DrunkVision [10] | |
| | | | Write a message | Character went offline at 18:44, 2016-08-16 | | » Combat level: 10 (1,829,009) +1,170,991
» Troops ready: 100% » Mana: 0 / 0 » Location: Mithril Coast
| Statistics | Transfer log [>>] Combat log [>>] Game log [>>] | Roulette bets total: 0 Roulette winnings total: 0
Combats fought: | 1,858 | Victories: | 1,518 | Defeats: | 340 |
| Games played: | 56 | | Victories: | 21 | | | Defeats: | 35 | | | 43,000 |
Resources | Skills | Talents | Abrasive: 7
Fern flower: 11
Fire crystal: 3
Ice crystal: 2
Meteorite shard: 4
Tiger`s claw: 1
Toadstool: 3
Viper venom: 6
Witch bloom: 3
| Knight: 6 (815.43) +84.6 Necromancer: 0 (1.00) +19.0 Wizard: 0 (6.86) +13.1 Elf: 6 (711.32) +188.7 Barbarian: 1 (34.24) +15.8 Dark elf: 0 (1.00) +19.0 Demon: 3 (94.40) +65.6 Dwarf: 0 (0.25) +19.8 Tribal: 4 (244.58) +35.4 Pharaoh: 0 (0.00) +20.0
Hunters' guild: 4 (543.81) +156.2 Laborers' guild: 8 (8797) +3203 Gamblers' guild: 1 (21) +9 Thieves' guild: 0 (0) Rangers' guild: 0 (0) Mercenaries' guild: 1 (59) +61 Commanders' guild: 0 (0.00) +150.0 Watchers' guild: 0 (0.0) Adventurers' guild: 0 (0) +1600 Leaders' Guild: 0 (0) +80.0 Smiths' guild: 2 (89.33) +75.7 Enchanters' guild: 0 (27) +77 ( +) | |
Personal info | This is an additional character of Смутновзор http://www.heroeswm.ru/pl_info.php?id=185173
Thief crossbow for rent-800 gold per fight.
Result of the first half of the war with undeads: 26 won battles
Магелланус [8] - tried to blacmail me, without any sufficient reason.
Finally, the answer to my ultimate question is found. The purpose of my life is to seek fear and stare to the bottom of it's abyss. I'm the man who loves adrenalin rush (not the drink) and gains more power from it.