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Smiths and Enchanters services


Topic Date
Author Last message
[Weaponsmith][2*7%][Paying back 500 gold for each element]05.03, 21:152SonMike05.04, 05:16, by SonMike
[Weaponsmith][2*6%][Paying back 500 gold for each element]03.26, 21:41138SonMike05.03, 14:52, by SonMike
[Repair] [60% efficiency] [50% cost]03.16, 23:59122Lord Hallion9105.03, 13:30, by Lord Hallion91
[Repair] [50% efficiency] [35% cost]04.27, 22:2812Lord Revengero_O05.02, 09:04, by Lord Revengero_O
Repair art [20%][10% costs]05.01, 12:231#387Lord Urodec05.01, 12:23, by #387Lord Urodec
[Weaponsmith][3x7][Elements only]03.31, 07:4738#3975bolnoi-na05.01, 06:29, by #3975bolnoi-na
[Armorer][3x10][400 per element or less elements]04.30, 12:362Lord Almer04.30, 20:41, by Lord Almer
[Repair][90%][110% costs]04.26, 12:463#7153limustudotcom04.29, 06:44, by #7153kwan_waris3
Repairer Wanted04.28, 04:391Lord Ravensclaw04.28, 04:39, by Lord Ravensclaw
[Repair] [40% efficiency] [25% cost]04.26, 12:503Lord Revengero_O04.26, 23:49, by Lord Revengero_O
[Repair][70%][65% costs]04.22, 19:013Lord PimpMyRide04.26, 04:45, by Dionysus
[Jewelcrafter][2x10] 1 pair of elements compensation04.24, 15:522Lord axiz_axe04.25, 14:24, by Lord axiz_axe
[Armorer][5x10][Elements only]03.10, 17:2277#7490Lord STBs04.23, 09:41, by #4201Lord Robai
[Repair][40%][Free]04.22, 18:415Lord Pumba70704.23, 03:58, by Lord Pumba707
[Repair][90%][Free]04.22, 18:391Lord Pumba70704.22, 18:39, by Lord Pumba707
[Weaponsmith][4x10][Elements only]03.25, 16:3138Sophie_Marceau04.21, 21:58, by Lady Nastya1986
[Crafter][only for your elements]04.16, 20:071Lord Necrolive04.16, 20:07, by Lord Necrolive
[Weaponsmith][4x11][Elements only]02.03, 04:4072Lord leha504.16, 05:18, by Lord leha5
[Armorer][4x10][Element only]01.14, 04:38118#7153kwan_waris304.13, 07:42, by Dionysus
[Weaponsmith][4x10][Pay back 450 gold per element]12.04, 08:37149Dionysus04.12, 05:43, by #7153kwan_waris3
[repair][90%][105% cost]02.07, 01:1268Dionysus04.12, 05:40, by #7153kwan_waris3
[Repair][60%][50% costs]02.25, 02:0254#7153Flour04.12, 05:39, by #7153kwan_waris3
[Repair][90%][110% costs]09.19, 05:03233#7153limustudotcom04.12, 04:40, by Dionysus
[Jewelcrafter][4x20%][Elements only]02.22, 01:2835Brilliant04.07, 06:20, by Dionysus
[Weaponsmith][4x10][Elements Only]02.28, 21:1725Asmodin03.31, 20:38, by Asmodin
need repairing practice?03.31, 18:341JadesyBabesy03.31, 18:34, by JadesyBabesy
[Armorer][3x10][400 back or less elements]03.27, 14:212Lord Almer03.28, 11:18, by Lord Almer
[Repair][60%][40% costs]02.28, 10:3929GukakKluelezz03.27, 06:27, by #7153kwan_waris3
[Repair][90%][105% costs]02.28, 14:0728#7490Lord AzagToth03.26, 03:33, by #7490Lord AzagToth
[Armorer][3x10][400 back or less elements]03.20, 18:163Lord Almer03.24, 13:04, by Lord Almer

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