I think we all see that this generator is not a random generator at all, however it puts the casino at a disadvantage - not the player that is why some people win.
To Lost-viking - as to the computer winning with the chess world champion - there are significant doubts as IBM dismatled the computer (actually cut it to pieces) straight after the game. There is no way of checking who or what played with Kasparow in that game (however Kasparow did make a childish mistake in the last game). If you take into consideration than IBM shares gained bilions on that win and what happened around the game the doubts become even stronger.
Darkdemon does not bet all the time.

He usually bets on 0 and he somehow knows when a zero is going to come up.

This is not betting all the time for numbers that have not come up fro a long time......

If you check when he is winning, you will see that he wins by betting on 0.

And I will say it again, that if this was a random number generator, it would not be possible to predict when a 0, or any other number would come up.
you can bet on any random number you want the payout is the same. The 0 is just a lot easier to spot on the list of numbers because it is red so it will be easier to count the 0s. But this way of better requires a very long time since 36 rolls is 6 hours. Every number only comes up once in 6 hours with an even distribution....
The distribution here is uneven, so you just have to look for the signs when the zero is aproaching:)
Well I would say it has to be much more that signs that the zero is approaching since this guy manages to get it with 1 or max 2 tries.
Please try to restrain yourselves from easy answer that are _not_ science... (in this case probability).

@25, check the betting help page: http://www.heroeswm.com/help.php?section=21
Betting straight gives you odds of 1 in 38 (not 36, most people tend to forget this). And the payout, in any case, is 1 in 35.

Wrong assumptions:
- you bet on number Z, 38 times (there are 38 different numbers, not 36), you will win at least once. Correct answer: You _may_ win once, 3 times, none, etc. I'm not sure about the exact numbers at this point but I think that "none" is the most probable one (I'm talking about probability, not what you feel like, or want to believe in).

- in an even distribution you get 38 different numbers for any slice of 38 consecutive numbers you look at. Correct answer: This is more of a _rare_ (yes, let me repeat, rare) event! :)

So, @25, if you bet like that you need to get the number in 35 times. Considering that the number doesn't appear for a long time (and you'd need to be checking the page regularly to make a larger history of spins) you may increase the probability. But probability also means that it is not sure, you may get 40, 50, 60, 70 spins without getting your number, so you'll always be guessing... If by long time you meant if after 100 spins, 1 number doesn't appear, well, then I'd say you're probably in a nice position to win... (100spins would be about 18 hours of spins).

Random number generators: they are _not_ perfect, but I haven't heard of any specific answers showing a solution to accurately guess the next number.

I am not saying that there is no way to increase your odds a little, but the thing to remember is that, the house wins: at any moment go to the spins history page and sum the values bet by the players and the values won by the players. They lose. This is the basis for a roulette: the house wins. :)

I would say that if you guys want to enter such a discussion, either you have proof and can predict the results or you have a great background on probabilities and can teach everyone else in the site about that. Otherwise you're just making noise, guesses and hearsay - well, this is my opinion anyway.

PS: I'd like you guys to explain how do you know that some other player gets the right number after 1 or 2 tries, is there a personal gamble log? I haven't found that one yet... (this seems hearsay).
I forgot a couple of things on the "1 number 38 times in a row" subject:

1 - this works if you are betting the same value everytime (imagine value X)

2 - if the number does not appear in 35 times you already lost 35*X

3 - you reach the 36th bet time and now you need to do 1 of 2 things:

3.1 - you keep betting X and hope to win before the 70th bet. Result is that you will get only part of the money back, repaying only the 1st 35 bets. So you won 1 spin and still lost money...

3.2 - you increase your betting to 2*X from now on. Result: if you win before 70th bet you will in fact win money. But let me put this into the right perspective, imagine you won at the 50th bet: you've bet 35*X plus 15*(2*X), this is the same as 75*X. Imagine X is 1000:
- you've been betting 50 times in a row (hurry up to the WC and to eat for 8+ hours in a row :P)
- you needed 75000 initial gold
- you need to be willing to lose 75000 gold and win 0 (which becomes harder as time passes)
- and all you got was 1000?

