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Statistics of established/liberated taxes of military clans (refresh):Back 
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2018-01-09 19:11#57 #57 "Тридевятое королевство"has intercepted the tax from#41 #41 "Долина Магов"Tiger Lake-E1#16 Crystal cavern#2517 #2517(log)
2018-01-09 19:11#2517 #2517 "The Dedicated Fighters"has lost an attack#41 #41 "Долина Магов"Harbour City-E2#252 Sawmill#361 #361(log)
2018-01-09 19:03#2517 #2517 "The Dedicated Fighters"has intercepted the tax from#41 #41 "Долина Магов"Harbour City-W4#336 Mithril armor factory#823 #823(log)
2018-01-09 16:08#302 #302 "Орден Единых"has taxed#997 #997 "Бастион Доблести"Lizard Lowland-N3#83 Leather helmet plant#997 #997(log)
2018-01-09 16:03#41 #41 "Долина Магов"has taxed#997 #997 "Бастион Доблести"Lizard Lowland-N2#56 Ore pit#997 #997(log)
2018-01-09 16:02#5063 #5063 "Midgard"has taxed#997 #997 "Бастион Доблести"Lizard Lowland-W3#326 Gem mine#997 #997(log)
2018-01-08 22:53#5063 #5063 "Midgard"has lost an attack#2517 #2517 "The Dedicated Fighters"Tiger Lake-E4#239 Ore pit#2517 #2517(log)
2018-01-08 22:50#433 #433 "Сарматы"has lost a liberation attack#2517 #2517 "The Dedicated Fighters"Lizard Lowland-E2#63 Ring of faith#433 #433(log)
2018-01-08 22:48#41 #41 "Долина Магов"has lost an attack#2517 #2517 "The Dedicated Fighters"Rogues' Wood-N1#22 Magic factory#346 #346(log)
2018-01-08 22:46#41 #41 "Долина Магов"has lost an attack#2517 #2517 "The Dedicated Fighters"Lizard Lowland-N4#59 Sulphur dune#2517 #2517(log)
2018-01-08 22:46#302 #302 "Орден Единых"has intercepted the tax from#2517 #2517 "The Dedicated Fighters"Ungovernable Steppe-N4#366 Maskrobe manufactory#7490 #7490(log)
2018-01-08 22:44#302 #302 "Орден Единых"has taxed#2517 #2517 "The Dedicated Fighters"Rogues' Wood-S2#19 Sulphur dune#2517 #2517(log)
2018-01-08 22:44#41 #41 "Долина Магов"has taxed#2517 #2517 "The Dedicated Fighters"Tiger Lake-E1#16 Crystal cavern#2517 #2517(log)
2018-01-08 22:43#5063 #5063 "Midgard"has taxed#2517 #2517 "The Dedicated Fighters"Tiger Lake-E2#39 Blacksmith of retribution#2517 #2517(log)
2018-01-08 22:43#302 #302 "Орден Единых"has intercepted the tax from#2517 #2517 "The Dedicated Fighters"Green Wood-E3#70 Ring of hope#2301 #2301(log)
2018-01-08 22:43#41 #41 "Долина Магов"has intercepted the tax from#2517 #2517 "The Dedicated Fighters"Kingdom Castle-E1#205 Gladius of presage#8160 #8160(log)
2018-01-08 22:42#5063 #5063 "Midgard"has liberated itself from tax#2517 #2517 "The Dedicated Fighters"Rogues' Wood-S4#20 Ore pit#5063 #5063(log)
2018-01-08 22:38#41 #41 "Долина Магов"has lost an attack#2517 #2517 "The Dedicated Fighters"Peaceful Camp-N4#262 Ore pit#2517 #2517(log)
2018-01-08 21:10#433 #433 "Сарматы"has lost an attack#18 #18 "†Орден Миротворцев†"Ungovernable Steppe-N3#365 Obsidian occurrence#823 #823(log)
