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Topic Date
Author Last message
Warriors' Guild Monster Bash Tournament!10.01, 14:0118#7365Lord Kotrin11.05, 06:37, by Lady Takesister
First Battle of the Clans Tournament09.21, 20:09275#1597Modi10.19, 06:51, by Lord younkuy
Battle of the Clans Tournament Scoring09.29, 00:4128#1597Modi10.15, 00:22, by CGSMCMLXXV
First Steel Dragons Card Tournament08.27, 08:1363#7227Lord Vonemar09.29, 09:47, by Aramyl
Starting a new tournament09.18, 09:2420Dragondbz109.20, 02:40, by Lady Takesister
#145 Warriors' Guild Drunken Horse Tournament!08.18, 08:5026#7365Lord Kotrin09.01, 12:37, by #7365Lord Kotrin
Clan #310 Card Tournament. - Approved.07.21, 09:3623#4201Lord Dizbe08.16, 05:30, by #4201Lord Dizbe
Wolves Horde Tournament07.27, 08:0810Lord Tsedar08.01, 17:08, by Lord Tsedar
tournament07.31, 17:205aivax08.01, 09:48, by Houl
tournament07.19, 18:193kingoflordswm07.19, 23:58, by Zyanya
lvl3 dark elf06.01, 10:093Cool_Dragon06.27, 19:49, by Lord Darkwelt
Tournament points for barbarians lvl705.25, 13:465Folkin06.25, 11:33, by randleff2
5 lvl Necro05.25, 14:5213Lord Zeechet06.18, 01:07, by PantherFan12
Second minor and blindfold tournaments06.02, 04:267Goku_3006.17, 05:35, by #4201Shebali
dark elf level 805.26, 07:1722Lord Someon306.13, 09:40, by XxstanleyXx
Prices06.03, 06:0716Lady Kiaune06.12, 03:24, by grumsh
tournament06.05, 21:302munlax06.05, 22:25, by Lord Pentagon
Level 13 + Wave list so far05.25, 12:2033#7181Lord MasterTI06.05, 14:30, by #7181Lord marked_one
Level 6 - Wizard05.25, 14:2033Lord TheGunmaster06.05, 11:12, by lilkeg123
5 lvl dark elfs05.26, 10:3119Dager06.03, 03:24, by SinOfDusk
7 level - Second Survival Tournament-attacks05.25, 12:3988ya_geroy06.02, 22:01, by Mario8119
Survival 2, Level 9, All factions!05.25, 20:1625#7382Korzika06.02, 17:44, by #7279MoxSapphire
Survival tournament 2 much harder than 106.01, 18:0519Lord Halvspak06.02, 14:44, by DonSure
Unfair side of tournament06.01, 14:4128Lord vato4geo06.01, 18:24, by #4201Shebali
Tournament Lvl805.25, 12:3487Lord Almer06.01, 17:03, by blazingarpit
2 ST, 5 lvl05.25, 13:2157Lord cedy06.01, 14:23, by billatoras
3 level - Second Survival Tournament05.25, 14:3859Radarsat06.01, 13:13, by Radarsat
Second Survival Tournament Results06.01, 12:118Lord REWesker06.01, 12:59, by Lord REWesker
level 6 tournament why level 9 can join06.01, 12:264cilepra06.01, 12:42, by Lord Ciran
level 1205.25, 21:2723Maia06.01, 12:27, by Maia

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