All in all, 8 hours in a row without missing 1 spin, lower earnings than applying for a job, and the possibility to lose all... and the knowledge that the house is winning overall... and that you can't really predict the spins...

For some reason, casinos worldwide win huge amounts of money... but some people still manage to win money, no one is saying that everyone loses... but most do. :)
OK let me answer to this one.

Let us assume that each time you bet X.

Let us calculate the probability that after 0 appears at some point the next 36 times will be non-zero. This probability, PA, is equal to:

PA = (37/38)^36 = 0.363

Therefore the expected loss is: Exp_Loss = 0.3829 * 36 * X =13.7844*X

Let us calculate now the expected profit with this strategy assuming that at some point 0 appears within these first 36 times. The expected profit is:

Exp_Proft = ((36*X-X) + (36*X-2*X) + ... + (36*X-35*X) + 0) / 36 = (1+2+...+35)/36*X = 7.7778 * X

So you see that the expected gain is smaller than the expected profit.

And of course the same applies for the next 36 etc. The problem arises from the fact that betting on one number will give you a profit of 36*X but the number of possible events is 38.
luck is a big part of this game.
And so is the truth that one cannot win in the long run.

In the start i played on luck only and have been loosing alot of money.
right now i changed my tacticts and almost only bed on 0 and 00.
I dont do this all the time but only when i see it hasnot come in the full page of last rolls. I know that statistically this is not a way to beat the system, but it seems to be working. i have gone from lots of loss to 15000 gold in the plus.
Thats a gain of 20% of my betting total. i know this is very little as i just started doing it.

This is the most sure way of winning the bets. also never bet on split0,00 as you gain more money by betting half the money on 0 and half on 00. I actually think this is an error in the rules system.

but again playing this way is luck only
as the system cannot be beaten
I do not know how this particular random generator works, but in general people tend to make a big mistake concerning random things.

They asume that if something did not happen for a long time e.g. throwing a 1 with a a common dice, then the probability of throwing a 1 should increase. This is not so.

there is a saying concerning such random probabilities and it goes:

"Dice (or Coins) have no memory"

A dice doesn't know that he hasn't showed a 1 in the last 100 spins (or the contrary that he has rolled 10 times a 1 in a row). The chance of geting a 1 the next time he is spun is still 1/6 it does neither increase or decrease responding to results in the past.

In a common roulett it would be the same, but as I said I don't realy know how this special random generator works.
Ranor is right.

Most probably this random number generator does not work like this.
In this rulette there are patterns in how numbers are drawn, therefore you may significantly increase your odds if you find them and bet properly.
ps. some people say dice have no memory - which may apply to a single throw - but in 100-1000 throws you wll find dice have excellent memory :))
Of course we are talking here about perfect dice. I agree that real world dice are imperfect.

However, if anyone is capable of finding patterns in roulette here, he should move to online casinos and make a real fortune.

put in roulette: 161000000
won in roulette: 157000000
People dont underestimate the evil of roulette
Lost all i had 3 times uzing different techniques,

this time was about 200k consecutive loss without a single win

I didnt miss a single roll that time* and started very small at 100 bets increasing progressively and always on same number (00 since guys like darkdemon1 and hatred were betting max on it since a long time already)
(*1st time i ruined myself, once went to assist hunting someone, the other guy was afking and my favorite number fell only during that time, so today i didnt engage a single fight and missed alot of skill exp, hoping it will make me win. Another time favorite number fell only when my computer crashed etc)

From Yesterday to today , I bet all the day on 00 at all rolls during 8 hours non stop. All other numbers appeared several times but not a single 00
rarely so few 00 before. some ppl say the number generated or generator changed or something what is it about ? no 00 and only 2 '0's today?

well i bet thay will fall now once i am ruined,
but guys its not bad luck i could ahve just bet on 23's or 36s
be carefull with this roulette !
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