2018-01-08 21:06#433 #433 "Сарматы"has lost an attack#18 #18 "†Орден Миротворцев†"Dragons' Caves-N2#169 Obsidian occurrence#1209 #1209(log)
2018-01-08 21:05#302 #302 "Орден Единых"has lost a liberation attack#18 #18 "†Орден Миротворцев†"Eagle Nest-W1#349 Foundry#302 #302(log)
2018-01-08 21:03#41 #41 "Долина Магов"has lost an attack#18 #18 "†Орден Миротворцев†"Titans' Valley-E1#207 Ring of fiery gaze#3695 #3695(log)
2018-01-08 20:55#41 #41 "Долина Магов"has intercepted the tax from#18 #18 "†Орден Миротворцев†"Great Wall-N2#179 Sawmill#407 #407(log)
2018-01-08 20:55#302 #302 "Орден Единых"has intercepted the tax from#18 #18 "†Орден Миротворцев†"Crystal Garden-S3#391 Nightwatch works#407 #407(log)
2018-01-08 20:54#41 #41 "Долина Магов"has liberated itself from tax#18 #18 "†Орден Миротворцев†"Magma Mines-E3#145 Dragongrin charm#41 #41(log)
2018-01-08 20:52#5063 #5063 "Midgard"has intercepted the tax from#18 #18 "†Орден Миротворцев†"Lizard Lowland-N1#57 Blacksmith of harmony#997 #997(log)
2018-01-08 20:52#41 #41 "Долина Магов"has intercepted the tax from#18 #18 "†Орден Миротворцев†"Sublime Arbor-S2#423 Soldier boots works#997 #997(log)
2018-01-08 20:51#433 #433 "Сарматы"has intercepted the tax from#18 #18 "†Орден Миротворцев†"Eagle Nest-N3#119 Workshop of bravery#5385 #5385(log)
2018-01-08 20:50#302 #302 "Орден Единых"has intercepted the tax from#18 #18 "†Орден Миротворцев†"Rogues' Wood-S1#21 Nickel works#997 #997(log)
2018-01-08 19:07#302 #302 "Орден Единых"has taxed#2303 #2303 "III legion of Elfius"Dragons' Caves-W4#330 Sawmill#2303 #2303(log)
2018-01-08 19:01#302 #302 "Орден Единых"has taxed#2303 #2303 "III legion of Elfius"Green Wood-S3#71 Amulet of luck factory#2303 #2303(log)
2018-01-08 19:00#302 #302 "Орден Единых"has taxed#2303 #2303 "III legion of Elfius"Harbour City-E4#131 Gem mine#2303 #2303(log)
2018-01-08 16:07#2303 #2303 "III legion of Elfius"has taxed#2302 #2302 "II legion of Elfius"The Wilderness-E3#401 Dragonscale works#2302 #2302(log)
2018-01-07 22:52#5063 #5063 "Midgard"has lost an attack#1209 #1209 "Any Key"Lizard Lowland-S3#61 Jewellery of abdication#823 #823(log)
2018-01-07 22:50#41 #41 "Долина Магов"has intercepted the tax from#1209 #1209 "Any Key"East River-S2#89 Blacksmith of retribution#1535 #1535(log)
2018-01-07 22:49#41 #41 "Долина Магов"has lost an attack#1209 #1209 "Any Key"Harbour City-W3#161 Mithril boots factory#823 #823(log)
2018-01-07 22:49#41 #41 "Долина Магов"has lost an attack#1209 #1209 "Any Key"Sublime Arbor-S4#425 Ruby helmet factory#8502 #8502(log)
2018-01-07 22:43#41 #41 "Долина Магов"has intercepted the tax from#1209 #1209 "Any Key"Lizard Lowland-E1#64 Magic factory#361 #361(log)
2018-01-07 22:42#302 #302 "Орден Единых"has intercepted the tax from#1209 #1209 "Any Key"Sunny City-W4#220 Lab#3695 #3695(log)
2018-01-07 22:42#302 #302 "Орден Единых"has liberated itself from tax#1209 #1209 "Any Key"Eagle Nest-W2#286 Sawmill#302 #302(log)


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