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AuthorNecros Talents
And it was tested 2 months on Russian server!!!
well lets see here we necros had a 100% necro skill with castle
elfs had +1 luck with the new talents elfs can get +3 luck
with necro talents necros can get 5% necro skill whats that about???
elfs get a +2 luck from what the castle gave thim
and necros get a -95% thats just wrong.

elfs get more range dmg more speed (like they needed more speed) and more luck
necros get what? more mana and 95% less necro skill
To Rancid.

You forget one thing, to win +3 luck for elfs you need 21 talen point (2 lvls), and to have 5% necromancy you need 50 :S? (3 or 4 lvls)

And, why they can get the favourite enemy and the necros can't do anything. I repeat, they steal the pillar of bones without any reason.

Sorry for my bad english.
For 20

i think HOMM5 necro is the best race. Skeleton archer plus the talent: battle fury(every unit adds 1 damage} gayest move
this is not homm5 :) this is heroes of elves and power:)
1) The main disadvantage of necromants is tiny initiative:
-they have not morale bonuses
-they lost they turn then resurected after die

and no one talent given to compensate this
for knights there is talent then they can save 1 unit - "last breath"
why not for necros?

2) Most of talent wheel is spell casting advantages, BUT why if best resurect can not give real advantage?!... is that for casting magic fist and some kind of curses? Cool
To 23 Deirdre

You get +5 skill points per level, not 10. So to get +3 luck you must be at least level 8.
This was copied a little after HOMM3 not HOMM5 :) I only like HOMM 3 in the heroes series. The new 3D ones are lame.
for Deirdre:
Dont cry. Necros are very powerfull(best after magi) on 7-9 levels.
am Elves are the most powerfull :)

Order of power till 5-8 lvl :)

Elf, necro, knight or dark elves pretty even, wizards or barbarians, demons

This is just my opinion.
I want vampirism for my hero. Banshee and hipnotism.

They deserve to be nerfed
No they derserve to be supernerfed
well..in HOMM3,nerco's strong because of the unlimited skeleton attack..and if u could get cap of the undead king, wow, u can create a lich ocean..in this game, nerco's creature is weaker than the others, because we have resurrect, but someone like to step on the remains and we lost turn after resurrect...do u think it would be better if we have some magic to decrease the other's iniative? or to increase our own?....anyway, i wonder if we have a trainning chamber so, i can train skeleton to lich LOL XD
Necros do not need any of that, they are already superstrong, they can have as much -moral as they want in order to increase luck etc and it doesn't harm them
To lastalliance.

You are a Spammer.

To everybody, necros aren't superstrong. they put animate dead because our faction can't win any other without that... And we lost the turn xD
They are strong, unless you have magic you miss ghosts most of the time, vampires restore life when they damage and when they can raise dead much earlier than the other factions who can and 20 percent loss of health is nothing for that power
Necros seem to be pretty balanced to me. After all, raising can be prevented by stepping on corpses, incorporeal ghosts have ridiculously low hp, fat zombies are slow...
Vampires are a trouble, for me at least, with all that no retaliation and draining, but hey, who am I to complain, being an elf 'n all =)
They are not balenced, to stop them raising dead stacks you have to stand on them, but then either you have a useless unit on the field or is soo weak it gets killed so the necro can raise again, or it raises an almost dead stack, nothing you can do about that, also when they get skelington bomen they can take loads due to necromancy skill which can do a lot of damage, even more than elven bomen
No such thing as a useless unit - they can always attack enemy stacks next to them, and it still takes a turn to kill even one fairy. Pus, after elven bowmen make their move,1/3 of skellobows is dead. More dead then they were, anyway ;)
Necro have no moral, and no luck in perks...
They're dangerous, but definetly not imba.
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