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Chests of abundance


   2018-09-06 11:32:16:  Великий_маг777 [13] has discovered Demonic soldier axe [100/100]

   2018-09-06 11:13:20:  ЛеДи-Ди [16] has discovered Mage instructor mantle [100/100]

   2018-09-06 08:58:51:  suchiipotrox [17] has discovered Mage disciple staff [100/100]

   2018-09-05 20:34:30:  MoonKnight [11] has discovered Apprentice necromancer amulet [100/100]

   2018-09-03 09:51:26:  -Буки- [17] has discovered Dwarf craftsman targe [100/100]

   2018-09-02 18:03:27:  Unforgiven86 [13] has discovered Mage instructor crown [100/100]

   2018-09-01 18:32:36:  джекси61 [14] has discovered Templar crest [100/100]

   2018-09-01 04:05:18:  Razord [9] has discovered Mage instructor overshoes [100/100]

   2018-08-30 00:02:44:  арахнаида [15] has discovered Dwarf craftsman armour [100/100]

   2018-08-28 21:41:16:  Shiningstarr [14] has discovered Servant of Darkness pendant [100/100]

   2018-08-28 11:46:32:  Князь_Ярема [21] has discovered Elven scout bow [100/100]

   2018-08-24 16:14:27:  111джон111 [19] has discovered Druid charm [100/100]

   2018-08-22 18:55:42:  Klingg [19] has discovered Apprentice necromancer cape [100/100]

   2018-08-22 18:51:11:  Barada4 [15] has discovered Amphibian spellscroll [100/100]

   2018-08-21 12:18:55:  Free your Mind [18] has discovered Paladin crossbow [100/100]

   2018-08-20 20:02:32:  осколец [17] has discovered Dwarf craftsman targe [100/100]

   2018-08-20 03:06:57:  Демон_Гена [19] has discovered Elven scout bow [100/100]

   2018-08-19 21:48:39:  vorcher [15] has discovered Tribal hauberk [100/100]

   2018-08-19 05:28:57:  Sakhalinec [20] has discovered Amphibian greatstaff [100/100]

   2018-08-18 22:55:27:  rus863 [16] has discovered Servant of Darkness crown [100/100]

   2018-08-18 21:38:00:  Электрик_Дэн 1 [14] has discovered Demonic soldier shin-plates [100/100]

   2018-08-18 13:14:07:  мотро-96 [6] has discovered Inquisitor boots [100/100]

   2018-08-17 19:43:17:  Неживой [16] has discovered Warrior elf helmet [100/100]

   2018-08-16 22:36:05:  Расиянин [18] has discovered Amphibian greaves [100/100]

   2018-08-15 10:06:54:  iviza2303 [14] has discovered Servant of Darkness pendant [100/100]

   2018-08-13 17:36:55:  Sarnydeath [19] has discovered Mage disciple hat [100/100]

   2018-08-08 14:16:03:  осколец [17] has discovered Inquisitor boots [100/100]

   2018-08-04 08:55:36:  Zoldat80 [17] has discovered Elven scout amulet [100/100]

   2018-08-03 23:53:51:  KuuL [9] has discovered Paladin sword [100/100]

   2018-08-03 22:32:16:  4e4eH [9] has discovered Dwarf warrior armour [100/100]


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