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Summary of subdistricts lost/captured by military clans (refresh):Back 

2021-07-30 05:00: #5169 #5169 Белые волки has seized control over Shining Spring-E1 with facility #113 Cuirass of dawn. (Summary)
2021-07-30 05:00: #3305 #3305 Украина. Величие Запада has seized control over Fishing Village-S2 with facility #256 Flame boots plant. (Summary)
2021-07-30 05:00: #823 #823 Ginger Tail has seized control over East River-S4 with facility #300 Sawmill. (Summary)
2021-07-30 04:00: #3305 #3305 Украина. Величие Запада has seized control over Fishing Village-S1 with facility #197 Dragonlords Legacy jewellery. (Summary)
2021-07-30 02:00: #2870 #2870 Тайное Королевство has seized control over Eagle Nest-S4 with facility #307 Mithril ring. (Summary)
2021-07-30 01:00: #5169 #5169 Белые волки has seized control over Eagle Nest-S1 with facility #328 Lab. (Summary)
2021-07-30 00:00: #302 #302 Ось Зла has seized control over Fishing Village-S3 with facility #174 Smeltery. (Summary)
2021-07-29 23:00: #346 #346 Свои has seized control over Rogues' Wood-N1 with facility #22 Magic factory. (Summary)
2021-07-29 22:55: Control over East River-S3 with #25 Farm was lost by clan #1597 #1597 Гвардия Солнца. (Summary #302)
2021-07-29 22:45: Control over Shining Spring-E1 with #113 Cuirass of dawn was lost by clan #9426 #9426 Орден Рыцарей - меченосцев. (Summary #1209)
2021-07-29 22:21: Control over Fishing Village-S2 with #256 Flame boots plant was lost by clan #5169 #5169 Белые волки. (Summary #1209)
2021-07-29 22:13: Control over East River-S4 with #300 Sawmill was lost by clan #1597 #1597 Гвардия Солнца. (Summary #302)
2021-07-29 21:37: Control over Fishing Village-S1 with #197 Dragonlords Legacy jewellery was lost by clan #5169 #5169 Белые волки. (Summary #1209)
2021-07-29 21:00: #302 #302 Ось Зла has seized control over Tiger Lake-E4 with facility #239 Ore pit. (Summary)
2021-07-29 19:38: Control over Eagle Nest-S4 with #307 Mithril ring was lost by clan #5169 #5169 Белые волки. (Summary #928,#1209)
2021-07-29 18:24: Control over Eagle Nest-S1 with #328 Lab was lost by clan #9426 #9426 Орден Рыцарей - меченосцев. (Summary #1209)
2021-07-29 17:35: Control over Fishing Village-S3 with #174 Smeltery was lost by clan #9426 #9426 Орден Рыцарей - меченосцев. (Summary #1209)
2021-07-29 16:33: Control over Rogues' Wood-N1 with #22 Magic factory was lost by clan #9426 #9426 Орден Рыцарей - меченосцев. (Summary #1209)
2021-07-29 14:48: Control over Tiger Lake-E4 with #239 Ore pit was lost by clan #5625 #5625 Брестская Крепость. (Summary #1519)
2021-07-29 05:00: #9426 #9426 Орден Рыцарей - меченосцев has seized control over Sunny City-E4 with facility #115 Boots of dawn. (Summary)
2021-07-29 05:00: #9426 #9426 Орден Рыцарей - меченосцев has seized control over Fishing Village-S3 with facility #174 Smeltery. (Summary)
2021-07-29 04:00: #2939 #2939 Стая has seized control over Sunny City-S2 with facility #104 Sulphur dune. (Summary)
2021-07-29 01:00: #9426 #9426 Орден Рыцарей - меченосцев has seized control over Ungovernable Steppe-W4 with facility #380 Obsidian shield factory. (Summary)
2021-07-29 00:00: #2870 #2870 Тайное Королевство has seized control over Sunny City-E1 with facility #107 Flame helmet plant. (Summary)
2021-07-29 00:00: #3305 #3305 Украина. Величие Запада has seized control over Rogues' Wood-N3 with facility #30 Steel blade blacksmith. (Summary)
2021-07-28 23:00: #302 #302 Ось Зла has seized control over East River-S2 with facility #89 Blacksmith of retribution. (Summary)
2021-07-28 22:58: Control over Sunny City-E4 with #115 Boots of dawn was lost by clan #10932 #10932 Гномы севера .. (Summary #1519)
2021-07-28 22:05: Control over Fishing Village-S3 with #174 Smeltery was lost by clan #3305 #3305 Украина. Величие Запада. (Summary #1597)
2021-07-28 22:00: #5625 #5625 Брестская Крепость has seized control over Tiger Lake-E1 with facility #16 Crystal cavern. (Summary)
2021-07-28 22:00: #10624 #10624 La Femme Fatale has seized control over Harbour City-E4 with facility #131 Gem mine. (Summary)
2021-07-28 21:35: Control over Sunny City-S2 with #104 Sulphur dune was lost by clan #2870 #2870 Тайное Королевство. (Summary #1209)
2021-07-28 20:00: #9426 #9426 Орден Рыцарей - меченосцев has seized control over Shining Spring-E1 with facility #113 Cuirass of dawn. (Summary)
2021-07-28 18:43: Control over Ungovernable Steppe-W4 with #380 Obsidian shield factory was lost by clan #302 #302 Ось Зла. (Summary #1519)
2021-07-28 17:33: Control over Sunny City-E1 with #107 Flame helmet plant was lost by clan #302 #302 Ось Зла. (Summary #1519)
2021-07-28 17:25: Control over Rogues' Wood-N3 with #30 Steel blade blacksmith was lost by clan #2870 #2870 Тайное Королевство. (Summary #1209)
2021-07-28 16:04: Control over East River-S2 with #89 Blacksmith of retribution was lost by clan #1519 #1519 Украина. (Summary #1209)
2021-07-28 15:55: Control over Tiger Lake-E1 with #16 Crystal cavern was lost by clan #2870 #2870 Тайное Королевство. (Summary #1209)
2021-07-28 15:40: Control over Harbour City-E4 with #131 Gem mine was lost by clan #464 #464 Белая Гвардия. (Summary)
2021-07-28 13:42: Control over Shining Spring-E1 with #113 Cuirass of dawn was lost by clan #2870 #2870 Тайное Королевство. (Summary #1209)
2021-07-28 06:00: #5169 #5169 Белые волки has seized control over Fishing Village-S2 with facility #256 Flame boots plant. (Summary)


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