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Summary of subdistricts lost/captured by military clans (refresh):Back 

2024-10-14 21:02: Control over The Wilderness-S3 with #405 Boots of dawn was lost by clan #4538 #4538 Изумрудные воины. (Summary #12385)
2024-10-14 20:12: Control over Portal Ruins-E4 with #228 Sawmill was lost by clan #7490 #7490 Rising Phoenix. (Summary #5063)
2024-10-14 20:00: #728 #728 Улей has seized control over Kingdom Castle-E1 with facility #205 Gladius of presage. (Summary)
2024-10-14 20:00: #10721 #10721 Fire Kingdom has seized control over Tiger Lake-W3 with facility #14 Leather armour plant. (Summary)
2024-10-14 18:28: Control over Wolf Dale-W3 with #324 Ring of hope was lost by clan #5041 #5041 Орион. (Summary #5063)
2024-10-14 17:51: Control over Shining Spring-N3 with #112 Ring of hope was lost by clan #5063 #5063 Midgard. (Summary #1209)
2024-10-14 17:21: Control over Eagle Nest-N2 with #94 Sulphur dune was lost by clan #1790 #1790 Орден "Клинок теней".. (Summary #8433)
2024-10-14 13:31: Control over Kingdom Castle-E1 with #205 Gladius of presage was lost by clan #57 #57 Тридевятое королевство. (Summary #1597)
2024-10-14 13:25: Control over Tiger Lake-W3 with #14 Leather armour plant was lost by clan #14 #14 Братство Стали. (Summary #57)
2024-10-14 03:00: #4538 #4538 Изумрудные воины has seized control over East River-W2 with facility #321 Leather jackboots. (Summary)
2024-10-14 03:00: #14 #14 Братство Стали has seized control over Tiger Lake-W3 with facility #14 Leather armour plant. (Summary)
2024-10-14 02:00: #1787 #1787 Scorpion has seized control over Bear Mountain-S3 with facility #148 Obsidian armour plant. (Summary)
2024-10-14 01:00: #728 #728 Улей has seized control over Kingdom Castle-N4 with facility #184 Lab. (Summary)
2024-10-14 00:00: #11576 #11576 Украина. Огнем и Мечом has seized control over Lizard Lowland-E4 with facility #263 Amulet of zeal. (Summary)
2024-10-13 23:00: #4538 #4538 Изумрудные воины has seized control over The Wilderness-S1 with facility #403 Ring of hope. (Summary)
2024-10-13 22:00: #4538 #4538 Изумрудные воины has seized control over The Wilderness-S3 with facility #405 Boots of dawn. (Summary)
2024-10-13 22:00: #10399 #10399 Ни шагу назад! has seized control over Eagle Nest-S2 with facility #227 Sawmill. (Summary)
2024-10-13 22:00: #1787 #1787 Scorpion has seized control over Sunny City-E3 with facility #103 Mithril armor factory. (Summary)
2024-10-13 20:51: Control over East River-W2 with #321 Leather jackboots was lost by clan #846 #846 IV legion of Elfius: Инквизиция. (Summary #326)
2024-10-13 20:32: Control over Tiger Lake-W3 with #14 Leather armour plant was lost by clan #3346 #3346 Радуга. (Summary #8433)
2024-10-13 19:51: Control over Bear Mountain-S3 with #148 Obsidian armour plant was lost by clan #933 #933 Warriors. (Summary #1787)
2024-10-13 19:00: #4538 #4538 Изумрудные воины has seized control over The Wilderness-S2 with facility #404 Blacksmith of harmony. (Summary)
2024-10-13 18:32: Control over Kingdom Castle-N4 with #184 Lab was lost by clan #3346 #3346 Радуга. (Summary #8433)
2024-10-13 17:10: Control over Lizard Lowland-E4 with #263 Amulet of zeal was lost by clan #10982 #10982 Усадьба. (Summary)
2024-10-13 16:43: Control over The Wilderness-S1 with #403 Ring of hope was lost by clan #12385 #12385 Loyal Squad. (Summary #302)
2024-10-13 15:42: Control over The Wilderness-S3 with #405 Boots of dawn was lost by clan #12385 #12385 Loyal Squad. (Summary #302)
2024-10-13 15:32: Control over Eagle Nest-S2 with #227 Sawmill was lost by clan #8433 #8433 _Чудная Долина_. (Summary #57)
2024-10-13 15:21: Control over Sunny City-E3 with #103 Mithril armor factory was lost by clan #933 #933 Warriors. (Summary #1787)
2024-10-13 03:00: #11576 #11576 Украина. Огнем и Мечом has seized control over Fishing Village-N2 with facility #166 Leather harness plant. (Summary)
2024-10-13 02:00: #728 #728 Улей has seized control over Wolf Dale-N1 with facility #46 Obsidian boots plant. (Summary)
2024-10-13 01:00: #3346 #3346 Радуга has seized control over Tiger Lake-W2 with facility #322 Workshop of fortune. (Summary)
2024-10-13 00:00: #1790 #1790 Орден "Клинок теней". has seized control over Eagle Nest-N2 with facility #94 Sulphur dune. (Summary)
2024-10-12 23:00: #57 #57 Тридевятое королевство has seized control over Kingdom Castle-E2 with facility #185 Smeltery. (Summary)
2024-10-12 23:00: #4538 #4538 Изумрудные воины has seized control over Fishing Village-S3 with facility #174 Smeltery. (Summary)
2024-10-12 22:00: #15 #15 Destiny has seized control over Fishing Village-E3 with facility #198 Flame plate plant. (Summary)
2024-10-12 21:00: #4538 #4538 Изумрудные воины has seized control over Wolf Dale-S3 with facility #45 Ring of hope. (Summary)
2024-10-12 20:02: Control over Fishing Village-N2 with #166 Leather harness plant was lost by clan #12045 #12045 Тёмная Империя. (Summary)
2024-10-12 19:54: Control over Wolf Dale-N1 with #46 Obsidian boots plant was lost by clan #57 #57 Тридевятое королевство. (Summary #1597)
2024-10-12 18:05: Control over Tiger Lake-W2 with #322 Workshop of fortune was lost by clan #10721 #10721 Fire Kingdom. (Summary #57,#3346)
2024-10-12 17:41: Control over Eagle Nest-N2 with #94 Sulphur dune was lost by clan #10592 #10592 Холодная Сталь. (Summary #407)


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