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100,573  236910715
  Write a messageCharacter went offline at 11:25, 2013-01-11  
 » Combat level: 8 (452,800) +407,200

 » Troops ready: 100%
 » Mana: 10 / 10
 » Location: Empire Capital

Transfer log [>>]  
Combat log [>>]  
Game log [>>]  
  Roulette bets total: 710,082
  Roulette winnings total: 679,350
  Combats fought: 1,028
  Victories: 848
  Defeats: 180
  Games played: 8
  Victories: 3  
  Defeats: 5  

     #7381 Dragon Alliance
     #7612 Order of the Sword

  Abrasive: 7
  Fire crystal: 4
  Ice crystal: 2
  Meteorite shard: 12
  Toadstool: 14
  Viper venom: 2
  Windflower: 4
  Witch bloom: 11
  Knight: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Necromancer: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Wizard: 1 (36.79) +13.2
  Elf: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Barbarian: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Dark elf: 5 (469.69) +30.3
  Demon: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Dwarf: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Tribal: 0 (0.00) +20.0
  Pharaoh: 0 (0.00) +20.0

  Hunters' guild: 4 (446.88) +253.1
  Laborers' guild: 4 (865) +635
  Gamblers' guild: 0 (3) +7
  Thieves' guild: 0 (0)
  Rangers' guild: 0 (0)
  Mercenaries' guild: 2 (209) +91
  Commanders' guild: 0 (0.00)
  Watchers' guild: 0 (0.0)
  Adventurers' guild: 0 (0) +1600
  Leaders' Guild: 0 (0) +80.0
  Smiths' guild: 0 (0.00) +30.0
  Enchanters' guild: 0 (0) +104 (+)
Basic leadershipRally
Personal info
I have a party of best and trusted friend,such as Huipathui3, TheEvilTemplar, Hell_boy2, and so on....

Happy are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting.So let us become a happy person together....:D

You are all welcome to use this link to register, i will be very glad for that http://www.lordswm.com/?rid=200391

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Dark Elves
Their origin and history are mostly still a mystery; it is only well known that the separation of dark elves from the main elvish race stem occurred a long time ago. After joining the Darkness, dark elves settled down in the subterranean world, huge system of caves, grottos, passages and tunnels of both natural and artificial origin, stretched under all of the Empire's lands. Their fighters' favorite tactics is hit-and-run attack by small but strong groups with the support of the most skillful magicians. The model of dark elves’ society can be described as “war of everyone against everyone”, so such qualities as self-confidence and love for intrigues are inherent in players of this faction.

Arrogant, naturally sly and unprincipled, dark elves are gradually capturing the subterranean world, however,more and more power gained, their looks often turn to the surface in search of dominion…
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